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Extra Questions 1.

(a) Given that (b) Given that and that and that when when , find the value of , find the value of when when . .

2. Solve the following equations. (a) (b)

1) Mt Muthu gives 30% of his salary to his father every month. This month, there is a 6% increase in his salary. Hence, the sum of money he gives to his father increases by $81. a. How much did he give to his father last month? b. What is his salary for this month? 1) In a large population of students, there is a 0.9% chance that a student will be late in any school day. (i) In a week of 5 school days from Monday to Friday, find the probability that Thursday is the second day that a randomly chosen student is late. (ii) Show that the probability in which any particular class of 25 students has no latecomers for 5 days is 0.323, correct to 3 significant figures. (iii) 80 weeks of 5 school days are chosen at random. Find the probability that, in a class of 25 students, there is at least 1 latecomer each week for more than 50 weeks. There are 80 academic weeks in a period of 2 years. The school discipline master wants to use the data obtained in the 80 academic weeks in the year 2004 and 2005 to compare with the result found in (iii). Provide one possible reason why this method is not recommended.

aths - Fractons

Posted by PSLE Maths / Science / English at 5:21 PM 0 comments Labels: _WS3, FractIons

Maths - Fractions

Posted by PSLE Maths / Science / English at 5:17 PM 0 comments Labels: _WS4, FractIons

Friday, July 24, 2009

CHIJ Maths - Fractions

1) Name the part of the cell that controls the activities of the cell.
A. B. C. D. cell wall nucleus cytoplasm vacuole

2) What is the function of the cell membrane of an animal cell?

A. B. C. D. allows some substances to pass through gives the cell a regular shape allows all substances to pass through gives support to the cell .

3) Cells of the same kind group together to form

A. B. C. D. an organism a tissue a system an organ


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