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Revelation 7 thunders

Next events: Rapture of the man-child 144000 (+) followed by landing of dragon - Draco empire, fall of Babylon by 10 horns, rising beast, Great Warning, Declaration Day of 666

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Tau 9-6 Treaty between US, Orions and Greys, signed in 2009 in Bandelier National Monument

USA in treaty with Orion empire, besides the Greys "The treaties were basically inflicted on us by the Orions", Dr Dan Burisch. Star systems involved: Reticulum, Aquarius system, Gliese Monday, November 30, 2009

how they kept ET secrets even from presidents

George Bush Sr. as Director of Central Intelligence refused the UFO info to president Jimmy Carter

Conference on Alien moon bases

NASA: It was difficult to forecast the reaction of people to information that some creatures had been or still are on the Moon. In addition, there were some other reasons to it, which were beyond

the control of NASA. NASA scientists and engineers participating in exploration of Mars and the Moon reported the results of their discoveries at a briefing at the Washington National Press Club on March 21, 1996. It was announced for the first time that man-made structures and objects have been discovered on the Moon. 1.html this is the moon version of the expected Obama disclosure. It is the weakest version, to admit there were Ancient ruins on the Moon / Mars. Much stronger and close to the real picture is Mr. Obama to admit what is "leaked" already by scientists and officers involved in the secret projects - that the aliens indeed landed on Earth and gave hi-tech to US (Russian? British?) governments. That means, they are still here and will only increase their engagement.

"I Saw Structures on the Moon" (Karl Wolfe) ures.html

yesterday they covered up everything. today they try to convince us unofficially by "leaks", but we refuse to believe it.
How about tomorrow, when they will announce it officially in the headline news? Will we be able to discern which aliens are the good ones? Please refer to the previous posts.

and on Mars archive video by Armstron, alien moon base building structures on Moon Dr Edgar Mitchel (Apollo 14) aliens visited the Earth

see these videos, it is all known by specialists, we do not know it

Chavez warning materialize in less than 24 h

Venezuela closes four banks after Chavez warning dPR/idUSN3044036120091130 You'd better listen to his warnings next time! Listen to Putin's warnings (in the near past), and also to Iran's warnings! Or you will pay very high price! If the GW is in 2009 as we believe, Babylon must fall every next day. Babylon NY, and Rome as well.

Russia to start Iran nuclear plant in 2010 RE5AT32H20091130

Russia offers a pact to NATO. To Be or Not?

Russia hands NATO draft European security treaty

Large Hadron Collider sets world record to unprecedented energy levels 1.18 TeV
Ria Novosti The Large Hadron Collider set a new world record on Monday, accelerating its twin beams of protons to unprecedented energy levels, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) said on its website. The record of 1.18 TeV comes 10 days after the LHC was restarted. The previous world record of 0.98 TeV had been held by the U.S. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory's Tevatron collider since 2001, CERN said. "It marks another important milestone on the road to first physics at the LHC in 2010," the scientific organization said. The first circulating beam of protons successfully made it through the LHC's entirety on November

20. Last Monday, beams of protons started circulating in both directions around the LHC, and the first proton collisions were produced. "We are still coming to terms with just how smoothly the LHC commissioning is going," CERN Director General Rolf Heuer said. "It is fantastic. However, we are continuing to take it step by step, and there is still a lot to do before we start physics in 2010. I'm keeping my champagne on ice until then." He said the next aim would be to produce a concentrated commissioning phase to increase the beam intensity, with more proton-proton collision experiments expected to take place before Christmas. According to CERN, the first physics at the LHC is scheduled for the first quarter of 2010, at a collision energy of 7 TeV (3.5 TeV per beam). The international LHC project has involved more than 2,000 physicists from hundreds of universities and laboratories in 34 countries since 1984. Over 700 Russian physicists from 12 research institutes have taken part. MOSCOW, November 30 (RIA Novosti) ======================

Have no doubt - these energies are enough for mini black holes, that are singularities, with event horizons around, or even worse - naked singularities. Much lower energies in Brookhaven did the same. We entered the era of curved spacetime known from science fiction movies. Stargate serial is no more sci-fi, because we have already dimensional door. understand - traversable wormhole. Where is the entrance - exit? According to sci-fi (fact) it is inside the circle. Search for it inside the center of LHC circle /Fermilab /brookhaven circle. Actually it doesn't matter because the regions will be radiated by "terrorist explosions" nearby, before the grays start coming out.

In the great tribulations those who consecrate themselves to Me will be protected. My Heart will be your secure refuge. It will be your ark of the Cov
new website of visionary Pedro Regis

Message 3245 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 24/11/2009 Dear Sons and Daughters, today I ask for your consecration to My Immaculate Heart for I desire to lead you to My Son Jesus. Your conscious and total gift will contribute to the final triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Difficult times are coming for you. Pray. In the great tribulations those who consecrate themselves to Me will be protected. My Heart will be your secure refuge. It will be your ark of the Covenant with God, and He will save you. Rejoice. Don t lose heart. Happen what may, dont ever feel that you are alone. I am your Mom and I am at your side. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Stereo A - now we know it was the Galactic center in Sagittarius

What we do not know is why the light was so strong, much stronger than in any other telescope

that you practically do not notice the Milky Way background. What to say about disappearing of Mercury or the bright stars in that "explosion of light" that blinded the pixels of camera for everything else. Therefore we will open to public the videos with Stereo A photos, no matter the suspected comet/nibiru turned to be Sagittarius center of the galaxy. For more photos please browse Stereo archives. There is the supermassive Black Hole Sgr A* weighting millions of solar masses. It rotates pretty forcefully, and according to the theory is dragging space AND time around itself and possibly sending gravitational waves towards the periphery of galaxy, where we are located too. There are forces that we are going to experience stronger than usual during the galactic alignment. It happens every year in the "era 2012" that lasts for decades. This year will be stronger than the previous one, increasing until 2012.

MUFON 2009-11-29 FL, US

an object captured in Florida, looking like the cigar-shaped motherships described by UFOlogists, and seen in numbers on Google sky and WWT. Perhaps there are much less real objects that later appear again and again photographed on different places in the sky. Why the images are not cleanedup before posted on google and wwt, if those are not spaceships, and what are they then, the science is silent on that matter. We are left on our own to gaze in awe both natural phenomena and artificial objects made by ET civilizations, created by the same God.

The Sun approaches the center of our galaxy

projected at the background. The alignment happens every year, with increasing precision towards Dec 2012. The center of Milky Way is a supermassive Black Hole of galactic type (much larger and therefore less dense than a stellar black hole), designated as Sgr *A or Sagittarius A, because of its relative projection in Sagittarius constellation. Here are some photos of Sgr*A from

VLA/ naval research lab (the red) and NASA JPL (the blue). In addition, we put a captured image of WWT path of the Sun. If you remember several months ago Stereo A satellite was pointing at the same region, catching both the center of our galaxy and the supermassive red giant star Antares. (the sun will ultimately become like Antares). Then we wondered what the source of extreme radiation was. Now we know it was the center of the galaxy. Whether there was a stronger emission than usual, as strong as to blind the entire telescope of Stereo A, we cannot answer that question. It is a pity that the knowledgeable do not provide

answers, not until the 72 hours of the events (see John Leary below).

Sunday, November 29, 2009

El Baradei quits surprisingly

Despite it is not labeled as "Breaking news", the quit of El Baradei was not something expected for long (now they will say it was). It is the admittance of the complete fiasco of IAEA nonproliferation attempts for 2 decades after the Cold War. It means also the game with Iran becomes more serious than ever. Because we know Iran IS ALREADY a nuclear country - a country that CAN produce the bomb, even if the estimations put it years / months ahead in the future to produce a single small bomb. We never know the truth, and

in the nuclear matter the players usually prefer to downplay their real potential. The way Israel is doing. The question is what is next? Medvedev has one answer - a pact of the entire developed North. (proposed first by Reagan and Gorbachev, then abandoned when Gorbi lowered the guard). Even if it doesn't include the nuclear (capable) countries Pakistan, India, China, Japan, Iran, Israel, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Brazil, even though it will be a major step in that direction, perhaps the biggest step after the cold war. It will be a pity if that offer is rejected by the only country in the world that does not accept international structures above its own president, despite it holds the United Nations headquarters in the same city that rules the world financially. Then the new world order will be built without that man. Or perhaps he will reconsider? The intrigue is not whether Mr. Obama will accept the role of the peacemaker. The peace is proposed, and will be broken even if it is first accepted falsely. We need not look for a Muslim/Jewish peace treaty. We'd better keep our eyes open to

what happens, and not to wait imaginative schemes derived from certain bible scholars with political agenda, that will never materialize. Another question is the growing rift between church and state in traditionally catholic/evangelical countries, who until recently enjoyed the biggest religious freedom with special treaties between the Vatican and the governments (concordats). Now those agreements are being broken one after another by acceptance of civil laws etc. As conclusion, I suggest the time of breaking the false peace is now. We had the false peace not 3 but 20 years.

JNSR Conference in Paris January 24, 2010

Cross of All Nations

Cross of All Nations

IAEA's ElBaradei bows out with prayer of St. Francis, at the time the non-proliferation regime is almost dead
IAEA's ElBaradei bows out with prayer of St. Francis

good intentions with not so good results. In the last decade one "rough" country got the bomb NK, and as a result was never attacked. Another country struggles to get it ( Iran), and is threatened with an attack. A third country failed to get the bomb (Iraq), and was invaded with unprecedented breach of Post WW2 world order in the UN Security council by one of the establishing countries and permanent member holding veto power - USA. The logical question arises - who needs such a SC? 4th and 5th countries openly demonstrated they posses enough bombs to explode a dozen of them - Pakistan and India, and they gained at least a respectful position in the international arena. The countries are not brides to need to be loved, neither there is a bridegroom in the face of the world policeman. (ok we have a harlot and a beast, and that is enough).

Some 20-30 other countries including Middle Eastern have already set a "peaceful" nuclear course. Brazil and Argentina are building a nuclear submarine, Brazil having the same enrichment plants that Iran is scrutinized for (the Brazilian ones do not have any IAEA cameras inside). Germany builds the French warheads and missiles and the Israeli nuclear capable submarines, while Japan "peacefully" stored processed plutonium for 10 000 nukes - more than the officially declared American ones. There are voices the non-proliferation regime must be abolished, if the nuclear countries only grow in number and potential.

Iran - 10 new plants under mountains. How many of them are already built?
Iran to build 10 uranium plants Brazil opposes new Iran sanctions Time's running out for Iran, warns US

Will USA attack in a foreseeable future? And how, when the Iranian army is stronger than the US

located forces in the Gulf? And what if the bomb is already ready?
'Iran won't be bullied by threatening language'

Tehran Times Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Mohammad-Ali Jafari says threats and military action against Iran are the language of a bygone era

Russian patriarch seeks "powerful reply" to train bomb

Russian patriarch seeks "powerful reply" to train bomb

Patriarch Kirill calls for unity after Nevsky Express train blast

Chavez talks about nuclear bombs, accusations they are building (?) and shows a mysterious suitcase (a big joke in his style?) v=Q24wrJmqMUM&feature=fvsr

Something frightening will happen in Europe and three countries will be struck at the same time.
28 November, 2009. Message 3246 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. Dear Sons and Daughters, let The Lord guide you and you will be led to holiness. Dont lose heart. Dont back out. You are not alone. I am your Mom and I am at your side. When you feel the weight of your difficulties, call on Jesus. He will be your support in moments of pain. Dont forget, there is no victory without the cross. Imitate My Son Jesus. I come from heaven to offer you My love. Open your hearts to My call and joyfully live

My messages. Humanity has become spiritually poor because people have withdrawn from their Creator. Pray. Pray. Pray. Something frightening will happen in Europe and three countries will be struck at the same time. People will have to weep and lament. Seek strength in prayer and in the Eucharist. Your victory is coming closer. Stay with The Lord, This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Russia proposes new pact of mutual defense from Vancouver to Vladivostok, similar to ReaganGorbachev unfulfilled promises of 1989
Russia's Europe security pact draft offers mutual military assistance

The draft is open for signing "by all states of the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian space from Vancouver to Vladivostok" as well as by the EU, NATO, the

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the post-Soviet Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

comet on the way - John Leary

October 13, 2009

Jesus said: My people, I have told you before that the Comet of the Warning was on its way toward the earth. The major telescopes see near miss objects from a distance, but they keep them secret until within 72 hours of arrival. This comet will come by quickly with little notice of its coming. Once it is very close, amateurs will notify you on the internet, and your Warning experience will happen quickly as well for everyone on earth at the same time. This comet will be different in that it will not be seen from a great distance because it will be hidden by the sun and the planets. Those, who see this in the sky, will be frightened and some could even die of fright. This message is another sign that the Warning time is getting very close.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

do we know what happens in Pakistan - the second biggest muslim country that is rapidfly increasing its nuclear arsenal

Pakistani president turns over nuclear authority to prime minister to avoid corruption charges LeqM5hkiMxbHNH0BqgpWA2ZG6VD6wVTmAD 9C8VBF80 when someone wants to make a comparison with a poor third world country, big enough to be known and at the same time not among the biggest ones that somehow do not fit into the category of small third world republics, one usually chooses "Pakistan". "that is (not) like Pakistan", "better/worse than Pakistan". "Not even in Pakistan"...and so on. Pakistan is a former British colony together with India. the colony that made most of the affluence of the former empire that controlled much more of the world than USA today, than Hitler or Stalin.

Some evangelical sites call the British empire one of the beast's heads and so on. In my view, it is the head that wanted but did not become the last king. (the 8th out of 7). Pakistan is a part of all that. Moreover Pakistan is a part of the ancient Persian empire, and thus qualifies for Daniel prophecies. Is Pakistan or a part of it (the Indic part probably that controls the government) one of the 10 horns? You see those horns are not virtual, not symbolical. They are kings with kingdoms and with weapons that will attack Babylon the Great. There aren't so many choices available in the world today. The old British play to put on collision course the giant India with Muslim Pakistan (and therefore with 1 bln Muslim world), may have the same result as Japan-China that we already discussed. We have ten horns that need not be friends, they are united against the harlot who rides them. We have 200 million army coming from the East towards today's Iraq (China, India)

Major Ethnic Groups in Pakistan

osama escaped as if walking on brooklin bridge. rumsfeld personally involved. strange how they warned of nuclear 9/11 then? o_co/us_tora_bora_bin_laden it was Cheney who said the next 9/11 will be with WMD. Bush warned too, as well as every leading figure of US intelligence. for more with links pls check but that means their goal was not Osama at all. Cheney said on 9/11 - let go and strike Iraq? asked - but why, Osama is in Afghanistan, Cheney responded - there is nothing valuable in Afghanistan. for the exact quotes, please check any conspiracy site, they have all that and more.

Is this report attempt to justify prolonged involvement int he centuries old tribal war in Afghanistan/Pakistan? Or there is something else? Especially if nuclear 9/11 takes place soon? Then Obama is clear - it was Bush administration that not captured the man who frightens the entire planet.

Maria Esperanza - new saint soon?

before or after the events? We are glad and pray! At the same time we want to know the revelations that Maria Esperanza received, even mroe than hearing this news. Maria Esperanza said a lot. Much is published in Spiritdaily and other internet sources. She for example warned Bush administration after 9/11 not to go to Iraq because that is a trap, and that the Middle East situation could trigger a World War. She said everything will start from Venezuela. She predicted a manifestation of Christ

in the next 10-20 years (said in 1994), and torrents of light from 2004 (her death is in 2004).

