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Defects: Units: Opportunities per Unit: Defects: Number of Opportunities: Enter DPMO DPMO: Sigma Level:
Tip: Enter the number of defects, the number of units and the number of opportunities per unit into the grey fields.

DPMO: Sigma Level: Sigma Level:

Tip: Enter the number of defects and the number of opportunities into the grey fields.

Tip: Enter the DPMO value into the grey field.

Note: This calculator provide three different functions based on the data available for calculating Sigma Levels.


Tip: Press Calculate to enter the data and show the Sigma Level.


Here is an example : Six Sigma A plastics manufacturer produces sunglass frames. In the last six months, they have made 75,560 frames, of which 3480 have been quarantined as they have had defects. Over time the manufacturer has determined that each unit has 6 different defects that can occur when manufacturing each frame.

Defects: Units: Opportunities per Unit:

3,480 75,560 6

DPMO: Sigma Level:

7676 3.924


In order to calculate a Sigma Level, the number of defects per million opportunities (DPMO) need to be determined for the process. Three pieces of information are required to calculate the DPMO: the number of units produced, the number of defect opportunities per unit, and the number of defects. The formula for DPMO is as follows: DPMO = (Number of Defects x 1,000,000) -------------------------------------------------------------------------((Number of Defect Opportunities/Unit) x Number of Units)

Using the calculator you will notice that each of these values have an influence on the Sigma Level. Experiment with these value to determine how close to Six Sigma your process actually is!
Note: The resultant Sigma values have been adjusted to account for a 1.5 sigma shift for variability in a process.



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