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Why is Thailand flooding in 2011?

Thailand is flooding in 2011 because there have been heavy rains everywhere which have flooded the rivers and made it flood around the northern part of Bangkok. The water slowly moved down to the central part of Thailand so it flooded most of central Thailand but the water never came to central Bangkok. How does the flooding affect me? The flooding does not affect me too much as I live in a non-flooded area and I don t have any family members living in an affected area. But since my family from other countries are worried that we might not be safe so they would tell us to come to safer countries which may make us miss school. How does the flooding affect another person in Thailand? It might affect a farmer living up in the north part of Thailand, who might not be getting any food or money as his plants cannot grow. His plants will most likely die and for his home might get destroyed which would make it so he has to live on the ground in the cold north breeze.`

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