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KEN - JOHN ELMER NIERVES HERO - RODERICK GUZON SHANE - ATHENA LAGMAN SCENE 1 INT. DAY, BAR Shane is getting drunk. A series of shots but without dialogue from the characters, what the audience hears is a loud music that mirrors the turmoil that we see from the girl. She drinks bottle upon bottle of beer while Ken is shown observing and trying to comfort her. We hear Kens voice as VOICE OVER introducing the story. KEN (VO) She doesnt know what to do or where to go. Thats basically why I was with her. She lost him; he who she thought was her life. Nevertheless, I never expected her to act that way. She was drinking a lot of that salted, bitter, yellow drink, And later on when she felt dizzy, the tears started to Roll down her cheeks already red with frustration. But when I started to comfort her, She just cried some more. She did not know how to cope, She did not know where to turn So she tried to escape Shane runs out crying, on the streets she sees John holding hands with his new girl. Shane turns away and runs blackout to the sound of screeching tires. (VO and escape she did) (Ken Shane!) -BLACKOUT OBB (Cast names coming out white in plain black background)

SCENE 2 INT. DAY, HOSPITAL We see tubes and hospital equipment in slow motion. Finally we see Shane lying immobile on the bed; she has a lot of wounds and scratches on her face and arms. Ken is holding her seemingly lifeless hands, silently crying. (MTV style EVERYBODY HURTS by REM) Last shot of the scene we see a close-up of Shane hands weakly holding the hands of Ken and a tear falls from her closed eyes. SCENE 3 INT. NIGHT, HOSPITAL (shane,ken,hero) Nurse Perez with a clipboard checks on Shane, she breaks down but she is blind. The nurse shots a syringe of Morphine to her IV to calm her down. Shane: (try to open her eyes/cant see anything) where am i?ma,pa? Please turn on the light Ken: Shane, si ken ni..ari ka sa hospitaldumduman mo gab-e?nahubog ka kagnabunggu-an ka salakyan Shane: huonadumduman Kobut please turn on the lights for me ken? Ken: all the lights were on...galing kay hambal sang Dr. mo Shane: anu?hambal sang Dr. anu Ken?ano! tell me kenanu hambal sang Doctor?? (Hero entered the room) Hero: Shane, please relax? Shane: John?? I know its yourelax? How can I relax with this situation huh?ikaw yuh eh relax,kay wala ka sa lugar ko..kay wala ka gabatyag kon anu kabudlay kag kon anu ka sakittuongod sa imu Hero: (Injected the morphine)

SCENE 4 CONTINUATION OF PREVIOUS SCENE Morphine taking effect, Shane hallucinating and crying to Ken thinking he is John. (Kens VOICE OVER) Shane: amu ni natabo sa akon..ngaa kinanlan ko ni agyan?..sala bala nga gin palangga takapara matabo ni tanan sa akon?? KEN (VO) It was sembreak when it happened I just needed a break! SCENE 5 INT. DAY, HOSPITAL (HERO & SHANE SCENE) Scene starts with a blinding light. Shane slowly opens her eyes and the first face she sees is that of HERO smiling down on her. Hero: Shane? How are you?

Shane: (Shane closed her eyes and opened again) uhmm..FineI-I can see you nowwho are you? Hero: Im your nurse since last week, HeroHero Perez Shane: ohhh seeMr. Perez! thank you for taking care of me, and nice meeting you Hero: no probs uh...Part of my dutyteh magwa ko danay..Ma-check pa ko iban ko nga pasyenteAnd Ill tell your Doctor about your condition right now Shane:uhhokay!sige, salamat liwat Hero: (Exit) SCENE 6 CONTINUATION OF PREVIOUS SCENE (Ken and Shane dialogue to MTV type MAYBE) Ken: Shaneokay ka na?! Shane: far daw mas okay naken, abi ko indi na ko makakita pa mungayh, by the way,..kabisita di si John? Ken: John, wala gid bala Shane: hah? The sin-o to gali yuh ang gin Ken: aahh ang gin singgitan mo?hmm si Mr. Perez to..Nurse mo Shane: hala??tuodhala kahuluya man ni man teh..anu reaction yuh,ken?hala nahuya gid ko yuh Ken: Hambala padaw maanu ka gid na bi kay John mo nga Wala man tupa..lantawa natabu sa imuhai..nga babayi ka Shane Shane: ahai uhmayo lang gani kay ara ka ken, kon wala ka pagid guro..wala na ko di subongthanks gid ken huh?pa-hug bi? Ken: (hugging Shane) sus..wala problema uh..kon indi talang ka Shane: kon indi mo lang ko friendte wala ka di naayawan bantay sakon sini nga sembreak ehno? SCENE 7 FOLLOWING DAY (Shane and Hero) Hero: Good Morning Shane, Te kamusta na pamatyag mo, I have a good news..Maybe after 3 to 4 days pwede ka na kagwa gina hulat nalang mga x-ray results mo Shane: Good morning! ari okay, na manaiyh, sir...Sorry gid last time..nasinggitan taka Hero: Hah? Ako to haw?pati uhokay lang kabalo man ko nga indi mo hunggod,..In the first place indi man John ngalan ko uhand please stop calling me sir, just call me,Hero Shane: kon sa bagay..pareho bi kamu tingog ni John Hero: tuod ka? The indi na ko maghambal ehbasi gadugang pain nga gina feel mo Shane: no, its okay! Sa gin siling mo na, indi ka ya si JohnYou are Heromy Hero? SCENE 8 CONTINUATION OF PREVIOUS SCENE But Ken is looking on as Shane and Hero gets closer. (Continuation of MAYBE) Hero: wow! Your Hero gid ha? By the way.. if okay lang hah..ngaa gin hambal mo nga tungod kay John natabu ni sa imu? Shane: accident man lang uh..pero nag-inom ko bi tungod sa iyaHes my long time boy friend, then lately just before this sembreak nabal-an ko may other girl syakag nakita ko pa! Hero: ahy..nanu, okay lang na uhsiguro you deserve someone bettergrabe ka man gali magpalannga bawala kabalo si John kon anu ang gin buy-an nya

