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How to learn a language I. Introduction.

Nowadays learning a foreign language is really necessary, for your studies, carrier or get a job, or just because you will travel to another country, but what is the best way to do? It means, How? Well this is the topic for today: how to learn a new language? So I ll try to tell you some easy ways to do, and of course, it depends on you.

Body First of all, when you are learning a language, you have to demonstrate willingness, everything starts from here, because it makes learning easier. Second of all, learning a language it doesn t means just learn new words, if you think that, you get lost, what you need to understand is that learning a language is learning a new way to think, it s understanding an important piece of a culture. So try to learn more about this culture or society, try to know everything as much as possible. An example of this could be, that you can chat or talk with people of this country or culture using the internet, so you can learn so much from these people therefore from their culture. The next step, is when you learn new words, tray to imagine this word in your mind without translate it, for example: If the new word is gato, imagine gato in your brain, don t translate to cat and then imagine the cat, No it s not correct! In this way you optimize process in your brain. Then we have the classics methods like read books I this language, because obviously you are going to learn new vocabulary and expressions and this important because you realized the correct form to write the words and you can use this phrases in the daily life. Finally try to watch movies, or listen song or get audios in this language in order to learn the correct pronunciation or intonation of the words and phrases, and try to get groups of conversation of this language. Conclusion As a conclusion we can say, that learning a new language is also learning a new culture, so we have to learn as much as we can and think like them, and obvious follow the previous steps.

How to learn a language?

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Introduction.learning a foreign language is really necessary but what is the best way to do?



First, you have to demonstrate willingness

everything starts from here

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Think in this language

it s understanding an important piece of a culture chat or talk with people of this country or culture


Don t translate
tray to imagine the word in your mind without translate

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read books Correct ways to write

y y y

Watch movies Listening audios Join to conversation groups


Learning a new language is also learning a new culture

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