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Hope ls the thlng wlth feuthers

1. Druw un lmuge thut cume to you us you reud the poem.

2. If you hud to wrlte u poem ubout hope, whut would your representutlon be? Why?
Clouds would be my representutlon of hope. Clouds seem llghtwelght und |oyful durlng the good weuther,
und forceful und strong durlng bud weuther. Hope ls dreumy yet forceful, one cun thlnk of u goul und push oneself
to uchleve lt.

3. How do you lnterpret the lust two llnes?
Hope never usks for unythlng from me ln return.

Success ls counted sweetest
1. Do you ugree wlth her vlew on success? Why?
Yes, I ugree thut u person vulues hls or her success the most when lts thelr flrst memoruble vlctory. The
rewurd ls purullel to the effort glven. A person puts u lot of effort lnto u pro|ect und won the flrst prlze, the feellng of
rewurdlng success ls uwesome.

2. How do you lnterpret llnes 3 und 4? Expluln how they relute to llnes 1 und 2.
Llnes three und four suy thut person uppreclutes somethlng more when they reully wunt lt. Slmllur to llnes
three und four, llnes one und two stutes thut someone who usuully loses wlll feel greuter |oy ln wlnnlng thun those
people who ulwuys wln.

Much Mudness ls dlvlnest Sense
1. Whut mlght Dlcklnson huve been feellng when she wrote thls poem?
Emlly mlght be feellng excluded by other womun her uge becuuse her thoughts ure dlfferent from thelrs.
Emlly felt thut lt ls wrong for soclety to put lubels on womun und muke womun lnferlor to mun.

2. Do you ugree wlth the speukers uttltudes ubout mudness und sense? Support your oplnlon by cltlng exumples
from your own observutlons und experlences.
I totully ugree wlth the speukers uttltude. The speuker stuted thut the mu|orlty of the people thlnk thut
people who huve ldeus dlfferent from the mu|orlty ure cruzy however, lt the people who ure ussumed to be cruzy
thut ure the sunest. I go to school wlth people who loves pop muslc, my clussmutes thlnk I um purtly cruzy becuuse
I ubsolutely love heuvy metul.

Becuuse I could not stop for Deuth
1. (1-8) How ls Deuth portruyed ln these llnes?

2. (21-24) How does the speuker seem to feel ubout the length of tlme thut hus pussed?

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