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Run, Goldie, Run!!! Maria - police 2- chasing Goldie, take their job way to seriously.

Jack - police 1 - same as police 1 Brian - Goldie - dumb blond klepto. Sonia - mamma bear - worried /hysterical Mikaela - papa bear - worried and angry Crowd -all- react. Mamma - did u hear about the neighbors? Someone broke into their house! I heard they stole all of their forks. Papa- oh relax. No one would dare steal from us, we have the safest house in the neighborhood and everyone knows we would have the police after them in no time! (enter house) Mamma - I guess its nice to know that. ..... AHHHHHHHHH! (enter Goldie) Crowd - gasp Goldie- thank you for having me over, lunch was delicious! I got to run!! (mamma starts crying hysterically) Scene change - police station Papa - well we had just gotten home when we saw..... HER!! Police 1 -and what was she doing exactly? Mamma- she was ..*snif snif* .....she was *snif snif* STEALING OUR PORRIDGE Crowd - gasp/ murmur Police 2 - weve got a code 76774343!! Calling all units to pursue little blond girl!!

Police 2 - we on da move! Police 2 - don't worry mam we will catch this villainous fiend Scene 3 - neighborhood Goldie- (to self) what will my mother say .... I dont want to go to the big house....(to fork) I heard its nasty in there. We gotta get out .... Run far far away from here. Police 2 - we have a visual on the culprit! Police 1- were going in! Goldie- oh no! Its the pigs! We have to go forkie!! Police 1 and 2 - stop right there Blondie ! Goldie - No! No! No! Police 1- we got her! (mamma and papa bear arrive) Crowd -claping Mamma - dont let her get away! Police 2 - let her get away? Ok! Crowd - NO!!!! (Goldie runs away) Narrator - Goldie is still running for the terrible crime she committed. mama and papa bear will never cease in their quest to lock her up. Papa - now we can at least eat whats left of the porridge (tastes it) Mama -ugh its too cold now I dont want it any more.

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