Iran warns the West

Iran speaker warns West on nuclear cooperation E5AS0AS20091129 it is illusion to assume that Achmadinejad decides 40% and the Ayatollah Khamenei - 60% of all state matters. For example, Ali Larijani is one of the moderate Iranian politicians, known for his previous position of nuclear negotiator. We are not defending the Iranian position. But the West plays as if there is no one above them, not even above earth. They cannot contemplate the Iranians could strike first. Especially with some ~300 Soviet warheads, ~550 kt each. Coordinated with the "new Castro in L.Am." that cannot speak against the "empire" and its puppet states, if his words are not backed with something more than socialist ideals. By the way he generously offered to Obama to embrace socialism. Obama did not respond positively until

now, according to Chavez' views of socialism. So an attack on American interests or even on mainland IS on the table. Including by mysterious "gangs" hidden in Northern Mexico. Or you think Calderon - a US - anointed pres., controls everything? See maps of the drug cartels, to understand Calderon controls a couple of states in Central Mexico, not even 1/4. Only the UFOs fly there. Besides the lab produced H1N1 that strangely why has chosen exactly Mexico.

Osama was left to disappear - by whom? By the one who ordered him what to do, apparently
BreakingNews: Osama bin Laden walked unmolested out of Tora Bora and disappeared into Pakistan's tribal area. Report (PDF): For more, watch youtube 9/11 stories with burning parts of buildings much LOWER than the plane crash, that also look like local explosions.

There were planes, there was Osama. The way there will be similar cover on the next 9/11

3 full weeks more

for everything to start: 1. 1st rapture 2.Fall of Babylon New York 3.Attack on Vatican - that could be delayed until the Christmas holidays because it will happen during a big holiday with lunar eclipse. Notice that the Christmas Holidays START and not end with Christmas December 25. We advice everyone to start double and triple prayers, and also to Fast as much as possible. Avoid all of those "christmas parties" that have nothing to do with the spirit of Christ's birth! "christmas parties" that are held in the time in which the Church for 2 millenia prepared with Fast and Good Deeds, by helping the poor. Today's "parties" in the fasting period could be called "Roman pagan feasts, roman empire feasts", in the good sense of that meaning because after all we do not do anything wrong on those parties, do we? The Roman nobles did not

do anything wrong on official gatherings either. They were the example of the "entire universe".

Could this story be the top news story in Google news?

Top Stories When Tiger Woods and scandal collide, truth becomes the victim

Israel to recognize elections in Honduras

Israel to recognize elections in Honduras The U.S., Peru, Panama and Costa Rica have so far announced they would to recognize the results. The polls were already declared illegitimate by Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador and Nicaragua Zelaya supporters have openly vowed to disrupt the vote because the leading candidates, Porfirio Lobo and Elvin Santos, belong to the two main parties that voted overwhelmingly in Congress to support Zelaya's ouster. ml

Chavez: Israel aims to exterminate Palestinians

Chavez: Israel aims to exterminate Palestinians

download and print the main Extraterrestrial alien civilizations

download the main ET civs in pdf You will need it, especially if Obama indeed announces some of them! better of course check the longer lists. It doesn't matter some are fictional. It matters we collect what is already known (even if it sounds as fairy tale), and compare it to what will be given to humankind as a pure coin. I bet Obama or any other official will reveal only certain civs, like the Greens and the Greys, because they are the most common, and the ones who stay behind the science leap. Please check the other posts here, and save the classification until you have internet. Now I notice that exactly the Greens are missing from the table, may be because they did not have a picture in the longer list. Anyway, they are pretty

close to the Greys. Everyone has seen pictures of Green men. this article says the Greys are most common, and responsible for abductions. It puts them together with the Zetas. About the Zetas, the UFO-logists are divided. Some accept them as good, others - as evil. 6/a_rouges_gallery_of_the_most_common.html ufo shapes according to MUFON - far not only the saucers!!!

Blimp Cone
Shape of Object(s):

Boomerang Chevron

Bullet/Missile Cross Fireball

Cigar Cylinder Flash

Circle Egg Sphere Teardrop

(if multiple Diamond Disc sources or factors, check Saturn-like all that apply) Oval Star-like

Square/Rectagular Triangle



the next website divides the aliens into three only grtoups (omitting any insectoids etc). The first

two - the Greys and the Reptoids, are quite well known for their evil inclinations. sWhatAreThey.aspx 3 reported main types of alien: ================================== ========================

1.Grey's ================================== ==============================

2.Reptoids ================================== ========================

3.Nordics ================================== ========================== As I watch at the Nordic type extraterrestrial, they do not differ much from humans. Some stories

received through chanelling say they have a common origin. I will not post them, because they go out of the history of humankind the way we know it. I guess you could find easily any info about Pleiadian/ Vegan/ Sirian / Alpha centaurian (named after the main star system - names of stars are given by earthly astronomers). Be careful in discernment what consists a valuable info for the extraterrestrials themselves, from what is the interpretation of the earthly receiver, or even attempt to employ a kind of philosophy that is not always Christian. Discernment is need on each step. But better make efforts to discern the Nordic are good (from Enoch???) than to wait the Reptiles/Reptoids or Grey/Green to discern you!!! We know the latter are evil for sure, and now we know they are behind the science boom that leaded us to WW3. We don't have many chances to lose them. If a revelation (carefully chosen moment) of greys and reptiles is imminent, that is only to be followed by their open dominance on earth (until now - secret). i cannot imagine what worse could happen to you! Perhaps Anna MAria Taigi is right using different vocabulary when says all hell will be losed on earth. Compared to that, the gentle race of nordic humanoids that traces a common origin (unknown exactly how, my

version is Enoch), is an opportunity that cannot be missed! In anyway it is not worse to what is coming on earth. Also, we forgot to mention the rapture??? This IS the rapture.

John Leary's new google group/mailing list

Japan has everything to be a world superpower. Why is no one concerned?

Japan orbits satellite to spy on North Korea

Japan has stored plutonium for 10 000 warheads, advanced space rockets, and a terrible history with

atrocities even before WW2, comparable or surpassing those of Hitler (especially the biological experiments). Why is no one concerned? No one except the Asian nations who have experienced it. The game of USA to arm silently an "ally" to be used against other "partners" or enemies, such as China and N. Korea, is a very dangerous one. The Japanese haven't forgotten the bombs. And even without Hiroshima they might have some bigger ambitions than those of island nation with aging population. They have everything necessary for a world conquest no less than USA have. If they secretly weaponize their plutonium 9it is extracted and stored, need a month or so), they will have more warheads than USA. And perhaps they are more advanced in areas like nanotechnology. We still don't know who the 10 horns are, and where the beast will come from. The molecular manufacturing could be developed in a relatively small nation. Especially if the big powers like Russia and USA annihilate each other.

Could Russia respond in 1999 with its own war on terror? How about now?
9/11 is pretty well known for all conspiracy theories that nearly prove 100% it can't be done only by some terrorists and some planes alone. The burning of the termite on WTC site wasn't put off months later, according to witnesses. You could find really a lot of stuff on internet, that even if 1/5 is correct, it means the mastermind is not in Afghanistan. But the world knows virtually nothing about 1999 bombings in Moscow and other big Russian cities - bombs in residential buildings that claimed the lives of hundreds. They were exploding from empty apartments rented by Chechen terrorists. The Western media had no shame whatsoever to suggest links with KGB and personally with Putin whose elections were approaching. (why should he kill Russians to be elected by Russians, is not known). The story followed with the sinking of Kursk submarine in August 1999. (see wikipedia or the movie "a submarine in troubled waters" in google videos). Then the next August 2000 - the burning of Moscow TV tower - the highest

building in the entire European continent. Luckily it did not collapse. Russia could righteously respond by a war on terror, the way USA did after 9/11. There could be no 9/11 therefore, and we could see Russian and not American invasion of the oil fields in the Gulf. That didn't happen for one reason or another. Now we have an increased terrorist activity in the Northern Caucasus that is a part of Russia since the Tzarist period (the same time when the Tzar sold Alaska to USA, or given for 100 years, as some claim). Followed by the damage of the biggest hydroenergy power plant in Siberia - the terrorism was ruled out, however it could be a cover up. Now that culminates in the terrible catastrophe with the luxury train connecting the two biggest Russian cities - Moscow and St Petersburg. The terrorism cannot be covered up with so many witnesses in place. What will be the response of Putin, finally? He has the backing of at least one man in the West - the French president Sarkozy.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Alex Jones on RussiaToday Terrorist attack in Russian train 39 dead at least

Terror Fear As Dozens Die In Express Crash Several carriages of the Nevsky Express travelling from Moscow to St Petersburg were derailed at 9:30 pm (1830 GMT) near the town of Bologoye, 200 miles from Moscow. A number of officials suggested it may have been the result of an explosion. A source in Moscow's law enforcement agencies was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying: "A one-metre-diameter hole has been found next to the railway track. "Witnesses heard a loud slap before the accident. All of this could point to a possible act of terrorism." One railway official said: "We are told this could have been a terrorist act." ================================== ================================== =

What was expected in USA during Thanksgiving, happened in Russia. What will follow as a result, in a time when Putin was in France and the French warship - in Petersburg? (i.e. full backing by France of Putin's policy, no matter what)

Victory for Putin as France signs gas pipeline deal

Victory for Putin as France signs gas pipeline deal Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan approve all customs union documents

new USSR?

The Lord certainly did not limit His glory to this small Earth. On other planets other beings exist who did not sin and fall as we did." St. Pio
The Lord certainly did not limit His glory to this small Earth. On other planets other beings exist who did not sin and fall as we did." - St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968), canonized June 16, 2002 htm

delusion is two ways, discernment needed in two ways either

pity to say, but many faithful (older) take too literally the Bayside apparitions. In the 1970s and 1980s in the boom of saucers (apparently the Greens the same as Roswell who gave the Bomb etc hi-tech) Our Lady cannot use other language. What if She starts speaking of Black Holes and tunnels in hyperspace??? Instead, She is using Only clerical lexicon, fit for those who are listening Her.

today we know all of that. We know there are may be hundreds of civilizations, many of which fit perfectly into what Our Lady describes as "transports from hell" because these civs being influenced by the evil, serve not God but devil. Others not seduced civilizations that St Pio described as not fallen, (echoed by Jesuit scientists today), these civs serve God better than our own corrupted civ! It would be strange to

deny God has created many more civs among some 200 billions worlds in our galaxy only. They would fit into the category of Ezekiel's wheels and Angels performing the rapture - the same Our Lady in Bayside talks about the Rapture in a rare occasion in a Catholic apparition. So we must take both messages together, or we don't take either of them in their entirety and we miss the point. There is a real danger for the very faithful people who cannot discern, to miss their angels' rescue. Then they will see the Greens and Reptiles who are already on Earth, and who will further use the colliders for a mass invasion. Today we know that there are 2 kinds of hyper space travel technology: 1. the hyper drive is necessary in any spaceship or saucer engine. Oh, but please understand that ALL kinds of spaceships, not only the "bads" but also the "goods" must have a hyperdrive in order to cross the galaxy! if you designate the "goods from the bads" only based on the exterior look of the ship, you are not better than Sci-Fi movies fans, and perhaps they will choose wiser because they know more ships than yourselves know! because you brand everything as "saucer=devil"!

Oh but there are cigar-tube like, there are triangles, there are rhomboids, diamonds, there are light ships (different configuration of lights)...check MUFON 2. AND wormhole mouth is the other possibility to travel thru hyperspace. it needs more efforts to be constructed but once started it could allow for a mass transport in short time. Currently 3 big stargates / colliders are on earth that declared black hole creation (crossing event horizon), and a couple of smaller ones.
Sci-Fi Starship Size Comparison Chart

We appeal at Bayside sites to please review a little theory on the physics matter - it is God who created those laws, isn't it? Anguera apparition is not shy to talk about science, and we believe it is the same Our Lady. It is necessary a discernment before branding everyone as evil alien. The way we cannot brand every human being as servant of 666, and we cannot brand every spirit as demon, because there are Angels as well! We must learn to

discern, and it must start Right Now, Before we encounter them. Because otherwise you will see only the evil Greens, by refusing to take your seats in the Angel's driven spaceships called: "chariots of fire" and "Ezekiel's wheels". Or perhaps you know flying horses breathing fire, and gyroscopes that you will prefer to call any kind of angels, only not to admit there are some good creatures in the rest of Universe, who created their spaceships BETTER than Appolo and Soyuz? An Aborigine would call the Space shuttle that just landed a "chariot of fire" and either will kneel or will throw an arrow at it (if believes it is from the evil spirit). Go back to Galileo. The discernment must be in two ways, and not to accept everyone as "galactic brother" (as some theologians are posed to do now - they'd better see who could be called brother, and who-evil reptile), but also not to damn every good alien crossing the galaxy to save YOU out of here! Please understand the vil ones want you to stay on earth and be chipped, or killed! They do not want you to be rescued, and will do everything possible to blind the selected ones and to stop them mentally (or perhaps physically) from boarding the spaceships! What use of the evil aliens to save me on a spaceship, if they have established their strong positions among the

strongest superpowers on earth? Let not call our dear rescuer who comes IN THE NAME OF JESUS and LOVES HOLY WATER AND HOLY CROSS, let lot call him/her "devil incarnate" and lose our chance to be saved! While at the same moment we do not notice how the devil incarnate skillfully advices Bu (pardon Ob) and blinds the entire planet, including by using religious preachings. It is pretty easy to assume a fanatic position as the only one right (selfproclaimed), but it doesn't work. Not for you, in first place. Or...your soul will be saved indeed, and nothing more than that! Perhaps God has to close the earth civ history from any further development (on or outside planet) and make everyone an angel or send him into hell, according to those ideas that prefer let the faithful die but not be saved on spaceships. Thanks God, His plans are larger than our very very restricted minds, mine in that number too!

WHO says H1N1 variant found in Norway and France is not new? Not new are your lies!

WHO says H1N1 variant found in Norway and France is not new. Details to come.

"Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath."
"Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath." says Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew 24:20 It seems it will be exactly in Winter and on a Sabbath Day (GW - Sunday)

"Russia's Putin" and "France's Sarkozy" friendlier than ever

Russia, France sign 15 business deals during Putin's visit ml

mutated H1N1 virus more severe. patients who died from the virus in France had not visited Norway

Two die from mutated H1N1 virus in France, officials say. FULL STORY: PARIS (BNO NEWS) -- Two people have died from a mutated version of the H1N1 swine flu virus that was first found in Norway, health officials told BNO News on Friday. A spokeswoman for the French Ministry of Health and Solidarity confirmed two patients had died from the mutated virus, but had no information on where and when they died. The mutated virus was first found in Norway and revealed by scientists last week. According to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, in a statement last week, two patients there had died from the mutated virus while another patient survived. The institute at the time said that the mutated virus would be more prone to infect deeper in the airways and thus cause

more severe illness. Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health said the virus was believed to be contained. But a French health official told BNO News that the patients who died from the virus in France had not visited Norway. It was not clear where or when they may have been infected. Asked if people should be concerned, the official said their first task is to inform the public and are now investigating the situation. She said no other cases of the mutated virus have been found in France.

SKorea's president set to meet North's Kim Jong Il

SKorea's president set to meet North's Kim Jong

Amazing! The "traitor Lee" as branded by KCNA and not recognized as president of still in war Koreas, is going to meet the ... great leader?

BTW, why don't the western news name Mr. Kim with his official title (secretary or whatever)? Once Mr. Kim made concessions only because Mr. Bush called him "Mr Kim". He is not "North's Kim", the way US president is not "America's Obama" and the Russian president is not "Russia's Medvedev" (translated "Russia's Bear"). Or perhaps Mr. Kim will become indeed "North Asia's Kim", leading together Koreas and japan towards the "bright future"? And the western media and politicians actually pave the way of the dictators of 21st century, the 10 horns of Revelation?

Dow Jones Industrial Average plummets more than 200 points on Dubai worries.
Dow Jones Industrial Average plummets more than 200 points on Dubai worries.

