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The End Of The DC Dollar Games The whole idea of borders and boundaries is fading into obscurity.

As it does th ere are some things the people in the United States can do to regain a little sa nity and security. Each state could make their own money. Youll need your own mint and it will need to be backed by something of actual value. It doesnt matter what that something o f real quantifying universal value is. A State might use grain, but youd need to store grain equal to coined currency. A few things would happen as a result of bringing minting currency to the State level. The money would leave Washington DC: There would be no federal lobbying t o manipulate markets, currencies, loans or subsidies or special favors; DC would dry up. There is nothing for federal lawmakers to do when there is no money inv olved. Im sure you can think of a whole series of healthy events and effects that would naturally take place from the establishing of real currency for the States and b y the States. Further more its already done. to some degree, and considering acro ss the Republic. One thing that cannot be done is using promissory notes. This does not work and was never designed to work. People in every social niche must learn to live with in their means aaahhhh really? Yep!

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