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Practice your memory verse. You can find it in Joshua 24:15b.

January 29, 2012

Bring a Bible to the dinner table. Ask a grown-up to help you look up some of Gods promises. As a family, write some of Gods promises in slips of paper. Pull one out each night to read. Learn about honoring your word from how God honors His.

Pray and ask God to help you keep your promises. Thank God for always keeping His promises to you. Today is the last day our offering will go towards helping kids in South Africa. Next week, we will begin serving a different mission. Watch for details! Today is the last day our offering will go towards helping kids in South Africa. Next week, we will begin serving a different mission. Watch for details!

Think back through your day. What did you say you would do that you followed through on? What did you not do that you said you would? Choose something you still need to do in order to keep your word. Do it as soon as you can tomorrow. Grow to be a person of your word.

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