Mutated H1N1 admitted officially by France and Norway

URGENT -- French health official says two patients have died from a mutated virus of H1N1 that was first found in Norway.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Asian indexes crash surprisingly on Black Friday! Fall of Babylon this Friday?
Hang Seng down 4%, Sensex down 3.2%, oil prices fell below $75 per barrel on Dubai World debt concerns. Nikkei 225 closes down 3.2%, South Korean shares tumble 4.7% on Dubai debt concerns.

One of the richest countries Dubai cannot pay its debts. Analysts say new credit crisis coming. S.K. especially hard hit because of the risky investments (feared N.K. attack?) Babylon system is falling. We have one more month at maximum.

Comets Posing as Asteroids - i.e. less visible

Comets Posing as Asteroids ets-posing-as-asteroids-or-is-the-the-other-wayaround/

Proof of Life on Mars Expected in Next Few Days

Proof of Life on Mars Expected in Next Few Days b.nb/topstory.html fe/

"The distribution of comet paths has suggested that a very large planet could be lurking at 25,000 AU...WISE will be looking for it."

NASAs new infrared space telescope to start hunt for stealth asteroids "The telescope will also be able to spot Jupitersized objects up to 60,000 astronomical units

away." "The distribution of comet paths has suggested that a very large planet could be lurking at 25,000 AU, according to WISE project scientist Peter Eisenhardt of NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. WISE will be looking for it." ================================ Compare - the nearest star Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to our Solar System. It lies about 4.37 light-years in distance, or about 41.5 trillion kilometres, 25.8 trillion miles or 277,600 AU WISE will search for Jupiter-like planets in the space between Sun and 1/4 of the distance to the nearest star. WISE searches Planet X, plus the dark asteroids that accompany it. that object is somewhere Sedna is on the graph below. Or perhaps it was there and now is much closer, and they put the zeroes to keep us calm. from Wikipedia: The Oort Cloud (pronounced /rt/ ort,

alternatively the pik-Oort Cloud IPA: [pik]) is a hypothesized spherical cloud of comets which may lie roughly 50,000 AU, or nearly a light-year, from the Sun.[1] This places the cloud at nearly a quarter of the distance to Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun. The Kuiper belt and scattered disc, the other two known reservoirs of trans-Neptunian objects, are less than one thousandth the Oort cloud's distance. The outer extent of the Oort cloud defines the gravitational boundary of our Solar System.[2]

The presumed distance of the Oort Cloud compared to the rest of the Solar System

L.Am. is not a "backyard" - it could turn to a catalyst of events

Brazil says won't recognize new Honduran government s/idUSN26391771 Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's foreign policy adviser, Marco Aurelio Garcia, said on Wednesday that the United States risked souring relations with most of Latin America if it recognizes the Honduras election. Much of Latin America would not back the winner of Sunday's poll in the Central American nation, Garcia said.
Venezuela Urges UN Security Council to Take Up Colombia Conflict

Colombia's internal conflict constitutes "a serious threat to international peace and security" as/Venezuela-Urges-UN-Security-Council-toTake-Up-Colombia-Conflict-73955527.html Venezuela, Iran sign dozens of new agreements During his tour, Ahmadinejad has already won the support of Brazil and Bolivia for Iran's right to pursue nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The two countries signed 70 new agreements on agriculture, industry, trade and energy, adding to the 270 existing agreements of the last four years.

Our Lady in Anguera 24/11/2009

24/11/2009 (google trans)
Dear children, today I ask your consecration to my Immaculate Heart, because I want to lead you to My Son Jesus. Your conscious surrender will contribute to the final triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

Hard times will come to you. Pray. In the great tribulation, those who are devoted to Me, will be protected. My Heart will be safe refuge for you. It will be the ark of your covenant with God and He will save you.
Rejoice. Do not be discouraged. Whatever happens, do not feel alone. I am your Mom and I am at your side. Forward without fear. This is the message...

(concludes with the phrases like every message concludes - words remarkable by themselves) BreakingNews: Norway says it is in "shock and disbelief" after Iranian authorities allegedly

confiscate Ebadi's 2003 Nobel Peace Prize medal and diploma.

the united red front is ready

Chavez, Ahmadinejad vow to fight imperialism ml Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have pledged to pool their efforts in the struggle against imperialism, according to media reports. Both leaders condemned U.S. imperialism, while Chavez said Israel was "a murderous arm of the Yankee empire." During a visit to Latin America on Wednesday Ahmadinejad said "Chavez is a great revolutionary" and that the two leaders were "brothers." The Venezuelan president returned the compliment, describing his Iranian colleague as a "gladiator" against imperialism, as well as "brother and comrade-in-arms" in the fight against U.S. imperialism.

"I can say that you are a hero and a symbol of resistance in the fight against imperialism," IRNA quoted Chavez as saying. Chavez condemned recent remarks by Israeli President Shimon Peres who had said that Ahmadinejad and Chavez would disappear soon. "What the president of Israel said, we take as a threat," he said. MOSCOW, November 26 (RIA Novosti)

Is Obama Nobel Peace Prize prelude to extraterrestrial disclosure? Obama will travel to Oslo on December 10 to receive the Prize. His upcoming Oslo speech and enhanced international status give Obama the ideal opportunity to announce to the world the most ground breaking peace initiative of all time.

The announcement of intelligent extraterrestrial life visiting the Earth and the need to enter into peaceful relations with them. President Obama has a number of advisors and Cabinet officials who are familiar with the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the six decades long cover up of the reality behind UFOs. These include his Director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair; his National Security Advisor, James Jones; his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton; his Director of Central Intelligence, Leon Panetta; and his NASA administrator, Charles Bolden. These officials have at various stages received briefings, either formally or informally, concerning extraterrestrial life.

new messages

Message to littlest of servants November 24, 2009 Soon there will be open fighting among the hierarchy of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. It will PRIEST AGAINST PRIEST, BISHOP AGAINST BISHOP, AND CARDINAL AGAINST CARDINAL.

As a RESULT the FAITHFUL will become CONFUSED and DIVIDED ================================== ====================== External locution through Carol at Ameche Prayer Group, November 15, 2009 ................. You are so close, My dear ones, so close to the beginning of great events. Yes, I will say this again even in My own timetable, in My own plans, they are close, much closer. .......... Wednesday, November 25, 2009

the rapture must precede the revealing of those who are behind Roswell and the hi-tech boom
I do not automatically say who is good and who is bad. And how could I, if I haven't seen any? Intuitively, the Rapture of the Church has to precede those cataclismic events. Be open for it,

even if it is done by aliens! because the aliens who will stay on earth after the rapture, are 200% evil! So you lose nothing. You could die anyway, and your soul is immortal anyway. But on earth you will have the chip etc. aided by "good looking" evil aliens. You have to set your mind in a mode that the rapture/rescue aliens are the good ones. Otherwise, you pretty much lose, and will face those ones that Our Lady told us in Bayside. Without asking for your agreement etc. "free will". The free will is now.

Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life by Obama is imminent

An official announcement by the Obama administration is expected in 2009 or early 2010

Greetings to Everybody for the Thanksgiving Day!

the very strong notion is that is the last Thanksgiving before the events! Perhaps the last week?

We could say more about..."...But I saw through the tricks Of six-sixty-six" let listen several more performances of those wonderful Gospel songs...

Johnny Cash Redemption Lyrics ...But I saw through the tricks Of six-sixty-six And the blood gave life To the branches of the tree And the blood was the price That set the captives free And the numbers that came Through the fire and the flood Clung to the tree And were redeemed by the blood From his hands it came down From his side it came down From his feet it came down And ran to the ground And a small inner voice Said "You do have a choice."

The vine engrafted me And I clung to the tree

Prophet Daniel is preached by actors, not by preachers!

Who talks today about Prophet Daniel, in the week we read his words in the Bible? We'd better listen to performers like Johhny Cash, Pat Boone...Hei preachers, you'd better study these songs carefully, and "get your Holy Bible in the back of the book, The book of Revelation is the place ya look!" You know it? It doesn't seem you know it! Then why don't you preach it? 666 "Will you make it through"?

Now listen, everybody 'cause I'm talkin' to you The Lord is the only one to carry you through Ya better get ready 'cause I'm tellin' ya why The Lord is a-comin' from his throne on high Goin' down the valley, goin' one by one We're gonna be rewarded for the things we've done How ya gonna feel about the things you'll say on

the Judgment day? Now ya get your Holy Bible in the back of the book The book of Revelations is the place ya look If you understand it and you can if you try The Lord is a-comin' from his throne on high a-readin' in the Bible 'bout the things he said He said he's comin' back again to raise the dead Are ya gonna be among the chosen few? Or will you make it through? Well, now, everybody's gonna have religion and glory Everybody's gonna be a-singin' that story Everybody's gonna have a wonderful time up there Oh, glory hallelujah Brother, there's a reckonin' a-comin' in the mornin' Better get ready 'cause I'm givin' you the warnin' Everybody's gonna have a wonderful time up there

pieces of asteroids/ meteorites coming

Are they pieces from something bigger and therefore moving ahead of it on its orbit? The films that show asteroid impacts, show exactly that before the big one. Still we do not have a landmark hit, as it is on the movies.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

newly translated messages from Our Lady in Anguera 22 November, 2009. Message 3244 from Our Lady of Peace, given in Sento S, Bahia, BR Dear Sons and Daughters, I am your Mom and I come from heaven to lead you to My Son Jesus. Believe in Him, your absolute good and loves you as you are. I ask you to not lose your hope. Put your confidence in The Lord and all will come out well for you. You are chosen by God. Dont back out. Stay firmly in prayer. Just as plants cannot

grow without rain, you cannot grow in the spiritual life without prayer. Without prayer you become empty and without God. I want to lead you to victory, and only by accepting My appeals can you attain holiness. Humanity lives far from God, and the time of your return has come. If people are not converted, a terrible punishment will fall upon humanity. Rivers of fire will flow on the earth. The w aters will be contaminated and in many regions of the world My poor children will carry a heavy cross. I suffer because of what is coming to you. Listen to Me and no evil will touch you. I will speak to My Jesus for you. Be docil. Dont leave what you have to do for tomorrow. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

21 November, 2009. Message 3243 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil Dear Sons and Daughters, humanity will drink the bitter cup of suffering because of unexplained

phenomena of nature that will come. Bend your knees in prayer so you can support the weight of the cross. The Andes chain of mountains will descend and many nations will carry a heavy cross. The earth will pass through great transformations, but in the end victory will come to men and women of faith. I am your Mom and you well know how I love you. I ask you to be good to everyone. Fill yourselves with love of God and testify everywhere that you belong to My Son Jesus. Courage. I will speak to My Jesus for you. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

President Obama says he will visit India next year.

President Obama says he will visit India next year. He won't! Guess why! the fastest source of information, after KGB

controlled media. If you want to know the news first, tune to the Russian-English websites.

Message to littlest of servants November 21, 2009

Message to littlest of servants November 21, 2009 Soon the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH will undergo GREAT PERSECUTION AND CHANGE. Monday, November 23, 2009

Cern's Large Hadron Collider makes first collisions

Engineers operating the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have smashed together proton beams in the machine for the very first time. /8375486.stm

New messages to Miriam and Mary, France

google translation AUg 6, 2009

I will not allow Satan, once bound, to return to Earth for a very, very, very long, JUST A VERY SHORT TIME BEFORE THE END OF THE WORLD. My children also keep faith in God Almighty. Lose yourself My little ones, my beloved, because shortly Satan falter and I, God Almighty, I chained, but before it has a lot of damage on Earth, much my children. You remember yourself because for many years he dominated the world. C'est pour cela que Moi, Dieu Tout-Puissant, Je viens vous purifier et purifier la Terre, mais avant, tout s'croulera autour de vous Mes enfants. That is why I, God Almighty, I come to cleanse and purify the Earth, but before everything collapses around you My children. N'ayez pas peur ! Do not be afraid! Ni pour vous, ni pour les vtres. Je Suis le ToutPuissant, le Seul et Unique Matre du Monde et Je viens faire Justice ! Neither you nor your own. I am the Almighty, the One and Only Master of the world and I just do Justice! August 8 Few are aware that the warning is near. Even if they read the messages, they will not admit it yet, my children, God can not wait.

================================== ============= (If you have the financial ability, buy the book to support the seers)

The Andes mountain range will descend

g-trans from 3244-Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in Sento / BA 22/11/2009 Dear children, I am your Mom and I came from heaven to lead you to My Son Jesus. Believe in him which is your absolute Good and loves you as you are. I ask that you do not lose your hope. Put your trust in the Lord and everything will work out for you. You are the chosen of God. Do not retreat. Stand firm in your prayer. Just as plants cannot grow without the rain, you cannot grow in the spiritual life without prayer. Without prayer you become empty and without God. I want to lead you to victory and only accepting my calls may attain holiness. Humanity is away from God and now is the time

of your return. If men do not repent, will soon fall upon mankind a terrible punishment. Rivers of fire will run for land. The water will be contaminated and in many regions of the earth My poor children will carry heavy cross. I suffer for what comes to you. Listen to me and no harm will reach you. I will ask to My Jesus for you. Stay Docile. What you have to do is not to be left for tomorrow. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace. 3243-Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, on 21/11/2009 Dear children, humanity will drink the bitter cup of suffering because of the unexplained phenomena of nature to come. Bend your knees in prayer to support the weight of the cross. The Andes mountain range will descend and many nations will carry heavy cross. The earth will undergo major changes, but ultimately the victory will be of the men and women of faith. I am your

Mom and you well know how much I love you. I ask you to do good to all. Be filled with the love of God and everywhere bear witness that you belong to My Son Jesus. Courage. I will ask my Jesus for you. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Minister reaffirms China ties to N Korea

Minister reaffirms China ties to N Korea

French ship Russia wants to buy in St Petersburg. NATO???

French ship Russia wants to buy in St Petersburg Besides the remarkable technical characteristics of that super-modern landing and command ship, one of the two the French navy owns, (pls read them in the report), stands the political will for the first of a kind transfer from a NATO member France to Russia (considered by many still the main rival of NATO).

One ship alone cannot win a war, and Russia has a couple of landing ships that trained exactly in the Baltic sea in September. So it is not the danger of that single ship could pose to any country, including to neighbor Estonia (that in case of war could be invaded by land). Estonia is anyway furious, the tiny republic on the Baltic sea next to St Petersburg, now a member of both NATO and EU. The Estonian position expresses the US position, the way the Polish and Czech governments expressed Bush' dreams of star wars. The Estonian-voiced-US- fears differ significantly from how the French see the world: they see no problem of such a technological transfer, or perhaps see it as a political move, the way anyone in the world will see it. Similarly the Germans saw no problem to bypass their "allies", "friends", "new democracies" Poland, Lithuania, Latvia with the underwater pipeline linking them directly to the gas fields in Northern Russia. Someone in the White House should ask himself questions why all that becomes possible in a world

that should be dominated by one power, which military doctrine envisions not to allow any other powers to rise as rivals. The history knows precedents, however, with the build up of gas pipeline to Western Europe in the midst of the Cold War and the Star Wars. Later Brzezinski explained: Reagan wanted to stop the pipeline bringing Soviet gas to the European allies, but not at the cost of breakup of NATO. With the current ship trade we may conclude the Cold War NATO doesn't exist anymore. We may add the NATO member Turkey that openly defies US and Israel and creates strategic alliance with Iran. As you see on the pictures of AP, the ship is inside the Neva river that is in the historic center of St Petersburg. The same place where the October revolution started. w/ALeqM5hFrC5jdkRRlbPs2NvSeBeHebpaewD9 C5718G4?index=2&ned=us Sunday, November 22, 2009

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission says it sent investigators to the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pa. after radiation found.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission says it sent investigators to the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pa. after radiation found.

