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The trick of conformal mappings is simply the following: If u = f(x,y) ; v = g(x,y) is a conformal mapping of the (x,y) plane into

the (u ,v) plane, and if we have a function V1(u,v) which is a solution of the Poisson equation (solution to the problem of electrostatic potential in vacuum), then V2 (x,y) = V1 ( f(x,y), g(x,y) ) is also a solution of the Poisson equation. This means: from one solution, you can produce another, by substitution of the c oordinates. Now, a conformal mapping is a mapping that preserves locally the angles, but whe re are you going to find such a thing? Complex analytic functions! It turns out that a complex analytic function, seen as real and imaginary functi ons of real and imaginary coordinates, are conformal mappings. And you can write a solution to the Poisson equation ALSO as a complex analytic function, of which the real part is the genuine electrostatic potential. For instance, in the plane, a point charge in point (x0,y0) or z0 = x0 + i y0, h as the potential q/(2 pi eps) Log(z - z0) (or something similar, check). Now, there are situations in which we KNOW the electrostatic potential. For inst ance, in the case of an infinite parallel plate capacitor. Or for a coaxial capa citor. Or for a set of point charges. Or.... The trick is then to try to find a conformal mapping (a complex function) which will map one of these known geometries onto the geometry you're interested in. T here are books around (for instance, Schaum's Complex Variables, but many others ) where there are tables (with pictures :-) of what complex function maps what p art of the complex plane on what. You then simply have to find one (or combine several) of these, in order to find a way to map your specific case onto one of the "solved" cases. It's a bit out of habit, but there used to be big books with existing solutions of electrostatic configurations, and with conformal mappings. It can sound overwhelming at first sight, but after some practice this really be comes a fun game. I often do this, and I often find analytic solutions where my collegues run a monster of a finite element program :smile: As to the document, it simply SHOWS you that the solution is correct, but doesn' t indicate how it was obtained. There is usually no general technique: you have to puzzle yourself your mapping together, by looking at an atlas of conformal ma ppings... (but one quickly gets the hang of it).

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