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a game written by Caleb Powell DAWN OF NATIONS is a paper and pencil sand box game... NEEDED MATERIALS: any number of players paper pencil six sided dice (called d6's the number in front is how many you roll and then add the results together. SET UP: on a piece of paper draw a map of your civilizations starting location.(you are able to explore other maps which will use more paper) be sure to include terrain features on it(such as trees,rocks,rivers,deserts or anything else that your map contains) .this map/s will be the viewing part of your civilisation so when a building is built draw it ,if a battle is taking place,draw it. your civilisation begins with the following aspects: 1)4 population 2)1 axe 3)3 hoes 4)20 edible grain in a basket 5)20 grain seeds in a basket write down these things on a piece of paper.This paper will record all your civilizations aspect so when a

large amount of coal is mined then write it down for example. on the other side of the paper write: Capabilities: grain farming axe crafting hoe crafting weaving all your starting population is trained to do your starting capabilities . at the very well trained on the training table. Now game play begins. EACH TURN YOU DO 3 PHASES: 1)ACTIONS 2)EVENTS 3)UPKEEP Each turn you receive a number of actions equal to how many action makers have for example : a extremely advanced civilisation has 30 people and 10 working machines that produce weapons (so a total of 40 actions,10 which must be used to craft weapons).After all actions are spent your turn is over.Also note that actions cannot be saved for future turns.actions are divided into the following types: DAY AND NIGHT CYCLES: every even number turn a player does is a day time cycle (turns 2,4,6,8,10,etc for example).Every odd number turn is a night time cycle.During a night time cycle all actions being done with out a light source are at +3 to action attempts when seeing how much is found or harvested subtract -3 from result. 2.harvest 4.conflict 5.population boost 6.capability boost search action: can be used to find things that are natural.Use the search table for each action spent searching. Harvest action: can be used to gather material and/or resources. Use the harvest table for each action spent searching. build/repair: can be used to build anything(note:you must have met all requirements:including the materials needed,and knowing how to build/use the whats being built.) and repair and heal anything damaged.

use the build table for each action spent building something.Use the repair/heal table for each action spent repairing/healing something.When an object is being built divide up the thing built by its main parts(for example:a stone house has a roof,four walls,and at least some form of entrance)each main part must be built one at a time each attempt using one action.

Conflict action: used for all kinds of conflict.roll on the conflict table for each action spent on conflict. Population boost action: roll on the population table for each action spent boosting population.This can also can be used to breed animals you have tamed and cultivating other materials. Capability boost action: used to increase a civilisation's capability.roll on the capability for each action spent boosting a civilisations capability.your civilization starts with the capability:grain farming,this allows your civilization to farm grain and get some seeds out of the harvest.the person how gained the capability is trained in that task and can teach others a bout how to do it. Training action: training actions can be used to train a living thing to do something and do something well (for example say you wanted to train a person to do black-smithing you roll on the training table and look to see how well he or she is trained.)training some thing uses one action.mark the trained person in your own way and record you have som TABLES FOR EACH ACTION Search table roll once for each action spent rolling(roll 1d6) 1-3 found 1d6 of aspect searched for. 4-6 aspect not found Harvest table The proper tolls are required to harvest the wanted material(example: you need axes to cut down trees).roll 1d6 for each action spent harvesting. 1-2 greatly harvested:gain 2d6 of aspect harvested 3-4 aspect harvested:gain 1d6 of aspect harvested 5-6 aspect not harvested. Build table: after an aspect is built the materials are reduced(example:after a stone house is built the amount of stone used is gone.roll 1d6 for each action spent building. 1-2 aspect completely built 3-4 aspect nearly complete:will completely finished next turn. 5-6 aspect not built.