3 out of 10 horns identified

How many tanks did Chavez purchase? They increased from 100 to 300 Venezuela: No direct talks with Colombia on bases

"Chavez, a former paratroop commander, said the 300 armored vehicles and Russian war tanks that are due to arrive in Venezuela soon along with radar and air defense systems," perhaps the additional 200 are "only" armored vehicles. Colombia's are far below both categories anyway. They are fit for a prolonged guerrilla war.

BMP-3 Russian infantry fighting vehicle Besides tanks, Chavez purchased the much discussed air defense system S-300, along with others. Here are the news from September: 56118402.html Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced plans on Sunday to create a multi-layered air defense network that will comprise Russian-made S-300, Buk-M2 and Pechora air defense systems .The deal with Russia, struck during a visit to Moscow by Chavez last week, also includes the purchase of 92 T-72 main battle tanks and an undisclosed number of Smerch multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS).

================================== ================

The BMP-3 is capable of engaging targets out to 4,000 meters, with its ATGM weapon system (with an approximately eighty percent probability of a hit at that range). For comparison, U.S. M1 Abrams main battle tank is capable of hitting a tank-sized target with a probability of fifty percent at 4,000 meters (info of the Colombia doesn't have Abrams tanks or jets, or anything of the same category Chavez has. Do we

realize what it means? It means Colombia, which is already torn by decades civil war and 50% of its territory is controlled by guerrillas with Marxist positions, is already lost as US ally. Perhaps Chavez won't wait until the Colombian bases are equipped with the latest US weaponry. And if US moves into that direction, then Chavez has the perfect excuse to attack. What is the position of Brazil - the strongest nuclear capable L.Am. country? Friendlier than ever. Lula and Achmadinejad will talk, after that the US enemy N2 heads to Venezuela. Is that the preplanned situation? That puts a tricky question before the Obama admin (until the health care and other hot issues are used as a complete blinding of US population, which will be decided anyway by the masonic US establishment from both parties in a pre-determined way, without any care for preelection promises given to bishops - if you haven't understood it yet). The real intrigue is whether USA will enter into a third war in its own hemisphere? We never know what weapons Chavez got (nuclear?) but we know the determination with which Russian bombers flew 15 hours along the US coast to pay a friendly visit.

Followed by ships, and as we understand by a submarine in the Caribbean (Cuba) this Fall. Will USA engage in that, or will allow the entire South America to turn left and red? Here we identify only 3 horns out of the 10 - Venezuela, Iran and N.Korea. But in explosive situation, those unknown Mexican drug cartels separately from the government or together with it, will undoubtedly claim territories in Texas - California line, that anyway they control as organized drug trafficing. How about Iran? Shall Iran sit and wait until Israel "defends itself" with unsanctioned by anyone unilateral cross border raids? Will Iran risk for example some of the 200+ (2000) Israeli nukes to explode preemptively on its territory, like bunker-busters "without danger for surrounding population" as says the latest US propaganda terminology for using small warheads? ( Or iran will choose a preemptive strike, especially if it got somehow 250 Ukrainian warheads? (Ria Novosti). Israel is a one-bomb state, according to analysts (i.e. no matter how small/imperfect a nuclear explosion on Israeli territory is, it will make the further organized society life there impossible due to the

tiny territory of Israel. Therefore the great risk for that country even from a relatively small number of weapons acquired by Iran or another arch-foe). How about the US bases in the Gulf? Iran cannot allow those bases non-attacked, because they host nuclear submarines and planes. North Korea is still another hot issue. Did Kim remain with the 10 -12 bombs made by his own plutonium, or he also imported some more? Then where is Japan - the main US ally and the main enemy of all Asian countries, due to pre-WW2 atrocities? Kim cannot allow in any war scenario the US bases in japan to be left non-attacked, because of the same reasons - they host nuclear weapons. Any attack will be preemptive with everything he has. It could be quite more than what forums like GLP suggest (some erudite bloggers there argue about the thousands of artillery pieces as Kim's main weapon that could not be stopped from destroying/entering Seoul, no matter how strong the US /S.Korean army is). Still that will pose no treat of the US bases in Okinawa, Japan and Guam, that could answer in a matter of hours, if China remains non-involved. Kim is not that stupid. It seems those analyzes in GLP are written by CIA paid staff (as some other

forums claim about GLP), to prove how terrible Kim is, and how winnable the war with him is, at the expense only of the South Koreans but not of the American mainland. And how isolated such a war might be from the rest of the powers. Almost like 1950s. Only America did not win that war, neither it did with Vietnam. Of course, today no one will rpeat the korean war, in the presence of nuclear weapons from both sides. Illusion is to believe Kim and the rest act alone, no matter all the words on international meetings including UN SC. These separate pieces will constitute one single attack of the horns on Babylon system. That is in our view the US-led world system. Better to say Wallstreet-led, because mainland America is different from New York. But that is another topic that goes out of the current post - what extend of destruction is planned for America mainland, and how the remaining states will enter into the beast system that follows the Wallstreet system. is it possible a scenario where exactly USA / Obama rise as the new peacemaking leader (the wounded head)? To be honest, we do not know. Europe is another important theater of imminent war, with possibly large Muslim invasion in Southern parts

(Rome for sure). Possible Russian/supported attack at least on England and likely on Ukraine/Poland. We might be wrong - i.e. if the picture is just the reversed one, and the horns come from the developed world. But who then is Babylon? Though more likely to assume today's ruling system is the most-powerful beast, it somehow doesn't put into equation important factors as China and Russia, and the new nuclear states, that cannot be just ignored or invaded/disintegrated. if we have to guess, the British empire plus USA wanted to be the beast, but they are not, or only parts of them will be. But something is impossible - the horns to lose from Babylon! Whoever they might be, they win over Babylon! So you choose whom to make Babylon. There is a theory supported by some apparitions that Babylon is the whole earth. OK.... still the Revelation says it is a City. Sure the sin is everywhere, still it is not Kenya that rules this planet. oh sorry, Obama...(So Kenya is, but not Rwanda :) It could be true that all the sins etc

constitute these images of beasts. At the same time it is also true what prophet Daniel says, that the last king is a person with a kingdom in fight with another kingdom - pretty non-symbolic, pretty real. Of course the king who will have dominion forever, is only Christ. Still He has given those 3 years to the last king from this age. Jesus himself confirms Daniel, one of the few prophets whom Our Lord quotes in the Gospel. Let read Daniel again, all his chapters. We discussed how "North" is elusive when Daniel sees the real earth, and not the later invented flat maps. "North" refers equally to all of the following: USA, EU, Russia. Don't be fast to say: Russia. Remember Our Lady's words in fatima and Medjugorje that Russia will convert and will glorify God most. It is not said the same about the 4th beast from Daniel. That empire is not converted, it is destroyed. While the first 3 beasts are not destroyed, they are given a time for conversion later. One of them is the Bear (most likely Russia). We cannot correctly identify the other two beasts. it is logical to assume for the Lion with wings to be connected to the British empire.

Ahmadinejad heads to nuclearbackers Brazil, Venezuela ALeqM5iuLc8xBjdck5vjtXEY_3wYQRiexQ "Nations such as Iran, Brazil, Venezuela, Gambia and Senegal have the ability to restore a new world order,"

blast kills 87 in NE China coal mine

Deadly blast kills 87 in NE China colliery
The death toll from a gas explosion in a coal mine in northeast China's Helongjiang Province has risen to 87, with 21 other miners still trapped.

israel attacks Gaza overnight

Several Palestinians wounded in Israeli air strikes on Gaza

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Venezuela Prepared for War with America's New State (Colombia) In his show, the main leader of the struggle against American influence in Latin America came upon Colombia, the US main ally in the region. Chavez blamed the Colombian government for turning the country into another state of the USA. The basis for accusation was the agreement signed on October 30 between Colombia and the US. According to the agreement, the US was granted a right to use seven Colombian military bases to fight drug trafficking and international terrorism. Venezuelan officials believe that Colombian territory can serve as base for an attack against Venezuela and overthrow of Chavez. Therefore, Chavez ordered the Venezuelan military to begin preparations for a war with the neighboring Colombia.

"Don't be mistaken, Mr. Obama, and order an overt aggression against Venezuela using Colombia," Chavez said in a reference to U.S. President Barack Obama. He said that should Americans attack Venezuela, a war will be waged that would last a hundred years and spread all over the continent.

Iran to hold air-defense drills Sunday - Thursday. (Babylon Fall on next Friday?) MOSCOW, November 21 (RIA Novosti) - Iran will launch a large-scale air-defense exercise to protect its nuclear plants against any attack, a senior military official said on Saturday. Brigadier General Ahmad Miqani said the five-day exercise, dubbed Asemane Velayat 2, would begin on Sunday. He said the drills, to be carried out in three stages, would cover a vast area in the northwest, west, south and southwest of the country. The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and Iran's regular armed forces will participate in the exercise.

3,000 Dark Comets May Destroy Earth, Astronomers Say

3,000 Dark Comets May Destroy Earth, Astronomers Say
There are a whooping 3,000 of them around, but only 25 have been detected.

Thousands of unseen dark comets may be on collision course with Earth, warn experts
Read more:

"Mysterious Sun Gate Time Wave Blacks Out South America" - no comment

Mysterious Sun Gate Time Wave Blacks Out South America Friday, November 20, 2009

LHC starts at full capacity in January?

"The experiment will not be properly under way until January when the LHC is operating at full capacity" says , CERN spokesman James Gillies id=9138982 previously, they said LHC would work only at half capacity of 3.5 TeV (x2) at least 1 year. Now - "full capacity". Or just a mistake? Notice the "half capacity" is 3.5 times higher than the full capacity of Fermilab's 1 teV (x2). That is on its turn colossal compared to all the other colliders. They are not small either. Mini black holes were produced also by Brookhaven's RHIC. You may have seen the apocalyptic video of BBC about black hole/strangelet eating the earth, generated exactly in RHIC. The video was produced for RHIC start that was surrounded by the same fears as LHC. What I fear is not giant black hole. Rather those dimensional doors that do not lead to the promised land, the way Garabandal miracle will. Where do they lead to? To somewhere else of course. Not to hell!!!!! Orion is a constellation that is connected to negative aliens, for example. if not Orion, there some billions of stars in Milky Way galaxy alone.

those objects that CERN director expects from-to as billiard balls, have to come from somewhere. There should be other side of the wormhole. Or the other side of the wormhole mouth is in the earth's own future, as prof. Alfeeva proves on theory. To be honest, I favor the galactic wormhole before the time-like curved wormhole. What to do in the Roman Empire for instance? EU just recreated it. It is too absurd to suppose one could go and kill Caesar, and as a result not Obama but McCain is already elected. I do not believe that kind of time travel to be possible (and I could be very wrong, but will believe it only if I see it - because some wouldn't believe it even then). Aopart of that absurd, the wormhole has two openings and we own only one of them. If stable enough, (something they do not from the last year's failed experiment but back to Montauk project, a derivative of Brookhaven lab / collider), then the other side of the wormhole is a physical place somewhere away from us, and someone would love to have intergalactic voyage. Me too, to be honest, but not thru THEIR wormhole! I prefer to use OURS! And when I say OURS I mean the gate and rainbow to the promised land

that Our Lady promised in many apparitions. If the Great Warning occurs this year or early next year, expect our last gateway to open on one of the following Garabandal dates 2010: March 11 April 15 May 13 You will be transported supernaturally to the nearest gateway (perhaps thru a real shuttle that will fly to and enter into the gate, the way we see on the Stargate movies). Provided you are ready spiritually, and willing to go with the angel.

The Large Hadron Collider has achieved its first circulating beam.
The Large Hadron Collider has achieved its first circulating beam. the best source of fast changing news, for now obviously LHC functions better than the champagne celebrated last year start. The collisions are what is important, once the beams circulate properly.

let they not cross the barrier of the universe Our Lady talks about. You and I may not know what Our Lady is talking about, but those people in CERN know. They know singularity is achievable because they have achieved it in fermilab. They know time flow is reversible, because they reverse it on particle level. Do they know about dimensional door from experiment, or it is only a suggestion of CERN director? Perhaps they have a very wise adviser who knows all those things. As the roswell scientist says.

Two secrets - Jacinta of Fatima

Two secrets Another important revelation about the end times are in a letter of Jacinta Marto, also a seer of Fatima, written shortly before his death in 1920, and left with Sister Godinho, Lisbon. In this letter, in April 1954, would be sent to Pope Pius XII, we read: "Mother, tell the Pope that Our Lady can no longer hold the arm of her Son very offended. If the world does not do penance, punishment will come ... The Sisters of this order (Poor Clares)

must stand united with the Vatican and to prepare for 1972, as this year's sins of impurity, vanity and unbridled luxury of the world will attract punishment sizes which will suffer much the Holy Father ... Our Lady also said that undoubtedly will come the triumph of our Lord, but before they will shed many tears ... There is a secret in the sky and another on earth, and the latter is astonishing. It will appear as the end of the world, and in cataclysm the earth will look like when it is separated from heaven, which will become white as snow. It was in the spirit of the message of Fatima, Pope Pius XII warned of the "hard and bitter times" awaiting the human race, saying, "Mankind must prepare to suffer like never before." He described the present times as "the darkest since the deluge." "It's time - said - the battle longer, more bitter and more fierce as witnessed by the world. And you must fight to the end." download original portuguese text + google translation pdf word

Anguera messages of Our Lady related to experiments

31 October, 2009. The force of nature will provoke phenomenons never seen before. Objects will be thrown (launched) from the earth by a force that no one can explain. Forces will arise from the depths of the earth that leave men preoccupied, but I want to tell you that God will not abandon His people. Pray. You will yet see things that human eyes have never seen. January 10, 2009. MEN WILL TAKE TO THE INTERIOR OF THE EARTH THAT WHICH WILL BE A MOTIVE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF MANY REGIONS. February 3, 2009 Something sorrowful will happen and will get the attention of the world. It will come from the depths, and be provoked by men June 14, 2008. Science will stumble. In attempting to make a great discovery, men will cause great destruction. I suffer because of My poor children. Bend your knees in prayer. Something painful will happen in the north of Italy. Great suffering will come to the Church.

(north of Italy borders Switzerland and France exactly ther region of geneva where the collider is located. Several tunnels connect the Italian and the Swiss/French sides of the Alps...) 27 January, 2007. God will permit scientists to discover the impenetrable barrier of the universe. The day will come when human wisdom will be lost. The mystery will not be understood. 4 December, 2007 a scientific discovery will bring a great preoccupation to humanity. The cross will be heavy for many of My poor children. 6 February, 2008 the adversary will find in the palace the key that will open the door to act in the world. With his cleverness, he will involve very astute men and women . His project will involve men and women of the scientific and religious world. Leaders of the whole world, both the famous and the simple, will be attracted to his poisonous project. The faithful will carry a heavy cross, but My Jesus will conquer, and mankind will encounter liberation. (palace = Vatican from other messages)

7 August, 2007. Message 2874 . A Discovery of science will cause great confusion for people. Dont get away from the truth. You belong to The Lord and should serve only Him. 2 August, 2007. From the depths of the earth a great mystery will arise. Science will not explain it, and the inhabitants of land of the Holy Cross (Brazil) will tremble. (Atlantic ocean?) there are more messages about science, as well as many messages for the space object that will change the earth's axis and even orbit.

