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Author's Brief

Motivational Writer on the scientific journals to disseminate technological advances to propagate, with a denoted quality journalism...
Together with Dr. Walter Menicocci PhD, forms the Group ZENIT Z.E.N.I.T. ZERO EMISSION NO IMPACTANT TECHNOLOGIES

Jorge Azanza Baca

Author of the book "Agua de Vida" Mr. Jorge Azanza, have training in the area of Agribusiness Management INCAE He has also studied under the method of solvent self, freshwater fish farming, hydroponics for the development of improved fodder for cattle feed, beekeeping, vermiculture, and has developed a manual to building systems for emerging on the basis of recyclables, expanded polystyrene rigid foam packaging from the automotive assembly industry, PET bottles, tires, is familiar with building techniques based on the use of straw from agricultural waste, sugar cane, bamboo, mud, etc.. He is a Founding member of the Nongovernmental Organization Latitud Sur Chapter Ecuador.

In his book the author makes a excellent narrative of the most outstanding discoveries around of the intrinsic properties of the water as structural water, placing elevated emphasis on Water-Pi

The author is also a lecturer, teaching assistant on vital issues, has supplemented her education with extensive knowledge of psychology, and also pushes the philosophies of Universal Humanism or New Humanism.

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