Repair/Heal table the proper tools are needed and the proper materials and you needed to know how to (example:a soldier is wounded ,a medic spends his action healing him,he has a medical kit and has medical capability ).Roll 1d6 for each action spent repairing and healing: 1-2 aspect completely healed/repaired 3-4 aspect nearly completely healed/repaired will be completely repaired/healed nearly healed/repaired next turn. 5-6 aspect not repaired or healed at all Conflict table roll 1d6 for each action spent on conflict 1-2 opponent soundly beaten (select effects, such as being killed) 3-4 opponent beaten but only wounded 5-6 opponent not beaten Population boost table roll 1d6 for each action spent boosting population 1-2 population increased by 3d6 3-4 population increased by 2d6 5 population increased by 1d6 6 population not increased Capability boost table capability increases what your civilisation can do (example a capability such as mining allows a civilisation to mine).Roll 1d6 for each action spent boosting a civilisation's capabilities. 1-2 capability completely learned :can begin using it this turn. 3-4 capability nearly completely learned:can begin using it next turn 5-6 capability not learned Once a capability is learned it stays learned.AND IF THE PERSON HOW LEARNED THE CAPABILITY DIES AND HE IS THE ONLY TRAINED ONE THAT CAPABILITY IS LOST AND MUST BE RELEARNED. Training table: roll 1d6 per action spent training the person spending the action must know how to do what the person is teaching. 1-2 person trained very well trained :subtract -2 from dies rolls related to what he trained in(however do not subtract -2 (min, of 1) from harvest actions instead add +4 to the roll that determines how much you harvest. 3-4 person trained subtract -1 from rolls related to what he was trained to do (however do not subtract 1(min, of 1) from harvest actions instead add +2 to the roll that determines how much you harvest.) 5-6 person not trained at all. WHEN POPULATIONS GET TO LARGE THESE RULES SHOULD HELP:

when populations get in the 10s,100s,or 1000s etc your turn must be taking an hour to do then heres a problem solver:if a group of 5 or more is doing the same action you may group them together into a task squad:people in a task squad all act as one so if all are doing a search action then you roll as if only one was searching and then multiply the results by how many is in a squad.TO CREATE A TASK SQUAD :you must have some kind of organization capability the people who know how to do it must spend their action to get the squad organized mark that those people are in a squad in your own way. AFTER ALL ACTIONS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED THE NEXT PHASE IN A TURN IS EVENTS: (roll 1d6) 1-2 peaceful event(roll on the peace table) 3 conflict event(roll on the warfare table) 4 disaster event(roll on the disaster table) 5-6 no event peace table roll 1d6 1 traders make up a fair trade and roll 1d6 on a result of 1-3 they take the deal on a 4-6 they don't 2 forest grown:draw 1d6X10 trees. 3 mountain grown:draw 1d6+3 mountains. 4 travelers:gain 1d6 new capabilities they also train 1d6 people how to do that for each 1 capability 5 prosperity: gain 3d6+5 precious ores. 6 huge population surge:gain 4d6 population Conflict table roll 1d6 1 barbarians:attacked by barbarians 1/4 your population size 3 savage animals: attacked by 3d6X2 savage animals that will eat any wounded living thing.if the animals cannot reach a living thing they will stay till killed. 4 enemy nation:attacked by an enemy warriors 1/2 your size 5-6 no event Disaster table roll 1d6 1 storm :lose 10% of ships,50% are damaged. 2:earthquake:lose 20% of buildings,10% are damaged,lose 1% of population 3:volcano:lose 20% of buildings,and 1% of population 4:epidemic:lose 20% of population 1% remains sick 5:snow:all attempts to find or grow edible plants are at +3to die rolls.for 1d6 turns 6:fog :all actions at long distances are at +3 to die rolls.for 1d6 turns AFTER ALL EVENTS ARE DONE THE NEXT STEP IS UPKEEP every turn each person consumes 1 of a kind of food if the person is not fed then he is hungry next turn(take note of this by drawing anH over his head,if the same person is not fed next turn then he is starving draw an S over his head.If a stick figure is not fed a third turn he dies of starvation .

All persons must have had one day or night cycle of rest or suffers a +3 to all die rolls to see if their is success until he gets a cycle of rest.


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