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Acts 17:10-12 The Bereans Search the Scriptures Daily


The believers sent out, Paul and Silas; They sent them out to Berea to teach; When they arrived there, they went to synagogue; And they taught the Word of Elohim. And they shared the testimony of Yeshua.

The people of Berea were open-minded; They listened eagerly to Pauls message; They search the Scriptures day after day; To check upon Paul and Silass message; And to see if they were teaching the truth.

The people of Berea were very noble; They listened intently to Pauls message; They read the Torah, Navim, and Ketuvim; They search all of these with understanding; And they verify everything they have heard.

Many Jews heard the Word and believed; Some prominent Greek also heard and believed; And many women heard the Word and believed; And many men also heard and believed; As a result, many believed in Elohim.

Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resources/Congregation Elim Music Arranged by Yonatan & Emma Perry (4/23/11)

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