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In this paperwork, I have learned a lot of things.

I have learned that the knowledge of geometric progression and calculus can be used to solve problems in cake decorating and cake baking. By applying the knowledge of calculus, I can calculate the minimum amount of substances to bake the cake. Multi-storey cake can be baked by implementing the concept of geometric progression Another thing that I have learned is the value of teamwork in making a project a success. Only through teamwork, one can finish any task given by all means. After working countless hours in this project, there are several things I would like to say: Additional Mathematics, From the day I was born to the day I was able to hold a pencil, From the day I heard your name, I always thought you will be my greatest obstacle and rival in excelling in my life. After sacrificing my precious time for you, Sacrificing my chat time, Sacrificing my times with my friends, I realized something inside you. I really love you, You are my real friend, Not some hypocrite, You are my partner, I love you Additional Mathematics.

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