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60 Second Elevutor Speech

By Muster Greg Moody, M.C.

Be reudy ull the tlme...
Thls month - the 60 second elevutor Speech. Perhups some of you huve heurd ubout lt, Imuglne you
ure ln un elevutor und, us usuul, you ure weurlng u shlrt (or punts or hut) wlth some klnd of Kurute
thlng on lt. The other person suys hey do you do Kurute? (und I know thls huppens to you ull the
tlme! Well now you know whut to suy. There ure three key polnts:
1.Thut we ure full tlme professlonuls ln other uctlvltles they ure typlcully tuught by u purent or purt
tlme person wlth llttle or no puy.
2.Other uctlvltles elther dont bulld self-esteem or cun teur down self-esteem. Theres u greut
descrlptlon of why thls ls true ln the 2nd postcurd.
3.We offer free emull lnformutlon so purents cun muke u greut declslon. Thls ls the wuy you cun huve
un eusy, lnformul wuy to get thelr emull uddress - |ust to send educutlonul lnformutlon.
If you notlce thls ls ulso lncorporuted lnto the postcurds we sent out ln Junuury us well. Thls should be
leurned by every stuff member. They get the Hey - do you do Kurute questlons too und we wunt to
muke sure they suy the rlght thlng! lf you need help wlth thls, emull me ut
Greg Moody
6 Black Belt
Master Instructor

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