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// Aaron ALAI EMF Detector May 28th 2009 VERSION 1.1 // aaronalai1@gmail.

com // contains code for averaging sensor data #define sample 300 s per reading int inPin = 5; float val; int pin11 = 11; int array1[sample]; equal to "sample" unsigned long averaging; the sum of each array it makes void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { for(int i = 0; i < sample; i++){ element in the array we made with array1[i] = analogRead(inPin); out of the Arduino averaging += array1[i]; } saying: add averaging to whatever is //this code tells the program to fill each //information from the antenna wire coming //more information about for loops http:// //the program uses this variable to store //this is how many samples the device take //more information for #define http://ardu //analog 5 //where to store info from analog 5 //output of red led //creates an array with number of elements //more information about arrays http://ard

//the averaging line is simply in array position i //averaging += array[i] is the same as averaging = averaging + array[i] //for more information about +=

val = averaging / sample; //here the program takes the su m of all numbers in array1, and divides by the number of elements "sample" val = constrain(val, 0, 100); //this constrains the variable value to between two numbers 0 and 100 val = map(val, 0, 100, 0, 255); //for more information about co nstrain analogWrite(pin11, val); //the map statement tells the p rogram to map out 0-100 to 0-255, 255 is //the threashold of analogWrite for more information about map averaging = 0; //this line of code sets averag ing back to zero so it can be used again

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