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The readership of music magazine XXL Male Readers: 78% Median Age: 27 Median HHI: $47,007 College Educated:

44.7% African-American: 67%

XXL speaks to the rap-music generation. The readers are the purveyors of hip-hop culture and consume music, fashion and lifestyle on a level that defies logic. They are in the clubs, online, onstage and at retail shopsanywhere they can gain access to or create the music. They are the producers, the artists and the DJs. From the kid on the street to the record executive in his suite, XXL readers are part of a movement and helped build XXL to become the No.1 most influential brand in rap media. The fans are powerful consumers and are connected to the streetswith the ability to influence others and make or break brands. They are the voices of the neighborhood and the earliest adopters of new products. XXL is the No.1 selling ABC-audited music publication on newsstands worldwide and is the premier hip-hop media brand. XXL has set the standard in rap music journalism, with the best writers and photographers in the industry and chronicles all thats relevant in hip-hop culture. After more than a decade of dominance, XXL has maintained its status as the most respected hip-hop music magazine by both consumers and the industry alike.

(Taken from )


Male: 78% Female: 22%


Median: $47,007 Average: $56,571


African-American: 67% Caucasian/White: 18% Hispanic/Latino: 19% Asian: 1%

*Exceeds 100%, reflecting mixed ethnicities


Under 18: 6% 18-20: 11% 21-24: 21% 25-29: 29% 30-34: 16% 35-39: 11% 40-49: 5% 50+: 1% 21+: 83% Median Age: 27 Average Age: 29

Looking at the information provided from the 2011 Media Kit, I would say that XXL has a very open audience however, according to the figures a specific individual is likely to buy it as the number show that 83% of the readers are 21+ and that 78% of them would be male and 68% of them would be of African American nationality. When i construct my magazine i would be aiming for the same type of image, however i would also make the audience open to more ethnic groups as well as females and over 16 s under 21 s.

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