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&label600=Butterflies&constructor=[type Function]&__proto__=[object Object]&glob alsound=[object Object]&freeze=&url=&urljumpto=&loop=0&loaded=1&effect=600&color background=0x000000&colortext=0x1F6F1E&line1=Memberi pengalaman indah&line2=pada masa kecil anak&line3=sebagai buah kasih orang tua&line4=&line5=&x1=2&x2=2&x3=2

&x4=5&x5=5&y1=180&y2=180&y3=180&y4=150&y5=150&vol=0&s1=110&s2=110&s3=110&s4=110& s5=100&bg=1&frameto=_level0.interfaceholder.frameonclick&license=Don't remove th is paragraph, or your template will stop working. Anim-FX owns the copyright to this template, which may not be sold or resold, in its original form or as part of another template, by anyone other than To check the full license restrictions, please refer to

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