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PLaces to visit before to die

1.Guilin (Chinese city surrounded by amazing landscapes) Ligiang river and Shanshu lake. 2. New York 3. Glaciar National Park (Argentina, Santa Cruz province) 4. Angkor Vat (Camboja) 5. Alhambra (Spain City of Granada) 6. Veneza 7. Amazonas (Brazil) 8. Hong Kong (China) 9. Teotihuacn (40 Km on the north of the city of Mexico) 10. Aurora polar (Finland or Norway Spring or Autumn) 11. Mountains of Colorado 12. Nilo 13. Pscoa Island 14. Santa Sofia (Istambul Turkey) 15. Machu Picchu (Peru) 16. Serengeti (Tanznia) 17. Corals Barrier (Queensland Australia) 18. Taj Mahal (India) 19. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 20. Petra (Jordnia) 21. Iguau (Brazil) 22. Rome 23. Great Wall of China 24. Sena river (France)

25. Assekrem (Argelia Sahara)

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