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Prevention and control of HIV-AIDS There are four basic approaches to the prevention and control of AIDS: Education

y y y y y Avoid indiscriminate sex Use condoms Avoid the use of shared razors and toothbrushes Avoid becoming pregnant All mass media should be involved in education the people on AIDS.

Prevention of blood borne HIV transmission y y y y y Refrain from donating blood, body organs, sperm or other tissues. All blood should be screened Strict sterilization practices. Use disposable syringes and needles Avoid injections unless necessary

Specific prophylaxis a. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) health workers y Started as soon as exposure y PEP 2 drugs combination o Zidovudine 300 mg + Lamivudine 150mg y PEP- 3 drugs combination o Stavudine 30 mg + Lamivudine 150 mg + Indinavir 800mg b. Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMCT) y Without intervention, overall transmission from mother to child is > 40% y Comprehensive PMCT include o Primary prevention of HIV infection o Prevention of unintended pregnancies among women infected with HIV o Prevention of HIV transmission from women infected with HIV to their infants o Provision of treatment, care and support tot women infected with HIV, their infants and families c. Microbicides Anti-retroviral based vaginal gel Primary health care y y y Primary health care Maternal and Child health Family planning


AIDS control is important in underdeveloped in isolation. Primary health care is essential.

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