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INTERCAMBIO MARBELLA-SANDABACH El pasado 24 de enero, 30 alumnos/as del IES Victoria Kent partieron a Inglaterra para realizar el intercambio dentro

del proyecto Mi familia inglesa. All visitarn ciudades como Liverpool o Manchester y el instituto de Sandbach tiene preparadas otras actividades de gran inters. Dicho viaje finalizar el viernes 3 de enero. Los profesores acompaantes son Ramn y Puy. Todos estn muy ilusionados ante esta experiencia que marcar sus vidas.

INTERCHANGE MARBELLA-SANDBACH On January 24th, 30 students from IES Victoria Kent flied to England to start the interchange thanks to the Project My English family. There, they will visit cities such as Liverpool or Manchester and the Sandbach high-school has prepared many other interesting activities. The travel is finishing on Friday 3rd February. The teachers involved in the interchange are Ramn and Puy. Everybody is really looking forward to this experience which will be very important in their lives.

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