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Personality defined as an ingrained enduring pattern of behaving and relating to self, others, and the environment.

Includes: - Perception - Attitudes - Emotions Personality disorders when personality traits become inflexible and maladaptive and significantly interfere with how a person functions in society or cause the person emotional distress. DIAGNOSIS IS MADE : 1. Ways of perceiving and interpreting self (congnition) 2. Range, intensity, lability and appropriateness of social response (affect) 3. Interpersonal functioning 4. Ability to control impulse or appropriate behavior at the right time and place (impulse control) CATEGORIES OF PERSONALITY DISORDER CLUSTER A - Odd and eccentric - Paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal CLUSTER B - Dramatic, emotional - Erratic - Antisocial, borderline, - Histrionic - Narcissistic CLUSTER C - Anxious or fearful - Avoidant, dependent, obsessive compulsive Personality disorder - 10%-13% - Lower socioeconomic groups TREATMENT RESISTANT

PERSONALITY DISORDERS 1. Paranoid o Mistrust o Suspicion of others o Guarded o Restricted affect NURSING INTERVENTION - Serious - Straightforward approach - Teach client to validate ideas before taking action 2. Schizoid o Detached from social relationship o Restricted affect o Involved with things more than with people

3. Schizotypal o Acute discomfort in relationship o Cognitive or perceptual distortions o Eccentric behavior 4. Antisocial o Disregard for right of others, rules and laws 5. Borderline o Unstable relationship o Self image o Impulsivity o Self mutilation 6. Histrionic o Excessive emotionality o Attention seeking 7. Narcissistic o Grandiose o Lack of empathy o Need for admiration 8. Avoidant o Social Inhibitions o Feelings of inadequacy o Hypersensitive o negative evaluation 9. Dependent o Submissive and clinging behavior o Excessive need to be taken care of 10. Obsessive- Compulsive o Preoccupation with orderliness o Perfectionism o Control 11. Depressive o Pattern of depressive cognitions o Behaviors in variety of context 12. Passive-aggressive o Pattern of negative attitudes and passive resistance to demands for adequate performance in social and occupational situations o

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