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Mary and Joseph lost Jesus at the temple in the crowds.

Have you ever been separated from your child at church and not able to find him or her? At mealtime, talk about what to do if your child ever gets lost at church. Create a simple plan to reconnect if you would ever become separated. For little ones, the big tree downstairs in Early Childhood would be an excellent place to meet. For older kids, you might plan to meet at the top of the stairs or at a specific place in the coffee shop. The next time you are at church, practice going to the meeting place your family decides on so you and your child are comfortable with the plan.

Jesus grew up in Nazareth. Every year, Jesus and His family would travel to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover Feast. When Jesus was twelve, they went to the Feast as they did each year. The streets were very crowded with lots of people. On the way back home to Nazareth, Mary and Joseph couldnt find Jesus. They asked their friends and relatives, Have you seen Jesus? But no one knew where he was. Mary and Joseph went back to Jerusalem. They looked and looked for Jesus. Finally after three days, they found him! Jesus was talking with the teachers in the temple. The teachers were amazed because Jesus was so wise for a twelve year old. Mary and Joseph rushed to see Jesus and told him how worried they had been. Jesus said, I have come to my Fathers house. He returned home with his parents and grew stronger and wiser. Luke 2:41-52 1.22.12

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