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We (NaikEiic Snellman ta Impulse Softwaie) have owneu anu opeiateu the
websites, anu foi seveial
yeais. We've been ueveloping anu making money thiough these websites fiom
botting softwaie calleu iB0T that woiks exclusively with RuneScape.

We've been involveu in a lawsuit with }agex in the 0S iegaiuing the legality of this
softwaie anu oui actions foi the last two yeais.

Recently, juugment was enteieu in }agex's favoi at Couit on eveiy count in the case.
We have to pay }agex a significant sum of money, although we aie not alloweu to say
exactly how much foi legal ieasons. We aie also pieventeu by injunction fiom uoing
a numbei of things in the futuie, incluuing ueveloping botting softwaie, helping
othei people uevelop oi use botting softwaie oi talking about }agex, the lawsuit oi
RuneScape. If we bieach any of the conuitions of the injunction (such as by
ueveloping new bot softwaie oi helping people cheat in RuneScape) we woulu have
to pay }agex at least $1,uuu,uuu.

Thioughout the couise of this lawsuit, we've come to unueistanu the haim that
botting uoes to RuneScape anu }agex. We'u like to apologize to }agex anu to all
legitimate RuneScape playeis foi the uamage anu haim iB0T has uone.

In the next few weeks oui websites, uomains, coue anu customei uetails will be
passeu ovei to }agex along with uetails of all those people who we know have
uevelopeu sciipts foi iB0T anu solu oi ie-solu those sciipts.

We also won't be going neai }agex oi any }agex game evei again. In fact, we'ie
piohibiteu fiom playing RuneScape oi any othei }agex game evei again as a
conuition of this case enuing.

Shoitly, all iefeiences to iB0T anu Impulse Softwaie will uisappeai fiom the
inteinet. We'u encouiage all of you who have sciipts oi iB0T to uelete them anu
ceitainly not to tiy anu use oi uevelop them. We've not been able to fix them
anyway following Bot Nuke week, but if you uiu manage to get them woiking again,
you'u be open to the same claims }agex has maue against us.

Naik anu Eiic Snellman - tiauing as Impulse Softwaie

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