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Cigarettes are rolls of paper containing tobacco leaf that has been shredded. Smoking habit was originally done by Indian tribes in America as a complement to the ritual worship gods or spirits. Then at this time smoking began to be used for pleasure. The habit of smoking is widespread, almost half of young people in Indonesia have the habit of smoking. Smoking has become a necessity. Although smoking has a considerable danger to the health of the body. Thousands of substances contained in cigarettes is harmful to the body. This has been researched and proven through various researches. Smoking may increase the risk of various diseases, including heart disease, blood vessel disorders, lung cancer, oral cancer, bronchitis, high blood pressure, impotence, pregnancy disorders and damage to the fetus. Advantages of smoking has not been scientifically proven, but many users say that cigarette smoking is one of the advantages can relieve stress Seeing the many negative impacts that come from smoking, do not make the percentage of smokers in the world decreased but increased each year, it makes people who do not smoke adversely affected from cigarette smoke, because smoke generated also have negative impacts on the inhale Although they were not active smokers. Many smokers smoking in the wrong place, they usually smoking in public places like on the bus and it makes the other passengers disturbed. solution to overcome this problem is by installing NO SMOKING AREA signs and enforce the laws of banning smoking in public places. At least the dangers of passive smoking for smokers can be reduced.

Based on the number of negative impacts of smoke, as social beings we must remind each other and respect others who do not smoke. Is needed cooperation between society and government. The government made a policy banning smoking in public places and provide special places for smoking, while the community supports the policy to obey in order to minimize the dangers of smoking. But it all back on the self of each depends on the desire to healthy life.

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