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BE - Business English, BEC - Business English Certificate, BULATS - Business Language Testing Services, CAE - Certificate in Advanced English,

CELT - Certificate in English Language Teaching, CELTA - Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults, CELTYL Certificate in English Language Teaching to Young Learners, CPE - Certificate of Proficiency in English, DELTA - Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults, EAL - English as an additional language, EAP - English for academic purposes, EFL - English as a foreign language, EIL - English as an international language, ELF - English as a lingua franca, ELL - English language learner, ELT - English language teaching, ESL - English as a second language, ESOL English for speakers of other languages, ESP - English for specific purposes, or English for special purposes, EST - English for science and technology, FCE - First Certificate in English, IELTS - International English Language Testing System, ICFE - International Certificate in Financial English, ILEC - International Legal English Certificate, KET - Key English Test, PET - Preliminary English Test, TEFL - Teaching English as a foreign language, TESL - Teaching English as a second language, TESOL - Teaching English to speakers of other languages, or Teaching English as a second or other language, TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language, TOEIC - Test of English dor International Communication, TYLE - Teaching Young Learners English

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