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TOOLS FOR SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF THE RESPONDENT NAME: (optional) __________________________________________ AGE: (Please choose) 25 years old and less 26-34 years old 35-44 years old 45 and above SEX/GENDER Male Female CIVIL STATUS Single Married Widow Other, please specify POSITION/ PROFESSIONAL STATUS Staff Midwife Staff Nurse Head Nurse Supervisor Physician Other, please specify _______________________ HIGHEST EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT___________________________________________________ POST GRADUATE STUDIES________________________________ SEMINAR ATTENDED RELATED TO BREASTFEEDING MANAGEMENT: __________________________________________

PROBLEM NO. 2 What is the compliance level at Dr. Fe Del Mundo Medical Center Philippines to the policies of Republic Act terms of: 2.1 Program 2.2 Achievement of Goals 2.3 Availability of Policy Instruction: Please place a check mark ( ) on the space provided for the answer. 5 4 3 2 1 Highly complied Moderately complied Complied Less complied Not complied

RESPONDENT ASSESSMENT OF REPUBLIC ACT 7600 IN REGARDS TO PROGRAM 5 INDICATORS 1. Hospital promote, protect and support rooming-in and breastfeeding practices 2. The hospital empowers the mothers to successful breastfeeding 3. The hospital do not accept free supply of milk formula 4, The hospital uphold the right of mother to know about breast milk 5. The hospital uphold the right of infant for breast milk 6. The hospital follows the principle of breast milk first and foremost 7. The hospital does not maintain a nursery for normal new born 4 3 2 1

RESPONDENT ASSESSMENT OF REPUBLIC ACT 7600 IN REGARDS TO ACHIEVEMENT OF GOALS 5 INDICATORS 1. The hospital has the continuous monitoring and sustenance to health workers. 2. The hospital has strategic and operational planning 3. The hospital has local and national studies. 4, The hospital has define maternal and newborn services. 5. The hospital complies with standard of the mandate. 6. Regular monitoring of the sustenance of the mandate. 7. The hospital securing commitment from all health facilities to implement fully the policy through consultation, meeting and conferences. 8. The hospital is building capabilities of mother support group and mother counseling to raise awareness and support. 9. EBM is included in the training of the health workers. RESPONDENT ASSESSMENT OF REPUBLIC ACT 7600 IN REGARDS TO AVAILABILITY OF POLICY 5 INDICATORS 1. Implementing policy posted in strategic places in the hospital institution, visible to all. 2. Distribution of policy to personnel involve in this implementation. 3. Strict enforcement of R.A. 7600 4, Hospital celebrate occasions connected to the mandate. 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

5. Information Dissemination 6. Distribution of materials regarding the program 7. Poster / Pamphlets of Rooming-in and Breastfeeding. 8. Poster of Bottle feeding PROBLEM NO. 3 What is the degree of administrative support in implementation of the Republic Act 7600 in terms of: 3.1 Physical Facilities 3.2 Hospital Equipment and Supplies 3.3 Materials Instruction: Please place a check mark ( ) on the space provided for the answer. 5 4 3 2 1 Always Often Sometimes Seldom Rare

RESPONDENT ASSESSMENT OF REPUBLIC ACT 7600 IN REGARDS TO PHYSICAL FACILITIES 5 1. 2. 3. 4, INDICATORS Rooming-in Facilities Nursery for Special Baby Nursery for Normal Baby Breastfeeding Room 4 3 2 1

5. Lactation Management Clinic 6. Prenatal Clinic 7, Pumping Room RESPONDENT ASSESSMENT OF REPUBLIC ACT 7600 IN REGARDS TO HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 5 INDICATORS 1. Provided breast milk and storage 2. Availability of Refrigerator solely for expressed breast milk 3. Availability of Breast pump 4, Availability of Feeding bottle solely for EBM 4 3 2 1

RESPONDENT ASSESSMENT OF REPUBLIC ACT 7600 IN REGARDS TO MATERIAL 5 4 3 INDICATORS 1. Poster / Pamphlets of MFB 2. Poster on Bottle Feeding 3. Tips on Breastfeeding 4, Distribution of material regarding the program to the different unit: OB Rooming-in Unit Corridor Prenatal Clinic OPD Nursery 2 1

PROBLEM NO. 4 What recommendation do respondents offer to have effective implementation of the Republic Act 7600? Instruction: Please check ( ) 15 out of 20 suggestions, which you believe can offer to have an effective implementation of the Republic Act 7600. Health provider assigned in Breastfeeding Hospital should have a sufficient knowledge of the program. Health provider should fully understand how to implement the program within the institution . Health provider to understand fully the objective of the Executive Order 51 that aims to encourage mother to breastfeed and not to sort breast milk substitute. Health provider should understand the preventive effect of human milk to the baby. Health provider believes that the hospital should have a written policy on the Republic Act 7600. Health provider should have special training of Breastfeeding Management. The hospital should have a handouts, leaflet, comics and other instruction and educational materials. Health provider should have initiative on dissemination of information regarding breastfeeding . Health provider should foster the establishment of breastfeeding support group and refer mother to them.

The hospital should prepare a parent educational plan early as in prenatal. Health provider should teach mother on how breastfeed their infants . Health provider should provide lectures on how to maintain lactation even when they are separated from their infants. Health provider help mother initiative breastfeeding within an hour of birth. Rooming-in facilities should be available in the institution. Health provider gives a very positive influence on mothers decision to initiate and maintain breastfeeding. Health provider provides mother with more opportunity to practice and improve the mothering skills in relaxed surrounding . Health provider should understand their role in the implementation of R.A. 7600. Health provider should be capable of building not only good name of their profession but their voluntary service in providing help in mothers knowledge for feeding and caring for her baby. Hospital should aim to deserve the merit as MBFHI in Implementing fully R.A. 7600. The hospital deserves the merit for implementing a MBFHI program, which is obviously shown in their health care service.

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