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Chinese Auriculotherapy Chart
Hypotensive Point (Depressing Point for lowering blood pressure) presin sangunea Apex of auricle Omega Point Tonsil 1 amgdala Allergy Point alergia Hemorroid Pt hemorroide Heel taln Ankle Joint tobillo Uterus utero Hepatitis Pt1 Knee Joint rodilla

Oreja Acupunctura
with Spanish subtitles
Spanish terms are in Green
Shen Men (Divine Gate) (Reduces Pain, Tension, Anxiety) dolor, tension, ansiedad Toes dedo del pie Fingers dedo de la mano

Asthma Pt 1 (Antihistamine Pt) asma (antihistamnico) Constipation Point estreimiento External Genitals genitales Sympathetic Nerve nervio simptico Sciatic Nerve (Ischium) nervio citico

Appendix 1 apndice

Copyright 2006

Hand mano

Minor Occipital Nerve Helix 1 (Decrease Inflammation) ( inflamacin) Liver Yang 1 hgado

Urethra uretra Anus ano


Raised Surface Vertical or Hidden Surface Depressed Surface External Ear odo externo

Rectum recto

Hip Joint Appendix 2 cadera apndice Thigh Pelvic Cavity muslo plvico Wrist Knee Sacrum Buttocks muca rodilla sacro gluteo Sacra l Verte Bl brae Lu Ur mb Abdomen Elbow Kid ar estmago V codo Drunk Point
ra teb

Helix 2 Liver Yang 2 hgado


Pan Ascites Point (Excess Body Fluids) SI Du


Appendix 2 - apndice
ic Vertebrae Thorac

Pancreatitis Point Diaphram diafragma

Thorax (Chest) - trax (pecho) Shoulder (Upper Arm) hombro (brazo) Tonsil 2 - amgdala Helix 3 Mammary Glands glndula mamario Thoracic (Dorsal) torcico Shoulder Joint hombro

Thyroid Gland - glndula tiroides dolor de muelas Cervicals Tr Toothache Lng2 Clavicle - clavcula Brain Stem cerebro Appendix 3 - apndice Excitement Pt Brain Pt Tooth Pt - diente Asthma cerebro Nephritis Point - nefritis Occiput asma High Blood Pressure Point Temples Mandible (Lower Jaw) - mandbula Parotid (Salivary) Gland Soft Palate (Decreasing Hypertension) sien glndula parotdeol (salival) Top of Head paladar blando presin sangunea Internal Organ Abbreviations cabeza Forehead Ap - Appendix 4 Tonsil 3 Helix 4 Mo - Mouth Subcortex - subcorteza boca frente apndice Teeth amgdala Eye 2 Es - Esophagus (Pain, Inflammation, Nervousness) LI - Large Intestines diente Lower Palate Eye 1 esfago ojo intestino grueso (dolor, inflamacion, nerviosismo) paladar bajo ojo CO - Cardiac Orifice Pr - Prostate Gland Maxilla - Maxilar Ovary oricio de cardiaco prstata Tongue - lengua (Upper Jaw) ovario Testicle St - Stomach Ur - Ureter, Urethra Internal Secretion estmago urter, uretra testculo Upper Palate Du - Duodenum Bl - Urinary Bladder Increase Blood Pressure (Endocrine Hormones) paladar de arriba duodeno vejiga presin sangunea (hormona endocrino) (Upper Teeth) Tooth Analgesic de arriba diente analgesico (Lower Teeth) bajo Eye ojo Nervousness Point nerviosismo Tonsil 4 amgdala Helix 6 Helix 5 Inner Ear - odo interno Cheeks (Face) mejilla (cara)
ae br

Accent Marks: These change the meaning of the words that contain them. Stress the syllable with the accent mark.


Cardiac (Heart) Point corazn Viscera Point Hunger Point Thirst Pt (Appetite Control) sed hambre Nerve Pt - nervio (control de External Nose - nariz la apetito) Throat - garganta Pharynx & Larynx - faringe & laringe Internal Nose - nariz Adrenal Gland - glndula suprarrenal San Jiao (Triple Warmer) Pituitary Gland - glndula pituitaria Hypothalamus - hipotlamo

Point Zero


Cirrhosis of Liver Point

Mo Es Br CO Ht

Hepatitis Pt 2

rvic al Ve r

Hematomegalia Neck cuello

Muscle Relaxation



SI - Small Intestines intestino delgado

Tr - Trachea trquea Br - Bronchi bronquiolo

Kid - Kidney - rin (Bone Fractures, Urinary problems, Hearing Disorders) Pan - Pancreas (Left Ear Only) - pncreas GB - Gallbladder (Right Ear Only) vescula biliar Liv - Liver - hgado (Disorders of Liver, Blood, Eyes, Muscles, Tendons & Ligaments) Spl - Spleen (Left Ear Only) - bazo (Muscle Disorders) Hrt - Heart - corazn Lng - Lungs - pulmn (Repiratory & Skin Disorders)

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