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TOP HAT (Galveston) "What's happenin' Abe?" they ask As they drive down the beach.

Some of them even holler "How about a speech?" Some just look and smile Others turn and look away Some look with surprise And don't know what to say. I've seen them turn around Drive back for another look You'd be amazed how many times My pictures does get took. They have called me "George" A few times "Uncle Sam" Some have a puzzled look Wondering who I am. They've even accused me of Setting the blacks free. I keep my back to the wall -Lest some nut shoots me. Small kids are the most fun With their wide-eyed innocence Curious looks on their faces With no false pretense. The hat draws some people out Causes a lot of them to smile So when in the mood I wear it -Every once in a while. Del Abe Jones 80s

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