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Installation Instructions

1. Download the required packages from the KinEmote web site: 2. Install the software in this order: a). OpenNI Framework b). Sensor driver c). NITE Middleware using the following key: 0KOIk2JeIBYClPWVnMoRKn5cdY4= 3. Run the KinEmote Software. 4. Enter the IP address or Hostname of the computer running XBMC or Boxee. If you are running XBMC/Boxee on the same computer as the Kinect controller just use localhost

Navigating with KinEmote

To initiate a tracking session make a quick front-back motion toward the Kinect controller. The back motion will set the zero-point of the Mid Plane.

5. Choose XBMC, Boxee or Custom Keys 6. Click connect to start the KinEmote server.

Video Overlay
KinEmote provides a dynamic video overlay that shows you what the Kinect camera is seeing. You can choose to enable/disable this in the Video drop down menu. Show Visual Feed - Show video feedback window Autostart Visual Feed - Shows the video whenever a tracking session is active and hides it when a session drops. To keep the video window on top of all other windows, right-click on a live video stream and choose Always on top

Practice finding a comfortable spot for your mid plane as that is where you are going to be doing most of your movements. The back plane lies about 8 inches behind the mid plane. Remember to stop a tracking session pull to the back plane and move your hand down.

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