Man's own hands may prepare 'Black Saturns' Man's own hands may prepare 'Black Saturns' "We discussed how to get black biSaturn, among other possible solutions. You can also imagine a

"black bi-Saturn" as a black hole near the Southern pole connected with another black hole near the Northern pole" Henriette Elvang (MIT), Black Saturn

(Image: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute)

Look as the end of the world, and in cataclysm the earth will be separated from the sky, which will become white as snow. " Jacinta before her death
Jacinta, one of the visionaries of Fatima:

"There is a secret in the sky and another on earth, and the latter is astonishing. Look as the end of the

world, and in cataclysm the earth will be separated from the sky, which will become white as snow. "
That text is written in 1920 before her death, in a letter intended for the pope but didn't reach him. Now the document is published online in Portuguese. Notice that the written document from 1920 is different from Jacinta's apparitions in Bayside, where she repeats the words... because always something happens with such texts, we will put it into a pdf file in the next post. When the collider cuts you from space and time, you may need to know. Or you will only remember then what you read now! Sorry for making fun of it, but what else could we do? Except for prayer. irony is we know pretty much and we do nothing.

the particles circulate in LHC


no catastrophe NOW. It is a planned thing. Now nothing will happen, then they will say: we told you so! Then the GW will occur, then they will do what they have prepared - event horizon around the planet, or at least around selected region. Depending on the extent. Reading Jacinta's words (not part of Fatima secret, no one knows why they are not widely spread if they are pretty much known and are not a secret - the words of the secret of heaven and earth that Jacinta anyway does not tell us) reading them we think the Event Horizon will be around the entire planet, different in nature from the cosmic impact and even more terrible. It is NOT the Great Warning! GW is a hard experimence but it is God's mercy with good fruits! Jacinta's words do not assume anything like that, rather a terrible punishment of a disaster coming from the earth, more terrible than the disaster coming from the sky/heaven (one word in portuguese) and looking like "the end of the world". Words of the little Jacinta before she died. We posted them in original Anguera's words of Our Lady go even further, in

many messages speaking of the experiments of the earth's interior that will try to reach the impenetrable barrier of the universe (most likely that is the singularity - the barrier of the known laws and interactions, including the Time).

Russian strategic bombers perform Arctic patrol mission Two Russian Tu-95 MS Bear strategic bombers have accomplished a routine patrol mission over neutral waters of the Arctic and Pacific oceans and the Aleutian Islands, an Air Force spokesman said on Friday. "The air patrol mission took place on November 18-19, 2009. Two turboprop Tu-95 MS bombers took off from a Russian Air Force base in eastern Russia, and the route of their flight passed from the neutral waters of the Arctic Ocean to the Aleutian Islands in the [north] Pacific Ocean," Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik said. He said the bombers spent around 16 hours in the air, and were accompanied by two NATO F-22 fighters from an airbase in Alaska.

John Leary message confirms GW in the Fall-Winter

Warning-cleanse mortal sin before; heaven or hell-choice, consequences of sins; this event is truly coming) July 18, 2008

September 2, 2009 At St. Theodores Adoration I could see a stark vision of a football in the middle of the vision with black and white all around it, indicating the battle of good and evil. Jesus said: My son, I have given you messages before that the Warning would most likely occur during your football season from September to February. This vision of the football is a sign of this time, and the black and white all around the

football represent the battle of good and evil that is getting more noticeable. You will only have weeks of time after the Warning for conversions. Then events will move quickly to place the Antichrist into power. I want My faithful to remember to go to Confession at least monthly so you are in the state of grace when you meet Me at your mini-judgment. I have been emphasizing that you get things ready to load into your backpacks for leaving to go to My refuges. After the Warning, you should have your backpacks filled and ready to leave at a moments notice. The Warning will be My mercy for sinners, but also a sign that the major events are about to take place. Trust in Me to have your guardian angel lead you on the right path to protection at My refuges. ================================== ================== private suggestion: JNSR message about the First rescue group Jesus mentions 3 days time for a following group (everything said in a semi-lyric form). we suggest that the Second rescue will happen ~3 days after the start of GW. Please, read carefully JNSR messages about the 1 and 2 departures. She covers mostly 1st and 2nd, saying some words for the 3rd but not covered in her

dreams and messages exept for mentioning it. JNSR herself will be in the 2nd group leaving with backpacks from the church yards (perhaps by spaceships landed nearby, or dimensional portals - but not that of CERN). THe fact the people are with backpacks and JNSR prepares even coffee, suggests there is a 3 day notice for that 2nd rescue. We might receive the angel's instruction to go to a permanent refuge (John Leary terminology) exactly during the GW! If not, please follow strictly John Leary, Ameche, Louise, for your ways to refuges to escape the antichrist on time - in the several weeks after GW. Check the available refuges now! For Europe there are several well known apparition sites and numerous shrines that could turn into refuges. In the rest of the world - I am sorry to say but it is already a big refuge. The people either will die as saints or will be raptured beforehand. There are a lot of messages about L.Am and especially Brazil that will play a special role in God's plan.

Asteroid piece streaked across the Australian sky

Green object that lit up sky a chip off an old meteor

EXPERTS say a fire ball that streaked across the sky above south-east Queensland last night was a "chip off the old block of some asteroid". The meteor was spotted by people from the Sunshine Coast, the Gold Coast and across Brisbane around 9.45pm.

long live Obama! But if he dies? Can we dream of scenarios going outside of today's frames
BreakingNews: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calls the naming of a EU President a "milestone" for Europe and its role in the world. 397730 Let not be fast in predictions. Many said Obama was the antichrist, many others see in him liberator from poverty or peacemaker. Until now, he is neither of these. Many said Saddam was the antichrist, some now

say Achmadinejad is. How about the required Jewish origin? Many said Putin/Yeltsin/Gorbachev were the son of perdition (Gorbi with the mark on the head). Still, thanks to their vodka and good will, America continues to live as the richest nation with the biggest deficit payed by Russian oil and Chinese manufactured goods (as sequence, if you trace where those trillions come from in their real value, not as the value of the printing press). The world will be different from Dec 1 because there will be another United States, bigger in numbers of people and GDP, nuclear powered, and also collider powered. So if something happens with the first one...Strangely, most of the rough states prefer to see in the EU the better option or the lesser evil. Even the dreaming giant China looks at the Euro as a salvation for its trillion US dollars that will be lost in any bigger crisis within today's superpower. How about Russia? She seems hates both, only sees in USA the most serious contender, and thus is posed to accept reluctantly a "weaker" in her mind partner that is the EU.

the latest message to Littlest of servants is pretty much what we explain in our political-related posts. It is imminent, the date is unknown
Message to littlest of servants November 18, 2009 Chapter 18 of Revelations is soon to be fulfilled. Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lisbon treaty enters into force on December 1st

The EU first president in history of Europe is elected tonight on extraordinary meeting of presidents/pm of member states. Source RT comments largely on that kind of election. We do not know yet when the new president will be inaugurated, the way Obama was. Everything is for a first time now. Let not make any conclusions based on our first impressions that might be very delusional in either direction. Let keep praying and awaiting what repeatedly the French apparition to Myriam and Mary tells us - Great Warning in 2009.

First EU president in history Belgian Prime Minister Van Rompuy

Belgian Prime Minister Van Rompuy has been chosen to become the first European Union President. 14 minutes ago from BNO Headquarters 2.Baroness Ashton has been chosen to become the EU foreign affairs chief, will also become Vice President of the EU Commission. Shall we wait the GW and Rapture now? :))

messages of earth's pole shift, ancient predictions, science theories... but what it means a 180 degree shift?

it means the sunrise will be over Pacific and sunset over Atlantic, because "up" will be Antarctica. The rotation is preserved, both according to math models and to experience with gyroscopes. Of course, if it is "only" 45 degree shift, that won't happen. We do not know what to expect if the shift is 90 degrees - the middle position where something happens contrary to the logic. Another dimension that provides the leap left-right to right-left? Will there be interactions with the powered collider(s) that will produce singularity not a point (no return black hole), not a ring (enough for stargate, according to Einstein's disciple scientist Wheeler), but ...Saturn-like. To make the things worse, a couple of scientists posted an article in speaking of Bi-Saturns - each for the each pole. Geographic pole, or perhaps the virtual poles above and below collider? Or perhaps those interact between? Especially if the hypothesis of the young scientist Nassim Haramein is true singularity inside both the Earth and the Sun center ...

Venezuela starts the war?

BreakingNews: Colombian Defense Minister Silva says Venezuelan soldiers have blown up two pedestrian bridges on the border. BreakingNews: BULLETIN -- REPORT: VENEZUELAN SOLDIERS BLOW UP PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES ON THE BORDER WITH COLOMBIA.

Anguera latest messages

Anguera latest messages

17/11/2009. Surely that will be great reward for all those who are listening
to Me. Walk in the truth. Accept the Gospel and live my calls. The Church of My Jesus will walk along very difficult paths and will suffer. When all seems lost, the Lord will send a righteous man and this will contribute to the spiritual growth of the Church. After all the good (he will do for) the Church, he will be assassinated, but the Church will stand and defeat her enemies.

the latest message of Nov 18 speaks of a great

miracle of conversion (the Great Warning ?) but the google translation is unclear enough to be able to present the text in its correct meaning. (sometimes one more negative construction translated into English inclines the text into its opposite meaning).

EU president - Not Blair. Rompuy of Belgium?

BreakingNews: Reuters: EU Presidency to propose Belgian PM Van Rompuy for EU President, UK's Ashton as foreign policy chief. BreakingNews: Tony Blair has dropped out of the race to become the first President of the EU Council, according to Sky News.

at extra informal summit the heads of state and government from 27 EU member states will appoint the president of the European Council

Reptilians - in Roswell, behind hitech, in politics and churches, coming thru dimensional door d
In UFOlogy

In many of the modern claims of encounters with reptilian humanoids, a UFO is part of the encounter; alien abduction narratives sometimes allege contact with reptilian creatures.[6] One of the earliest reports was that of Ashland, Nebraska police officer Herbert Schirmer, who claims to have been taken aboard a UFO by humanoid beings with a slightly reptilian appearance, and who bore a "winged serpent" emblem on the left side of their chest.[7]
Conspiracy theory

According to writer David Icke, 7-foot (2.1 m) tall, blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy directed at humanity. He claims that the reptilians maintain their control through the generation of fear and negative emotion, which is food to these entities, by manufacturing conflicts, primarily

wars.[citation needed] He contends that most of the world's leaders are in fact related to these reptilians.[8] Icke's theories now have supporters in 47 countries and he frequently gives lectures to crowds of 2,500 or more.[9][10] Icke draws connections between the reptilian aliens in his theories and the Annunaki depicted in Zecharia Sitchin's 12th Planet,[11] which has led to other conspiracy theorists referring to reptilian humanoids as the "Annunaki";[12] however, Sitchin himself has always described his Annunaki as purely humanoid. Wednesday, November 18, 2009

JNSR: it will happen around December. At first it will be the Vatican.

August 3, 2007
The children will have to hide; keep them in a safe place when this happens. This environment will be as a fortress ordered by the Evil One who will mobilize ALL his forces to destroy My People on the way towards the most secure Shelter I am preparing for them. Listen to me, quickly take note: it will happen around December as the resistance to God will be coming from everywhere already. At first it will be the Vatican. A cunning struggle will be formed. Like the wind coming in from everywhere, the Vatican will be invaded in all parts, and the Pope will not resist because of the damage that would follow in the city itself. He will say nothing and will accept all that they want to do to him.


2 Messages to littlest of servants Nov.11, 2009 Message to littlest of servants November 11, 2009 Those who have prepared are as the WISE VIRGINS WHOSE LAMPS ARE FULL. Those who have not prepared are as the FOOLISH VIRGINS WHOSE LAMPS ARE EMPTY AND THEY WILL BE LEFT OUT IN THE DARKNESS WILL THERE WILL BE WAILING AND THE GNASHING OF TEETH. Message to littlest of servants November 11, 2009 THE APPEARANCE OF THE ANTI-CHRIST IS VERY NEAR.

"Witnesses in Colorado, Utah, Idaho and elsewhere say the fireball "turned night into day"

and "shook the ground" when it exploded just after midnight

Western "fireball" may have been small asteroid estern_fireball_may_have_been.html A brilliant meteor that startled residents across parts of Idaho and northern Utah early Wednesday morning may have been a small asteroid, scientists say. It exploded in the atmosphere with a force equal to a thousand tons of TNT. (1 kiloton) GREAT FIREBALL: A remarkable midnight fireball that "turned night into day" over parts of the western United States last night was not a Leonid. Infrasound measurements suggest a sporadic asteroid not associated with the Leonid debris stream. The space rock exploded in the atmosphere with an energy equivalent to 0.5 - 1 kilotons of TNT. Approximately 6 hours later, observers in Utah and Colorado witnessed a twisting iridescent-blue cloud in the dawn sky. Debris from the fireball should have dissipated by

that time, but the cloud remains unexplained; we cannot yet rule out a connection to the fireball event. Stay tuned for further analysis. videos: #1, #2, #3.

2 Messages to Louise Nov.17,2009

11-17-2009 10:30 pm AFTER TESTING THE SPIRITS... FATHER GOD then spoke, "When you hear of an earthquake, no matter the number on the Richter Scale, the under earth connection has a great force on the entire web of quakes activity. The shaking is having a great effect on the poles in the shifting of the axis. Your weather will change severely: storms will be powerful, great heat and severe cold is coming. Power will go out. Are you prepared? Do you have a second source of heat and for light? PREPARE!!! Amen I tell you- - -ALL will happen soon!" 5:35 pm "I repeat Myself over and over to remind you of the gravity of the situation yet you do NOT listen

nor do you prepare! This IS most serious! PREPARE IMMEDIATELY!!!"

new messages to Darli Chagas in portuguese

"Pray for all the countries of the world, especially the ten that will disappear swallowed by the waters in the future and will disappear with all that is over and many souls are in danger.

before the great and terrible disaster, worse than what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. ryapparitionanguera/web/latest-messagesthru-darli-chagas-in-portuguese? hl=en&pli=1

"One can only hope that these calculations are born out in practice" - leading Russian news about LHC
Pls see the entire article first. What does it mean "one can only hope" and where those calculations could be born out of practice?

in the existing colliders of course. When Brookhaven's RHIC started, exactly the same questions and fears were raised. Fermilab is even more powerful. Not to mention that Russia/USSR could practice those same calculations in its own colliders, Serpuchov the biggest one. These are laws known for some time, only they were not published in understandable language in the mass media, the way they are now. Everything was covered as sci-fi or at best using scientific terms that few understand. How many of you, dear faithful, have read one popular science book on those topics? How many of you have read a sci-fi book that deals with time-related events? do you want to understand the heavy math behind that? Impossible. Now they present us in the news with a baby food shaping our view on these topics we anyway do not understand, and tell us what to think - whether the Earth will become a black hole, and then they prove it is not possible...A year ago, those same PR-scientists told us we have watched too much sci-fi to dream about a stargate. Now one of the directors of Cern says "dimensional door". Who dreams too much sci-fi? While they are doing that for a decade at least. Montauk project is earlier. "One can only hope that these calculations are

born out in practice"...perhaps the Russian scientists who made similar calculations have reasons to hope so?

John Learys has a new spiritual advisor and his messages will be posted immediately.
November 3, 2009 John Learys has a new spiritual advisor and his messages will be posted immediately.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

October 24, 2009 Jesus said: My people, while you have your churches open and everything is normal, there is no indication how quickly things will change. Just as a flash flood can instantly flood an area, so a flash flood of evil can overwhelm your churches as well. Today they are open, but in a short time many churches will be closed. Treasure your Masses now, because the evil ones will be closing your churches by order of your government. You will see how your hate crimes legislation will be used against your churches. The evil ones will fabricate charges against the churches to close

them. When the churches are closed, you will have to have Masses in the homes and eventually at the refuges. You are about to see My Church persecuted in a way that you have never seen before. Pray for My help to protect you from the evil ones as the tribulation begins. Tuesday, November 17, 2009

3 consequent messages of Anguera full of promises

no official translation is available until now. Ina addition you could check the already translated messages that pretty often started speaking of the life after Chastisement. Is the time ripe? November 14 In the great tribulation, the Lord will send His angels and you will be supported. There will be no defeat for the faithful. The transformed earth will belong to the chosen people of God. The Lord will fulfill His promises and you will see the wonders of God in your life. November 12 The Lord will transform humanity and peace will

reign forever in the hearts of men and women of faith. Days of joy will come for you. The Lord has reserved for His elect what human eyes have never seen. The sky will come for the rescue for you. A great sign of God will attract men and women who are away. November 10 You who are listening to Me, be glad because great is your reward. In the final tribulation, you will be protected and you will see the triumph of God over the forces of evil. The earth will be transformed and the men will experience great joy.

