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Montreal, January 2nd, 2012


Lorena Barberia Departamento de Cincia Poltica Universidade de So Paulo

Object: Software license for IPSA Summer School in Methods

You contacted us last month to get information about the purchase of a laboratory version of our software WordStat for the IPSA Summer School in methods. As I mentioned in my response, we would be willing to offer you for free, a time-limited license for WordStat and for its two base modules, Simstat and QDA Miner. I will be sending you today a special license file that will allow you to install and run the software on those computers up until March 15. Since it is a time limited version, we also give you the right to let other interested users in your university or other participants at the summer school use the software for free with the provided license. Let me know if you need further information, Best regards,

Normand Pladeau, Ph.D. President and CEO Provalis Research

2997 Cedar avenue, Montral, H3Y 1Y8 (QC) CANADA Phone: (514) 899-1672 Fax: (514) 899-1750

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