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The skull consists of 85 openings and 22 bones divided into the cranial and facial bones. I). Suture joints anchor the skull bones. 1). coronal 2). sagittal 3). squamous 4). lambdoid II). Cranium The cranium is divided into 8 primary bones. 1). Frontal Bone: i). The anterior portion (external)

supraorbital foramen frontonasal suture glabella frontal sinuses

ii). The posterior portion (internal superior wall of the orbit anterior cranial fossa 2). Parietal bone: 2 separate bones 3). Occipital bone: base of the skull.

i). external structure foramen magnum occipital condyles occipital protuberance ii). internal structure posterior cranial fossa hypoglossal canal 4). Temporal: 2 bones lateral and inferior

zygomatic process external auditory (acoustic) meatus styloid process mastoid process jugular foramen carotid canal mandibular fossae 5). Sphenoid Bone: Interior butterfly shaped bone.

sella turcica 2 sphenoid sinuses 6). Ethmoid Bone: Forms the bridge of the nose cribriform plate nasalconcha cristi galli

III). Facial Bones The facial skeleton is made up of 14 bones 1). Maxillary Bones: paired bones that form the upper jaw and face alveolar processes alveolar arch palatine processes infraorbital foramen maxillary sinuses

2). Palatine Bones: back of the hard palate; projections that form part of the nasal cavities

3). Zygomatic Bones zygomatic arch 4). Lacrimal Bones 5). Nasal Bones 6). Vomer

7). Inferior Nasal Conchae

8). Mandible mandibular ramus mandibular angle mandibular condyle coronoid process mandibular foramen mental foramen alveolar border IV). Orbit
1. Bones

frontal sphenoid zygomatic maxilla palatine lacrimal ethmoid

2. Openings

optic canal superior fissure inferior orbital fissure

V). Nasal Cavity: Constructed of bone and hyaline cartilage. VI). Sinuses

Paranasal sinuses are paired in each of these bones

frontal sphenoid ethmoid maxillary

VII). Hyoid Bone

It is the only bone that does not articulate with another bone.

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