General Relativity: Cosmic Tunnels / Worm Holes have you heard about delta-wing Soviet plane Myasishchev M-50?
now outdated, not entered in mass production as the Bear and Tu-160. But they had it already in the 1961 and showed it. What do they have now,

that we again don't know? Ronald Reagan talked a lot about Star Wars, his own space wars, that envisioned exploding nukes in space near USA to stop other nukes. Where will the fallout go? Some think of Reagan as a saint. Reagan connected the Star Wars to the Fall in Eden. I.e. he will fight against the evil empire, using the same or better weapons than theirs fight on the side of angels may be? or on the side of aliens he mentions in the UN? But Reagan didn't tell us the Soviets had already quietly developed Polyus - a battle station similar to Star Wars movie. Only Gorbachev's personal presence on the launch (and possibly a KGB plot) made Polyus flight "unsuccessful" due to "human error" to return it into the atmosphere instead to put it on orbit. Gorbachev did not want to risk the warmed relations with the deployment of permanent battle station in space that anyway the USSR possessed on the ground. Archive photos show the first Soviet lasers in space dated back to the 1960s. So perhaps Gorbachev didn't have to worry about the failed Polyus, if he had a dozen of laser satellites.

How much more is in the store? How about the SURA geomagnetic weapon (HAARP-like). How about Serpuchov collider (now officially not working) and Dubna particle physics research center? (collider, gravitational waves research similar to Hanford, WA USA, etc). Why then they still don't attack, as Our Lady said many times since Fatima, including to Little Mary in USA? They wait for a permission, that will be given only after the first wave of rapture. We do not know whether GW will be before or after. They need minutes to wipe out a couple of cities. Whether they will trigger some earthquake to look more natural? Especially if they are sure that the Chinese Sichuan quake is HAARP-made, as NASA shyly addmitted there could be a connection between aurora and earthquakes. (~80 000 dead, but all Chinese buddhists-communists). Brazilian president said the world cannot wait 2-3 years until the "stimulus" creates jobs, and that the banks are only producing paper upon paper and nothing real. I have a question for Obama where are his promises? What need of more trillions of papers to those same people to put them into the same black holes? What does he

wait for - if he doesn't clear Wall Street, someone else will do it together with Washington administration. Obama failed because he failed in first place his own promises that he was elected for. Does America need Obama anymore? Because the world doesn't need him anymore. He did not produce anything than words and empty promises. I wonder - if the Russians attacked in 2008 before Obama inauguration, what would be any different? They did not get anything better from his election - one year longer crisis.

will you cheat the devil?

Iran will only deliver its uranium after receiving nuclear fuel we will (only) deliver the 3.5 (percent enriched) fuel after we have received the 20 percent fuel, he told IRNA on Monday. asp?code=208104
UN report: Iran nuke site apt for bombs, not power will you cheat the devil?

the question is who the devil's servant is, who the beast is. Whoever wins. be careful! Making out of Iran a horn of the beast, is to make it a winner! And vice versus (as Bush loved to use the Latin phrase).

27.10.2009 Birthday of St Joseph message in Itapiranga, Amazonas g2009.pdf

The peace of Jesus be with you, and the peace of the heart of my wife Mary and Peace of my Chaste Heart! My son, now we come to visit you again: I, my Son Jesus and my wife the Blessed Maria. We hope you and your brothers say more prayer, faith and dedication for the salvation of souls. My son, the world is on the brink of the abyss. This gap is terrible and profound. It is the gulf that leads to hell. Help your brothers to find the light and grace of God speaking to our holy messages. ... Do not be fooled by the lies that are spread around

the world against the works of God and against his Church. Remain faithful to the Catholic faith, for this faith and this Church, will take you to heaven. ... Tonight, the Holy Family was dressed all in gold and crowned. Jesus was in the middle, as a grown man, Our Lady on his right and St. Joseph on his left. All three had roses in their hands a variety of colors and colors that I've never seen on earth. Jesus had more roses in His hands. He divided these roses and gave to Our Lady and St. Joseph asking them to grant the two of us. Realized that the roses were the result Jesus was giving us the hand of the Virgin and St. Joseph, through their intercession. St. Joseph and Our Lady those roses that have been spreading and becoming a shower of graces, as small gold stars. (not clear translation) I looked at St. Joseph and congratulated him for the day of his birth saying Congratulations St. Joseph, many years of life! Do not know what to say to him as greeting and said that it was customary to say to each other

here on earth. St. Joseph smiled, as the know that my thoughts and said: My son, the sky is the experience of deep love and adoration to God....Moving closer to my heart and you find the love of God. (shortened, with google trans) Monday, November 16, 2009

REVELATION OF THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA - La Dama blanca, Chile (better translation) REVELATION OF THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA - La Dama Blanca de la Paz - Chile

Las Apariciones de la Virgen en Penablanca Chile MARIA NUESTRA MADRE - "LA DAMA BLANCA DE LA PAZ" THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA The Virgin Mary on July 16, 1983 reveals to Miguel Angel the Message of Fatima told by her in 1917 to Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco in the Cova da Iria, Fatima, Portugal, the first two parts are known and the third remained in secret until She indicated that the seer of Peablanca make it known in mid-1989.

...The war is going to end, but if they do not cease to offend the Lord, under the reign of Pius XI, a worse war will start. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that is the great sign that God gives you this for the coming punishment of crimes in the world by war, famine and persecution against the Church and against the Holy Father. To prevent this, I come to ask the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation of the First Saturdays. If you listen to my requests. Russia will be converted and have peace. If not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church. Many good will be martyred. The Holy Father will have much to suffer. Some nations will be annihilated. The dogma of faith will always be preserved in Portugal . (now the unknown part...)

Russia will advance on the countries that will fall away from the Catholic faith and be swept away. The Roman Church has to suffer horrors. There will be many cardinals, bishops, priests, enemies of the Holy Father; they will contradict his orders.The Church of the apostates will have much strength. The ministers of my Son will not believe what they tell the people. They do not truly believe in certain parts of the Gospels. And you, Rome, you have not heard the trumpets of the angels of the Almighty and will be destroyed by your crimes and sins. Satan moves now through the Church. The Vatican is the most coveted prey of the evil one. The priests are guilty of this. I am present with my mediation, as Queen of the World, Mother of the True Church in this world full of corruption and evil that pierces my Immaculate Heart.

Major storms and floods and earthquakes will batter the land. There will be fashions that offend the Lord very much. There will be no respect the house of God, moreover, they will not attend with devotion the Holy Mass and will go to the church badly dressed. The cup is full. But God still has the patience to save many souls and not cause suffering to many innocent people. If the world does not change I send a notice, asking for the consecration of all the nations of the world. The Holy Father will make many mistakes because of the bishops and cardinals (1). Heaven makes an urgent appeal to the Apostates of recent times. I asked Melanie at La Salette. The false doctrines abound. The change in the church will be the cause of perdition. She must

not be fashionable. Rather, to continue the tradition and the Gospel of our Lord. Europe will be invaded by horror and terror. America is confused. But our Lord will come to their aid, His church will not be left alone. The world looks at corruption and scandals. Many nations are torn by famine and pestilence. Russia and China will be the cause terrible damage to nature. A horrific earthquake will smite the land, leaving desolation, pestilence and famine. Climate change is caused by men. Many will die. A powerful weapon will be in Europe, which will damage in large cities. The United States and Russia alone will be drawing attention in that time. The great empires want to rule the land and will fight relentlessly on humanity. The pests will ensue before the end of the twentieth century. The atmospheric change will be seen in many nations and regions will be overrun by drought and others by water. China will start a decisive battle. The Lord wants America to be enshrined along with France, Britain and Russia in particular.

If my children do not submit to the Father, I shall be forced to release the arm of my Son. The true Church will be in tears because her king will no longer be with her. Flee to the new land for 486 days, at which time the throne of St. Peter was held by a wicked spirit who will only have hatred, deceit and submit to the earth to worship him in profound insensibility as the best of the pontiffs there has ever been in all humanity. Elijah and Enoch will come here to speak of the grave errors of mankind. But they will find only death in the square of the saints. The Lord God will speak to these holy men and humanity will realize that God has not forgotten them, good men will leave the way.

northern country inhabaitants.

That the rulers of the will take care of their

The hand of God is strong and just at the same time. That the Holy Father must be very careful with the Catholic faith and new doctrines that lurk with the unfaithful priests, without thinking about the justice of our Lord. I appeal to you, to pray the rosary in reparation of poor sinners, for the early consecration of Russia and her conversion, (now the known part) But in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and she will be converted and the world will be given a period of peace. Do not tell this to anyone. When you pray the rosary at the end of each decade, say: "O, my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell; lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need. " (1) Note requested by the seer: "This does not refer to a particular Pope, but to anyone who has had that position from 1917 onwards."

EL TERCER SECRETO DE FATIMA La Virgen Santsima el 16 de Julio de 1983 revela a Miguel Angel el Mensaje de Ftima dicho por Ella en 1917 a Lucia, Jacinta y Francisco en Cova de Iria, Ftima, Portugal, cuyas dos primeras partes son conocidas y la tercera permaneca en secreto hasta que Ella indico al vidente de Peablanca que la diera a conocer a mediados de 1989. Habis visto el infierno, donde van a terminar las almas de los pobres pecadores. Para salvaros, El Salvador quiere instituir en el mundo la devocin de mi Corazn Inmaculado. Si se hace lo que yo os dir, muchas almas se salvaran y se tendr algn tiempo de paz. La guerra va hacia el fin; pero si no cesan de ofender al Seor, bajo el reinado de Po XI comenzar otra peor. Cuando veis una noche iluminada por una luz desconocida, sabed que es la gran seal que Dios os da que esta prximo el castigo de los crmenes del mundo por la guerra, el hambre y las persecuciones contra la Iglesia y contra el Santo Padre.

Para impedir eso vendr a pedir la consagracin de Rusia a mi Corazn Inmaculado y la comunin reparadora de los primeros sbados. Si se escuchan mis peticiones. Rusia se convertir y se tendr la paz. Si no, ella propagar sus errores por el mundo, provocando guerras y persecuciones contra la Iglesia. Muchos buenos sern martirizados. El Santo Padre tendr mucho que sufrir. Algunas naciones sern aniquiladas. En Portugal se conservar siempre el dogma de la fe. Rusia avanzar sobre los pases que apostataron de la fe catlica y los arrasar. La Iglesia romana tiene que padecer horrores. Habrn muchos cardenales, obispos, sacerdotes, enemigos del Santo Padre; harn lo contrario a sus rdenes .La Iglesia de los apostatas tomar mucha fuerza. Los ministros de mi Hijo no creern en lo que le dirn al pueblo. Ellos no creen si son verdaderamente ciertos los Evangelios. Y ti, Roma, no has escuchado la trompeta de los ngeles del Altsimo y sers destruida por tus crmenes y pecados. Satans avanza ahora por la misma Iglesia. El Vaticano es la presa mas codiciada del maligno. Los sacerdotes son culpables de todo esto.

Yo estoy presente con mi mediacin, como Reina del Mundo y Madre de la Iglesia Verdadera, en este mundo lleno de corrupcin y maldad que traspasa mi Corazn Inmaculado. Grandes tempestades e inundaciones y temblores azotarn a la tierra. Habrn modas que ofendern mucho al Seor. No se respetar la casa de Dios, mas an, no se asistir con devocin a la Santa Misa y se ir a la Iglesia mal vestido. El cliz esta colmado. Pero Dios todava tiene paciencia para salvar a muchas almas y no hacer sufrir a muchos inocentes. Si el mundo no cambia mandar un aviso; pedir la consagracin a todas las naciones del mundo. El Santo Padre cometer muchos errores par causa de los Obispos y Cardenales (1). El Cielo hace un llamado urgente a los Apostates de los Ultimas Tiempos. Lo ped a Melania en La Salette. Las doctrinas falsas abundarn. El cambio en la Iglesia ser el motivo de perdicin. Ella no deber tener modas. Que siga la tradicin y el Evangelio de nuestro Seor. Europa estar invadida por el horror y el espanto. Amrica estar confundida.

Pero nuestro Seor vendr en su ayuda, no dejar sola a su Iglesia. El mundo se vuelve en corrupcin y escndalos. Muchas naciones sern asoladas por el hambre y las pestes. Rusia y China sern los causantes de terribles daos a la naturaleza. Horrorosos terremotos asolarn la tierra dejando desolacin, pestes y hambre. Los climas cambiarn por causa de los hombres. Muchos morirn. Un arma poderosa se encontrar en Europa, la cual har destrozos en grandes ciudades. Estados Unidos y Rusia solo estarn llamando la atencin en aquel tiempo. Los grandes imperios querrn gobernar la tierra y una lucha sin piedad vendr sobre la humanidad. Las pestes sobrevendrn antes del trmino del siglo XX. El cambio atmosfrica se ver en muchas naciones, y regiones sern invadidas por la sequa y otras por las aguas. China comenzar una batalla decisiva. El Seor quiere que Estados Unidos se consagre junto a Francia, Inglaterra y Rusia en especial.

Si mis hijos no se someten a los designios del Padre, me ver forzada a soltar el brazo de mi Hijo. La Iglesia verdadera estar en llanto pues su rey ya no esta con ella. Huir a la nueva tierra por 486 das, y en ese momento el trono de San Pedro lo ocupar un espritu inicuo que solo tendr odio, engao y someter a la tierra a que lo adore coma el mejor de los pontfices que hay a habido en la humanidad. Aqu vendrn Elas y Enoc a decir los graves errores de la humanidad. Pero solo encontrarn la muerte en la plaza de los santos. Dios Nuestro Seor har hablar a estos santos hombres y la humanidad se dar cuenta que Dios no se ha olvidado de ellos, mas bien hombres dejarn el camino, Que los gobernantes del pas del norte cuiden de sus habitantes. La mano de Dios es fuerte y justa a la vez. Que el Santo Padre tenga mucho cuidado con la Fe catlica y las nuevas doctrinas que los sacerdotes infieles acechan, sin pensar en la justicia de Nuestro Seor. Hago un llamado, que recis el rosario par los pobres pecadores, para la pronta consagracin de Rusia y su conversin,

Pero finalmente mi Corazn Inmaculado triunfar. El Santo Padre me consagrar a Rusia que se convertir y ser dado al mundo un periodo de paz. Esto no se lo digis a nadie. Cuando recis el rosario, al final de cada decena, decid: "Oh, Jess mo! perdona nuestras culpas, presrvanos del fuego del infierno; atrae a todas las almas al cielo, especialmente a las mas necesitadas". (1) Nota pedida por el vidente: "Esto no se refiere a un Santo Padre determinado, sino que a cualquiera que haya tenido ese cargo desde 1917 en adelante".

Message to Louise Nov. 14, 2009

Message to L. after testing the spirits..11:45 pm. 11/14/09 Then your Daddy God spoke, "The north and south poles are shifting. The earth is slowing slipping off its axis. This will cause a

change in temperature and weather: many storms will ensue. You are now seeing the beginning. Pray for strength and courage during these times. There will be devastatingly action everywhere."

on the date of GW As we also explained, there are many great martyrs, everyday and every Sunday. St Lucy and St cecilia are indeed in the Eucharistic prayer, but the others are no less great, if we can say that way. It is God Who makes the GW, Our Lady, and not we sinners. We hope the GW will happen in 2009, but we are open to the possibility of other actions of God. Let humbly pray and expect what is to come, as if it is tonight!!! Perhaps in that way, "2012" is a good movie. If we compare to Mary Jane Even, the "precursor of the warning", despite the failed dates, she gives a lot of details around that great event. Comet, etc etc. We could add to that, the 10 horns and Babylon, and one or more rescue waves.