Shane: ayh wow..salamat naman..uhmm sir Perez,uhmmm Hero gali. If you have time bonding-bonding tahpara kabawi man ko.. Hero: hmm...sure uh..basta wala lang ko duty kag wala ka man klase eh Shane: sige uh,..pero basi may mangakig? Hero: ayh,..amu gid na guro ang wala kay sa tuod lang 2 months palang ko after break-up Shane: hala tuod?...te sige uheh text lang ko kon when ka available. SCENE 9 EXT. DAY, OUTSIDE THE HOSPITAL (MTV type follows MUSIC I Love you Goodbye ) Ken and Shane are waiting for the car to take her home. They talk but even if Ken was able to say he loves her, Shane thought it was a friendly love. Shane leaves and waves from the window of the car, Ken is left watching her and a single tear falls from his eyes. Shane: ken, how do you Find Mr. Perez?okay man? Ken: okay malang uhfor 2 weeks nga nakita ko sya,..indi man ko pehu gid..Why? Shane: kay daw, I feel something strange Ken: Shane, ara naman na ang something strange mopagkatapos anu? Shane: heeeara ka namanThats why gani nga this time kilalahon ko na I ask him to join us nga maglagawlagaw kon bakante tah Ken: uh..teh sige ikaw bahala, ara na sakyan mo..sige halongI love you!! Shane: salamat..see you sa opening SCENE 10 MYRIAD SHOTS We see a collection of different shots of Shane and Hero and of Ken usually left out and simply watching the two of them together. Kens VOICE OVER. KEN (VO) I felt like I was slapped with a big stoneonly it was her words. Not even her hands which would have been better. Sila na She had a boyfriend. A boyfriend she met that Sembreak, The Sembreak I realized and had the courage To tell her I love her too. SCENE 11 INT. NIGHT, KENs ROOM Ken is writing a goodbye letter. We hear his words as he writes them. He tells Shane of his love and his last words were. Dearest Shane, Shane halin sang una...Gin palangga ta ka.Halin sang una sa imo naglibot ang kalibutan ko.

Wala na ko sang iban nga babayi nga gin palangga pareho sang pagpalangga ko sa imudugay ko na ni gusto ipabalo sa imu, pero indi ko kabalo kon paano kag kon san-o. Nahadlok ko,kay basi imbis nga maglapit ka sa akon mas magpalayo ka nagid. Kag indi ko na masarangan.Amu na nga gin agwanta ko kag gin punggan ko ang kaugalingon ko nga pabal-on ka pa sang nabatyagan ko. Kag sa time nga abi ko handa na ko nga ihambal ini tananKamu na ni Hero. Siguro sala ko man nga gin pabay-an ko sya nga maunahan nya ko sa imu,kag Shane,sa paglakat ko subong, kabay pa nga mangin malipayon ka. Kabudlay para sa akon, pero I know it will be better in a long run. Im not giving you up, I just want to give you time and space to realize somethingand also, to prevent myself of from being hurt seeing you together. Shane, I LOVE YOU! Now its too late. But, I hope you realize just how much I loved you. Take a break; know I will always have you in my heart. I am and will always be your HERO! Indi sya, ako ang HERO MO YA!

We see him take the shirt that Shane was wearing the night at the bar, and we see a newspaper clipping where we see the faces of Shane and Hero on a car accident. Ken cries hard as he hugs the shirt and he breaks down. (Background music How could you say you love me) FADE TO BLACK End

Two People: Died on a Car Crash

A student named Shane Dela Cruz, together with Hero Perez was Declare, Dead on The spot after a Car Crush.

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