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Are and Is on the Farm

Name _____________________________

Are and Is on the Farm

Complete each sentence with the word are or is. Tip: Use is when you are referring to one and use are when you are referring to more than one. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The plow _________ in the barn. The ducks _________ in the pond. The farmer _________ working in the field. The vegetables _________ ready to harvest. The cow _________ grazing in the meadow. The chickens _________ sleeping in the chicken coop. The cat _________ chasing a mouse. The strawberries _________ almost ripe. The barn _________ behind the house. The rooster _________ crowing.

Write a sentence about the picture and use the word are.


Write a sentence about the picture and use the word is.


Copyright 2008 T. Smith Publishing. All rights reserved.
Graphic 2008 JupiterImages Corp.

Are and Is on the Farm Answer Key

Are and Is on the Farm

Complete each sentence with the word are or is. Tip: Use is when you are referring to one and use are when you are referring to more than one. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The plow is in the barn. The ducks are in the pond. The farmer is working in the field. The vegetables are ready to harvest. The cow is grazing in the meadow. The chickens are sleeping in the chicken coop. The cat is chasing a mouse. The strawberries are almost ripe. The barn is behind the house. The rooster is crowing.

Sentences will vary.

Write a sentence about the picture and use the word are.
There are two baby chicks.


Write a sentence about the picture and use the word is.
The cow is watching the boy.


Copyright 2008 T. Smith Publishing. All rights reserved.
Graphic 2008 JupiterImages Corp.

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