Especially the rapture is something unexpectedly. But also an attack from Kim or Chavez on the nearby US armies. Unless we accept the West for the horns and the beast...

In the great tribulation, the Lord will send His angels and ye shall be supported.
Anguera latest message of Our Lady the messages increasingly go to the time of tribulation and after that, and the rescue/protection of the faithful. Distinguish the different groups of people that Our Lady talks about, either in different messages or sometimes within one only message.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

did "2012" concentrate on the main problem of 2012?

We had a sun explosion, continental crust shift, super volcano, worldwide tsunami, pole shift. Pretty realistic and close to the expected, but where is the main cause - Planet X - Nibiru? Or perhaps the galactic alignment will cause all that? We do not know. We are not going to comment the movie that has both advantages and shortcomings.

The Bible tells us there will not be a second flood (as it is in "2012"), while the second part of the Bible in the epistle of St Peter tells us that instead of a flood, God will punish the world with fire. If it was only the flood, one could escape with an ark, the way Noah did. The apparitions tell us that Mary's Immaculate Heart with the special prayers required are the same for us as the Ark for Noach. But for a physical salvation from fire is needed something more than the actual Noach ark of wood, or even a modern one of metal (as it is in "2012"). The Immaculate Heart of Mary will provide us better ways and devices to escape. The Fire / Asteroid/ Comet does not mean the partial tsunami will not occur. Exactly they will cause them, together with pyroclastic rain on the parts of the world not affected by tsunami. (in the movie that was shown with the supervolcano pretty close to the reality, only local). See below the Fatima 3rd secret version about the oceans (other texts exist as well). a part of latest Darli Chagas message

"Pray for all the countries of the world, especially the ten that will disappear swallowed by the waters in the future and will disappear with all that is over and many souls are in danger. Saturday, November 14, 2009

new messages Myriam and Mary, Marmora

please visit the sites there are two new messages to Littlest in Joyce list. Please subscribe today. Friday, November 13, 2009

BNO News has learned that NASA will announce the discovery of a large field of ice on the moon at the top of the hour.
1. so a permanent base is possible. 2. water is abundant also on non-habitable planets 3. possible on Mars, possible life somewhere else on more hospitable planets near the solar system, Alfa centauri the nearest one, or little further?

4. piossible aliens with hi-tech that we cannot dream of? 5. their bases on Moon - on the side that never turns towards Earth and that intentionally was not visited by astronauts? 6. Buzz Aldrin is right when saying they saw ships that were a bit more advanced than ours? Now his interviews are available on youtube, originally made for a leading US TV channel. 7. Idiots! We are the idiots to believe you, science guys! You cheat us straight in the eyes all the time! Do you tell us even 1% of the truth?

Small Asteroid 2009 VA Whizzes By Earth 91110173330.htm

OL Anguera - distinguishly more promising, much more frequent than before

Nov 12, 2009 The Lord will transform humanity and peace will reign forever in the hearts of men and women of faith. Days of joy come to you. The Lord has reserved for His elect what human eyes have never seen. The sky will come for the rescue for

you. A great sign of God will attract men and women apart. Thursday, November 12, 2009 Excerpts from personal message to Carol from Jesus of Mercy. 11-08-09 from Joyce yahoo group, not published yet in the official website "The world is about to sustain its greatest blow in the history of mankind. Be ready and prepare the earth now with words of wisdom and the call to purity, knowledge and mercy as a preparation for the many who will come. It is upon you, My faithful one, to speak out to all the earth with the words, 'Prepare your hearts and your souls for disaster!' Be at peace. I will guide and protect you. I Am your Beloved. Thank you for loving Me!" Carol Ameche

'Something may come through' dimensional 'doors' at LHC CERN director

"Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it," said Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN

So now it is admitted officially by CERN itself.

tomorrow the Great Harlot will announce the effects of coming Planet X
"2012" release. The movie hits the theaters on 12th in France, Belgium and Netherlands, on 13th - USA and much of the world. Argentina December??? Not about Planet X directly, but that is what will happen, perhaps around GW. Will the fall of Babylon the great be on the same day? It could be a Friday, or any day before Great Warning.

the nowaday prophets said the same

we know it, even without Fatima like this one:

Our Lady Dama Blanca dela Paz, 3rd Fatima secret

sorry the translation


Pope John Paul II November of 1980 about the 3rd secret Fatima: entry=801369

From QUEEN Magazine, published by the Montfort Fathers-Bayshore, New York September, l983: THE QUESTION: "Holy Father, what has become of the 3rd Secret of Fatima? According to Our Lady's instructions, wasn't it supposed to be revealed in 1960? And what will happen in the Church?"

THE HOLY FATHER'S RESPONSE: "Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world

wide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my Predecessors in the Chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication. "On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish...there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message. (?)
full: entry=801369 Wednesday, November 11, 2009

You who are listening to Me, be glad because great is your reward.
3238-Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, received by Pedro Regis in Sorocaba / SP 10/11/2009 You who are listening to Me, be glad because great is your reward. Na tribulao final, vs sereis protegidos e vereis o triunfo de Deus sobre as foras do mal. In the final tribulation, you will be protected and you will see the triumph of God over the forces of evil. A terra ser transformada e os homens experimentaro grande alegria . The land will be transformed and the men will experience great joy.

Message to littlest of servants November 10, 2009

THE THUNDER OF GOD'S JUSTICE WAS HEARD THROUGH HIS PROPHETS. NOW THE LIGHTNING OF GOD'S JUSTICE WILL STRIKE. Apocalypse 10:3-7 4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying to me: Seal up the things which the seven thunders have spoken; and write them not. 6 And he swore by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things which are therein; and the earth, and the things which are in it; and the sea, and the things which are therein: That time shall be no longer. 7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound the trumpet, the mystery of God shall be finished, as he hath declared by his servants the prophets. Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I believe these Anguera messages are for the believers left behinders

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Petronas_at_night.jpg 25 April, 2006. Message 2672, Dear Sons and Daughters, fear not. God is at your side. Happen what may, dont lose your hope. I am your Mom and I love you. Have courage, faith and hope. Nothing and no one is lost. Be meek and humble of heart and you will be victorious. Dont flee from prayer. Two brothers will walk on grass without beauty, and will try to climb the towers to see the high plains, but after three steps they will encounter a high cross stained with blood and will give a joyless shout to the Good Jesus. I say this not to make you fearful, but that you may be prepared, for your cross will be heavy. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Most

Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting me to bring you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace. there are more messages with similar topics, saying about boats, sea platform, shark, fish. In this message the mysterious towers unreachable by people who will call Jesus but will reach only His cross with blood (i.e. suffering, not the glorious cross of Dozule), seems to me connected with the rescue, and those who are not there. Petronas towers seem very appropriate for that message with their futuristic design. Will there be a permanent / temporary space elevator? We do not know exactly how, but we know 90% of today's "christians" if not more, will be left behind. Someone anonymous our friend, told us a personal dream how 90 - 95 % of the people living today could barely escape the Hell. (i.e. they are so far from God, that if they convert in the last moment, they will only escape Hell). There was a message from Littlest of servants may be, that between 2/3 and 3/4 of the world population will not be saved. I am not sure whether that was Littlest of servants or another messenger. What

rapture? They will barely escape the Hell forever!!!

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which spaceship will be yours? the decision is yours

Rapture is not lifeboat to jump in the last moment. it is Noah's ark built for years. You are either prepared, or not!

Buy your ticket for the spaceship today! And don't say you are not offered that opportunity, not told what to do, etc schoolkid excuses! You think our language is too harsh? Do you really think so? Perhaps you will reconsider once you see

the engines of the spaceship disappearing in the distance! You cannot bet with God on dices.

Russia fears a terrorist nuclear explosion in the US could lead to world dictatorship.

USA needs nuclear explosion to turn the world into dictatorship - You still think someone must transport those Shahab rockets near enough, etc "scenarios good for movies? Is it so, because you know almost nothing about the weapons? See what your own American grandfathers have produced! There are smart people everywhere, and more determined people than Hiroshima makers! No we are not frightening anyone. We keep our eyes open.

Near Death Experience to Solar System and ...Heavenly Jerusalem?

Despite there are some inconsistencies with what we know from theology, the story below is SO BEAUTIFULLY DESCRIBED experience over there, that we will post it. Notice the spiritual growth of souls that the story finishes with there and most important here on Earth. That also remembers me of the Rapture - we will go, we will go back to restore the human civilization as God's civilization of love. After the tribulation. Also pretty close to Louis Famoso, though his story has more space action and less spiritual realm. It is not absent however. The guiding Angel is with a similar role (Gabriel with Lou, guardian angel with David, and Raphael in Netherlands apparitions).
============================================ =========================================
A Soul Bared A Metaphysical Journey David Oakford's near-death experience ..................

I called out to my friends and nobody came. I tried to unplug the stereo but that did not work either. Every time I tried to touch the cord to unplug it I could not grasp it. It just kept on playing "LA Woman" and the sound rattled my very being. I ran all over the house calling for my friends, yelling repeatedly that the music was too loud but I was not heard. I pleaded for the music to be turned down. I tried to go outside but I could not feel the doorknob. I could see the daylight outside but could not go outside. I ended up hiding in the bathroom in an unsuccessful attempt to escape the noise. I looked in the mirror and could not see myself. That frightened me greatly. I went back into the family room and saw my body sitting in the chair. It looked like I was sleeping. I wondered how I could be looking at myself. I got a bit scared then because I could see me from outside of me, from all different angles except from the inside angle I was used to seeing myself. I was alone. I was confused and very scared. I tried to get back into my body but could not. I could not touch the ground either. I was floating. I rose up into a spot above my body and kind of just hung there. I could no longer move. I called out for help and nobody came. I tried to go out the

door but like the stereo I could not touch the doorknob. I was scared and alone and did not know what to do. I did not understand what was happening to me. I asked God to help me. I did believe in God then, but I was kind of angry at him because of the crappy life I was experiencing. I reasoned that if God were really the omnipotent and omniscient being I was taught he was he would not have let me experience the pain I had experienced throughout my life. I thought that if there was a time I needed God, it was now! I was not disappointed with the result of my plea for help. I looked over by the door to the outside and saw a beautiful being standing there. His feet did not touch the floor. His feet just blended into thin air. He looked both female and male and was young. I could not tell his/her sex. His hair was curly and he was about my height. He had this glow about him too. The glow was green close to him, then blue, then pure white in the upper areas. He said "I am here to help you" but when he spoke his mouth did not move. I did not actually hear him speak with my ears. I felt what he was saying.

When I saw this being and he spoke to me, I was no longer afraid. I actually felt peace and comfort like I had never felt before. I felt the peace I was searching for throughout my entire life. The feeling was very familiar to me, like I had felt it before but not in this life. This wonderful being called me by a name I do not remember. I told him he must have the wrong guy and that the name he used for me was not my name. He laughed and said that I was a great "master" and that I had just forgotten who I was. I did not believe him, because I did not really know for sure what a "master" was then and if I were this great master I would not have had all the problems I had. I felt that I was an evil being because that is what I was told in my life several times by many. He told me his name, but I do not remember it. He told me that he had been with me always and told me that he knew that I had a very hard life and that he would help me understand why if I really wanted to. He told me that he would help me remember who I am. He said that he would understand if I did not believe him and offered to prove to me that he knew everything about me.

He told me things that I did when I as a child that proved to me that he was always with me. He told me about things I had only thought about. He told me that I could go anywhere I wanted to go and that he would show me how to do it if I wanted him to. He said that if I needed to come back and see my body I could. My body would be fine because I was still connected to it somehow. When we spoke to each other we did so telepathically. The expression on his face was a happy one all the time. I told him that I would like to see the pyramids in Egypt as well as the southwest United States. He told me that all I had to do was trust him, think about where I wanted to go, and we would go. I thought about the pyramids and we were there in an instant. I do not know why I chose the pyramids, the thought just popped into me so I went with that. While we were there he told me some things about the pyramids and Egypt that I do not remember now. I really wish I could remember what he explained while we were there because I do know it was highly significant and had to do with humanity's future. When we finished in Egypt, we went to the southwest United States but flew there slowly so I

could see sights along the way. I wanted to see this planet with the eyes I had then. I saw the countries of the Far East and the Pacific Ocean. Night was falling in the southwest US and I could see what the being told me was energy emanating from almost everything I could see, especially the plant and animal life. The energy was strongest in the areas of the land and sea that had the least amount of humans. The energy was the lowest in areas where there were man-made structures, the cities of the world. The energy I saw came from the human beings that lived in the cities. It was explained to me that humans are the basic producers of energy in cities because of their relatively low vibration level the energy is lower in general. I could see the higher sources of energy in the cities though. I was shown people who had higher energy levels and some of them actually talked to the being I was with. I saw dark souls during the time the being and I spent on Gaia. The dark souls were earthbound spirits who refuse to go to the light. They prey on the energies of humans still in human form and try to use those souls to prevent the evolution of spirit. I was told I was protected from these dark ones as long as I chose to focus on the love in me. The

dark ones did not even try to affect us, in fact they gave us nasty looks and went away. I was told I would know these dark ones when I see them and I was told to tell them to go to the light. The light is a porthole to the place all souls go if they choose. I could see energy around the humans too, all different levels and colors. The being explained the human energy to me. He said that the energy coming from humans is what spirits use to evaluate the spiritual condition of particular humans. He said the lighter and more brilliant the color the more advanced the spirit is. He said that seeing the "aura" around a spirit is useful in determining how much a particular spirit needs to work on his development. He said the higher beings know where to go and what to do to help an earthbound soul so they may advance themselves if they so choose. He told me that all souls have this energy, this is why I could see it on every human I saw. He said that I was of the same energy type as he but my vibration is lower when I am in human form and that in time my energy would raise to match his intensity provided I chose to take the initiative to consciously evolve my soul.

He told me that there is much to this planet that spirits can see which humans do not see with their eyes because their vibrations are so low. He showed me life in the trees that I could see as a spirit but could not see in my human form. He explained that beings of higher vibration do live on Earth but they are not human, they are part of Earth itself. He explained these beings were the caretakers of physical life on the planet. He said that these beings take care of what we call nature. There are beings that take care of the plant life, the mineral life and the waterborne life. These lower echelon beings work together to ensure that all aspects of nature is protected and remains healthy. When the planet was evolving, these ethereal beings were the ones that kept the balance of nature. He explained to me that the planet that we call Earth really has a proper name. He told me the Earth is really called "Gaia." He said Gaia has its own energy and that Gaia is really a true living being. I asked if this energy could be seen and he said that we have to be away from Gaia to appreciate and see it. He said humans are the ones who can manipulate Gaia's energy through their choices. He said if humans choose to live in

harmony with the energy on Gaia, it is good for Gaia. He said if humans abuse Gaia, they hurt Gaia by altering its energy structure. I was given an example of how humans have deforested the planet and reduced the energy available faster than it could be replenished. He said Gaia was very strong but has been weakened considerably since humans have chosen to use the resources in a manner inconsistent with the laws of the universe. I asked him if we could go into space and see Gaia's energy and he said yes. He said there were no limits on where we could go. I concentrated my thought, trusted, and we then went into what is known as space. Away from this planet I could see Gaia all at once. It was so beautiful. I could see the aura around Gaia. The aura affected me greatly. I felt a deep love for this beautiful place. I could hear Gaia move and was told the sound was the energy flowing in and out of Gaia. My special being told me that Gaia is the most unique planet because it is designed for humans to live on forever. It was created for a spirit to play, learn, and grow. He said the balance of nature on Gaia allows a spirit to be in human form when a spirit lives in harmony with nature.

