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#!/bin/sh ./configure --with-tcl=/home/toilers/ns/ns2.1b7a/tcl8.3.2 --with-tclver=8.3 --with-tk=/home/toilers/ns/ns2.1b7a/tk8.3.2 --with-tk-ver=8.3 --with-otcl=/home/toilers/ns/ns2.1b7a/otcl-1.0a6 --withtclcl=/home/toilers/ns/ns2.1b7a/tclcl-1.

0b10 Code for: Several network-wide broadcast protocols for a mobile ad hoc network The paper related to the code: B. Williams and T. Camp. Comparison of Broadcasting Techniques for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC '02), pp.194-205, 2002. If you have any questions on the code, send email to Tracy Camp <>. The research group's URL is: This NS distribution is meant to be built using common tcl code kept in the u2/toilers directory. If this tarball has been unpacked into a personal directory, the ns distribution may need to be reconfigured so that absolute path names are recognized. BE CAREFUL when doing this. Follow these steps: If you are working at Mines on alamode: 1. The current distribution should work, run make in ns2.1b7a direct and see what happens. If there are errors, follow the instructions below. If you are working from another location or school : Chances are you don't have the tcl libraries that this program needs in the build process. 1. If you have a working version of the tcl required by NS2.1b7a then you can reconfigure the ns distribution pointing to that tcl distribution: Use the configure script file scripts/config-ns2.1b7. Change the location of the tcl files in the script file to actual locations on your system.Run this file from the ns2.1b7a directory. 2. If you don't have a working version, you can download it from ns website (make sure you get the ns-allinone for 1b7a and pick out the tcl stuff. Build the tcl distribution and then follow step 1 above. 3. If it still doesn't work, contact someone in Toilers and ask for a tar ball of tcl source in /home/toilers/ns/ns2.1b7a/tcl8.3.2, tk8.3.2, otcl-1.0a6 and tclcl-1.0b10 You may have to rebuild on your system.

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