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Rodrigo A. Taipe IB T.O.K Mr.

Reed January 12, 2012 Analysis Of Knowledge Issues The article How Emotional Equations Can Change Your Life by the magazine Forbes, relates to the topic of emotions and language. According to the article, emotions can be adapted in simple equations (using basic math operations) that made you realize what is happening inside you. I strongly disagree with what has been discussed in this article. The reason I disagree is because emotions are too complex to put in simple words and equations. Some emotions are not easily to describe due to the mixing feelings and thoughts that make them what they are. Furthermore, there are too many external factors that produce emotions to just ignore them and created a simple equation with very general terms. If emotions were put in equation, there would be highly complex and with many variables, not just equations like, 2 + 2 = 4. The author claims that because thanks to emotional equations, people are able to understand emotions and they can be evenly tweeted. This is false. Emotions are too complex to just summarize them in just a sentence or in a very simple equation. For describing an emotion there is the necessity of been front to front, so the person that you are talking can perceive the emotion through your words, your facial expression, and your tone of voice. If people just tweeted how do they feel, there will not be the same.

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