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Success born

5th january2012. By Sashi.Prabhu(Zeauoxian) Before you read the poem please put together the first alphabet of each line to understand the theme success personified (acrostic style with rhyme)

Seeds sown at the childs birth, Understand that to be born in sin, there is no dearth. Cease to reason why the mother her name is always betrayal, Come on we all know her best girl friends are struggle, heartache, disappointment and denial. Ease into the child ears soft strain of lullabies of hardship,sorrow,grief and of people on trial. Sure we are that the father his name is sufferings, his buddies are tragedy and despair, Sweet child of the unholy union can be the one to get the electric chair, But is known as SUCCESS if given tender loving care, Oh its roots are always never too rich, that of multimillionaire. Rise from the crowd below and climb the steps of glory, Now on is the only aim for him so that in his memoir he can write a fine story.

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