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Alliteration Sir saw a snake on the seashore. Pedro picked a pepper placed in the prestigious plate.

Maxim make a model for magazine. A little leaf lay on land. Ann answers all accusations. If practice makes perfect, and no ones perfect, then why practice? Five frogs fight for food. Ana asked about Anthony. Lovely lady looks like a lily. Boastlful boy breath bravely. I finally found a friend. Four flowers found in the forest. Brave blue bird bounced on the bridge. Clare climb closed to the coast. Big blue bag brought by the beggar. Fred's friends fried fries for friday's festival. Painter paints people's park. Joseph jabs Jandy's jaw. Gab gave the goat with grass. My mother made me a muffin. Nick's nephew needed new books. Four fat fisherman fried fish on Friday afternoon. I see Isis icy eyes.

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