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Guidings from Elder Thaddeus

original by Serbian Orthodox Church printed in Linz - Austria Freely translated by Aleksandar Micakovic (Please take my appologies for any mistakes and shortcommings of my translation. Also feel free to mail me at

1 God came to us here, living among us, to guide us back to the original state, as we were
created. He did everything so that man/woman can understand him. He could save mankind in different ways, but man himself, as he felled, disordered his inner mind and disabled himself to do good. Man fall under the rule of evil spirits, freely man gave himself into their rule and into slavery. 2 The Evil, that exists, god didnt create. The Evil came from spiritual beings, who felled away from Gods Love, they turned away from God and turned to their own being (to themselves), obstinate they started making their own sense. But however any mind force, which is not united with the fountain of life, efforts to do and say good, all of its doings and sayings has a condemned scent, because only God is the fountain of peace, happiness, love, justice and all good. 3 All created Beings are limited, and that what is limited is not complete, so it is given to the created Beings to become complete. 4 But. Some created Beings fall away from God. First some of the Angels couldnt keep their dignity, and after, because of enviousness from those fallen spirits, our ancestors Adam and Eve also fell. And since we all carry this attribute condemned enviousness. Envy doesnt behold anything, and always talks against God, always oppose anything, anywhere. 5 What does Envy? It fights always unceasingly against justice, against God. God is all Love, but envy doesnt tolerate that good is done to someone. ( If you want this Translation please send me a message.)

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