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IMPORTANT Please fill in your details where there is blue text in brackets, delete the brackets and make

sure all the text is set back to black. PLEASE DELETE ALL RED TEXT. [Your Address]

HMRC PAYE PO Box 1970 Liverpool L75 1WX [Date]

To Whom It May Concern: Name: National Insurance Number: [Your Name] [Your National Insurance Number]

I wish to enquire whether I am entitled to a tax rebate in respect of uniform maintenance. I currently work for [Employers Name] [Employers Address] I started work here on [Date started this employment] My employer is in the [industry sector name] industry. I am a [Job title]. My employer requires that I wear a uniform consisting of [details of uniform]. My employer does not provide any laundry or cleaning services, nor provide me with any financial assistance to do so. My uniform can not be worn outside of work as it *[includes the company logo.] [is very specific to my place of work.] [is for protective use only] *DELETE AS APPROPRIATE If a rebate is due, please can you send a cheque to me at the above address?

Yours faithfully

[Your Name]

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