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READING QUESTIONS: ANSWERS 1. Plato claims that artists are imitators. How does he justify this claim? Plato justifies artists are imitators just because natural maker seems the creator of the truth and these artists like carpenters, painters and craftsmen are the just imitating what the natural creator did and in that situation artists tend to gain knowledge and ideas to form a product or object that is artistically copied in a manner of images and appearances..

2. Why does Plato think artists inferior to craftspeople? Because to Plato, artists like painters, they are just the producers of the truth in the part of an image. Craftspeople became the superior to artist because craftsmen creates an object and when painters thought about the object it seems they paint and displays to people and in that case painter imitates the work of the craftsmen in which they copy the image and produces as they called their art.

3. What is the significance of this claim and how does Socrates justify it? The significance of this claim by Socrates is to know when the poetic imitators were begun to imitate the image of virtue and all the other things they wrote about. Just like Homer, Socrates justifies that homer misunderstands virtue in a way that homer judges people by words and phrases and contain false ideas about gods.

4. *As Plato argues that artist are just imagining, Artists plays the emotions for not promoting proper understanding about the world and art. *I don t have any comparison about that. *I object when Plato argues artists as art imitators, Artists like painters have their own point of view working with their canvass, painters can t imitate their self emotion and thought when they paint some kind of abstract, they do understand their work but others not. So, their works are with reality in such a sort of thoughts and emotions by themselves.

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