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Frazer Tin Amy Lucy

Getting pleasure from this is unacceptable. He realises this, subconsciously- hence the shyness. His id reared its ugly head, only to be brought back into check by his ego.

Hi Eddie! Exclaimed by Catherine Feelings

Eddie is said to be pleased by this and is therefore shy about it . Showing he s more of a man by letting himself be hit harder Traditional masculinity Marco shows off his strength as a warning
Eddie is seen to take this warning through the stage directions Eddie s grin vanishes as he absorbs the look He respects other alpha males it seems

You re walking wavy...The heads are turning like windmills.

Father figure (his super ego acted out sometimes to protect Catherine as he believes this it is the right thing to do) Her becoming a woman removes a mental block for Eddie. So this father role is slowly slipping away, which acted as the ego and leaving the desires of his id



Eddie boxing with Rodolpho

Attempts to degrade Catherine


Marco s got my name and you can run tell him, kid, that he s gonna give it back to me in front of this neighbourhood or we have it out

Doesn t like the idea of her growing up

Conflict with Marco that cost him his life

Catherine s job shows a loss of control and his reaction shows he is adverse to this loss

Wants to control

Such a typical, masculine notion Where? Where am I He wants to be the man goin ? This is my house. of HIS house.

Frazer Tin Amy Lucy

"He is forty- a husky, slightly overweight longshoreman"

He wears a cap and jackt, again typical of the time

Physical Appearance

Very typical middle-aged bloke

fits in so well; wouldn't expect him to outlaw himself from the community

Seems to fit in and agree with the status quo. Makes it surprising and out of character for him to break it.

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