Nature exists to compensate for the decreased vibration and was created for spirits to adapt enough to adjust and be in the physical human body while still having access to energy that will help them advance. He explained that humans were designed by God to live eternally on Gaia and are not supposed to "die." He said that "dying" is a human created Earth term that means little in the world of spirit. The reason that humans supposedly die is that they have fallen away from the balance of nature and allow themselves to be affected by what they create that violate the natural laws of the universe. He said that humans have fallen away from living in balance with nature. He said they must relearn about the harmonic balance if they want to survive as a race and live on Gaia forever. He said it was still possible for humans to learn about this harmony and that it is the next overall goal of humans on Gaia. I was told that humans would eventually realize they must restore the harmony but great damage will be inflicted before humans will fully realize what they have been doing to Gaia and work to reverse what they have done.

Traveling Through the Realms

We traveled past all of the planets in our solar system. Near each planet I could hear the energy just like on Gaia. I saw the auras around each one of them too. I saw spirits on all of them as well. My friend told me that all planets are places for spirits to live, learn and thus evolve. I saw great cities on each and every one of those planets. It was explained that other life in the universe is not readily seen because the beings were all of higher vibration and most spirits in human form have yet to attain the higher vibration required to see them. The being told me that each planet has a theme for learning and that any of them can be chosen by a soul when we are between physical lives. He said we practice on the other planets to be ready to live on Gaia. He said Gaia is the ultimate experience for a soul. It is ultimate because our souls evolve faster here than anywhere else. It was said that the lessons we need to learn are difficult to learn without having a physical form. He explained how we pick a physical life on Gaia. He explained to me that I picked the parents I was born to so that I could learn what I needed to learn to grow enough to come back and do spirit work on Gaia after I attain a certain level of

growth. He said that I was being told all of these things so that I could help souls come together and return Gaia to harmony. He explained some things to me about God that I do not remember. They had to do with the universe and the size and structure of it. I do remember he said that God is not to be seen for he is everywhere. He told me that God loves Gaia deeply, much as a man loves his wife. He talked about Jesus too. He told me Jesus was a master God sent to Earth to teach humans how to act toward each other and find their way back to the path of harmony with each other as well as with Gaia. I was told that Jesus is the being that is entrusted by God to ensure that souls evolve. He said that Jesus is of the highest in vibration than any other soul. He said that God holds Jesus in the highest of favor because he was the best example of what humans need to do. I then got to see Jesus. I saw his light. Jesus' light was the purest I have ever seen. There was no need for words. There were only love feelings that I cannot even begin to describe. I was told that loving one another is what souls need to do in order for peace and harmony to be

the standard on Gaia. I was told that there is a hierarchy in the universe that is dedicated to preserving the harmony of the universe. I was told that humans are an integral part of this harmony and that the free will we have is a part of souls that allows humans to provide service to the universe. After he explained those things to me I was able to see our whole solar system all at once in full color. The planets were all in a line and I could see all of them from Pluto to the sun. I felt very blessed and very important. I was given this great gift and I did not really understand why. There I floated, a being that went out his way to inflict pain on other souls, yet I was never asked about what I had done. In fact I was given the honor of being given answers to questions most people wonder about all of their lives. I thanked this loving being for explaining and showing me what he did. He told me that there was more for him to show me if I was ready to experience it. I told him I was ready. I did not know why I was chosen but I was not about to question why. It just seemed small to me then. We started to head back toward Gaia. We went to a place in the shadow of Gaia. It was a great city in

the clouds. The city had these beautiful white buildings as far as I could see. I saw spirits living there all of which had vibration but no real physical body. These inhabitants went to and from the buildings - going to work and play too. I saw a place where spirits went to get what I thought was water. There were no vehicles there. Spirits seemed to get around the same way my being and I got around, by flying. The city had no boundaries that I could see. This was a place full of life of all kinds. There was nature there, many pure plants, trees, and water just like on Gaia but more pure. Nature there was absolutely perfect. It was untainted by human manipulation. This place was just like Gaia only without the problems and negativity. I felt that this was what is called heaven in Earth terms. I saw spirits going to and from the Gaia and the city. I could tell the development of the spirits going to and from by the energy they emanated. I could see that animals came to and from Earth just like humans do. I could see many spirits leave Gaia with guides and could see spirits returning to Gaia without guides. The being told me that some of the spirits passing were the ones that were doing the work with humans on Gaia. I could

make out the type of spirits that were doing the work and the spirits that were coming to the great city to become replenished to eventually go back to Gaia to experience and further evolve. I could feel the emotions of the ones coming back for replenishment. I could feel that some of them were sad, beaten and scared, much like I felt before my being came to me. My being took me into one of the larger buildings. Inside I saw many spirits working. They were doing things similar to jobs on Earth. When we walked by the spirits, they looked at me. I think they were checking me out because of the being I was with. We went upstairs and I saw spirits that knew me. They greeted me and asked me how I was doing. They gave me advice of which I do not remember. I thought I was going to be given a job there, but the being knew I thought that and told me that there was something I needed to do first. I was ecstatic. I was in heaven despite everything I had done during my life on Gaia. I was experiencing what most people only dream about. The love I felt there was the same love I felt when I saw Jesus. I had been searching on Gaia for what was really the same place I was in then. I was searching on Gaia for the feeling I was feeling that

very moment. I had found what I spent my whole life searching for. I was truly happy. I was home and I knew it. I was ready to stay and do whatever work I was given to do. My being took me to another building that was special. It was bigger than the rest and had the greenest foliage I had ever seen growing on it, decorating it like a shrine. We went inside a set of double doors that glowed with life. The inside was decorated with a wood paneling that the being told me was "living" wood from the trees that grew at this wonderful place. He led me to some big double doors and told me to wait on this bench while he went inside. A bit later he came out of the room. He told me to go into the room and said he would wait for me and to not worry. He cautioned me to ensure that I was truthful with the beings in the room. He said they were not judges, rather they were the ones who evaluated a soul's development based on a soul's history. He told me to remember who I was and to refrain from fear. I knew I had to leave this being sooner or later but I was glad that he would wait for me. I was a little scared to leave him, but I felt that I was protected and knew that I would be protected here.

His Life Review

I went in and saw a group of several spirits seated at a table. The table was made of the glowing wood and was perfect in every way. The spirits around this table had the highest vibration I had seen so far with the exception of Jesus. I looked at these beings and recognized them. I do not know where I recognized them from, but they all had a familiarity about them. They just looked at me. All of a sudden, I saw my parents on Earth before I was born. I saw how they came to be together and watched them have my brother and sister before me. I saw their positive and negative sides and evaluated them according to what I knew I needed to do on Gaia. The beings asked me how and why I picked these particular parents and asked me to tell them. They said I knew how and why I picked them and asked me to tell them why. I do not know where it came from but I did tell them how and why and they agreed with me. I picked them to help them on their path as well as to achieve my learning. I saw my soul go to my mother and go inside of her. I saw myself being born from an observer standpoint as well as having the actual experience. I proceeded to see my entire life from the observer point of view and from the points of view of those

my actions affected. I felt the feelings they felt that directly resulted from things I had done to them. I saw both the positive and the negative things I had done as they had truly happened, nothing was left out or presented inaccurately. I experienced the harshness of being born again. I experienced leaving heaven and the transit to Gaia. I saw myself as a helpless infant who needed his mother for everything. I experienced my father's love as well as his anger. I experienced my mothers love, her fear and her anger as well. I saw all of the good and bad from my childhood years and reexperienced what I had done then. I felt all of my emotions and the emotions of the souls I had hurt as well as loved. From all of this I learned that it matters deeply what choices I make on Gaia. I learned just how powerful we humans are and how we can affect each other in positive and negative ways. It was amazing to see how my innocent actions had such a powerful effect on souls that I had no idea I was affecting. The experience was one that I will never forget. I experienced the whole spectrum of feelings of my life in a relatively short period of time as we humans see it. Where I was, time did not really exist.

I could see how I became what I had become on Gaia and why I became that way. Everything I did in my life affected the evolution of the souls around me. I saw the reasons for all of my actions and understood why I did what I had done. There was a place for all of my positive and negative actions. There was no action that was necessarily wrong, but there were actions I took that did not enhance positive growth. I was both a victim and a beneficiary of my actions. This was not a fun experience to go through. I could see how wonderful it could be if one chose to act to affect other souls positively most of the time. Afterward, the beings in the room asked me questions about what I saw and how I felt about my life up to then. I knew that I had to provide an honest assessment - I could not lie. I hesitated when they asked me whether I affected others more positively than negatively. I thought about lying. These beings knew what I was thinking and I had to tell them that I felt that I could have done a better job on Gaia. I knew what I had come to Gaia to accomplish and was well on my way to doing that but I knew I was not finished yet. They agreed and told me that I still had many things to do and that I may want to go back and do them. I

was told it was understood how difficult it would be for me but it was necessary for the universe for me to finish. They said that it may be wise to go back and live my life how I had originally planned it. They said I had set lofty goals for my life on Gaia and the events in my life were achieving the goals I had set. They said that I originally came to Gaia to learn and share with others using the gifts that I have accumulated over several lifetimes. They said that I am needed on Gaia to help souls bring themselves and Gaia back to harmony. They said that I have great potential to affect other souls, to help them grow and that Gaia is the best place to do that. I was told that the events I had experienced thus far were preparing me to make a large contribution to the universe and that my experiences were not to be considered personal attacks in any way. I did not want to accept that, I wanted to stay, I told them that. I told them I was tired and wanted to stay because life on Gaia is hard and unforgiving. I felt that going back would be dangerous for the universe because I was not advanced enough in my spiritual evolution. They said that was precisely

why it would be in my best interest to go back to Gaia. They said I was more advanced than I give myself credit for. They said that it was possible for me to stay but I would need to finish my work on Gaia sooner or later. The type of work I was destined for can only be done on Gaia. I could stay if chose to but I would only be prolonging the completion of what I needed to do for this universe. They explained the fastest way to finish my work would be to go back to Gaia as soon as possible. I was stunned to say the least. I resorted to bargaining but it was no use. I still did not like living on Gaia and did not really want to go back. These beings understood me but remained firm. I had a decision to make that was really the hardest decision I would ever make. I did come back to Gaia and am now living the life that I was (later in the experience) told I would live. Believe it or not, I ended up shelving this experience away, classifying it as a really vivid "trip." It was not until I evolved more that I realized the gift I was given. I share this experience now because I feel it can, if so chosen, spur thought and foster choices that affect the planet in a positive way. If I learned

anything from this experience it was that every choice I make is duly recorded, noted and will return later, when I leave here again. My goal is to save people the pain that I felt in my review and hasten the evolution of humans on Gaia, helping Gaia as well as the universe. Again, I wish you all of the love I feel in my heart and I give this love to you. (David Oakford now talks of his return to Earth) I am one who had a near-death experience and was given a choice to return to this planet in a physical sense again. I chose to return out of love for this planet, a love so great that I would give up the slot I have "back home." I did this also in order to help to heal the place through the sharing of what I was shown of the in-between and through the choices I make, (hopefully loving and kind ones). Without the free will to return I would not be here in the physical doing what I am doing. The physical pain, war, poverty, pestilence, horror, rape, murder, abandonment etc, etc, etc. that is here on this planet is the result of humans coming here and making their free choices in order to learn and evolve. Unfortunately learning does tend to create a mess at times and the physical pain etc. ect. is a part of that mess. It makes sense to me that the same free choice concept is instrumental in cleaning up the mess.

I liken it to camping and choosing to clean up or not clean up the mess one makes. If you choose to clean up your mess, this helps the planet to stay as is because one does not contribute to the mess. If one does not clean up it adds to the mess. If one cleans up their own mess and then some it contributes to healing the planet. In my near-death experience I was also shown that there are many souls in "heaven" who are more than willing to come to this place regardless of the state it is in. I was shown that if I did not choose to return I would be in the schools that exist in heaven, working toward the growth I need to accomplish regardless of the form I am in. That was an attractive choice to be sure except that I had a problem with how long it would take me to grow enough to do what my soul wishes to do. (I have a burning desire to experience other places in other universes and to do that I need to grow more.) The prerequisite for that is ensuring that my soul has the IQ for it. It is my understanding that a soul can choose to remain in heaven and operate on the level he/she (whatever) is on to infinity, but I seek more

because I know without doubt that there is more. At any rate, the idea remains that for this place to start feeling and looking like heaven is to create the love felt there here. I would like to see that on this planet and I know it can be done. If I need to, I will come back here all over again to make it happen. Monday, November 9, 2009

Molecular manufacturing and nanotechnology in service of the Rescued humanity? The Miracle of Multiplication of Jesus? Increase of health and life?

7 November, 2009. Message 3237 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. Dear Sons and Daughters, repent sincerely of your sins and return to Him Who is your one and only Savior. Dont flee from the road to truth. The Lord is awaiting you with open arms. Dont back away. Dont let your problems take you away from God. Bend your knees in prayer and God will strengthen you. A great discovery will happen

for the good of mankind. It will be the object of one of the miracles of My Son Jesus. This is the mystery. Know that The Lord will do everything for your good. Open your heart to Him and you will be happy. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and o f The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace. 3 November, 2009. Message 3236 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. Dear Sons and Daughters, flee from all evil and return to The Lord. Dont let the devil deceive you. Belong to The Lord and deposit all your confidence and hope in Him. There is no victory without the cross. Seek strength in prayer and in hearing the Word of God. Humanity needs to be cured by the merciful love of God and only by the force of prayer can you encounter the path to salvation. A great happening will shake the faith of many people. It will be in the land of the Holy Cross. (Brazil) Bend your knees in prayer. I suffer because of what is coming to you.

This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy S pirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Our Lady Dama Blanca dela Paz, Fatima secret

In Portugal the dogma of the faith will be always preserved. (now continues unknown part) Russia will move forward on those countries that apostate Catholic faith and will devastate and them. The Roman Church has to endure horrors. There will be many cardinals, bishops, priests, enemies of the Holy Father, they will do what is contrary to his orders. The Church of the apostates will take great force. The ministers of my son not believe in what you say to the people. They do not think the Gospels are truly certain. And you, Rome, you have not heard the trumpet of the Angels of the Most High and you will be destroyed by your crimes and sins. Satan is now in the Church itself. The Vatican is the most coveted prey of the evil one. The priests are guilty of this.

I am present in this my mediation, as Queen of the World and Mother of the True Church, in this world full of corruption and evil that transcends my Immaculate Heart. Major storms and floods and earthquakes will hit the Earth. There will be fashions that will offend much the Lord. The house of God will not be respected, but still, it will not be attended with devotion to the Eucharist and the Church will be badly dressed. The chalice is filled. But God still has patience to save many souls and do not make suffer many innocent people. If the world does not change I will send a warning; I will request the consecration to all the nations of the world. The Holy Father will commit many errors because of the bishops and cardinals. The Heaven makes an urgent appeal to the apostates of the last times. I did this to Melania at La Salette. The false doctrines abound. The change in the Church is the reason for perdition. She must not have fashions. But To continue the tradition and the Gospel of our Lord.

Europe will be invaded by the horror and the fright. America will be confused. But our Lord will come to their aid, will not leave alone his Church. The world becomes corruption and scandals. Many nations are ravaged by famine and pests. Russia and China will be the causes of terrible damages to the nature. Horrifying earthquakes will knock down the Earth leaving desolation, plagues and hunger. The climate will change because of the men. Many will die. A powerful weapon will be in Europe, which will make destruction in great cities. The United States and Russia will be drawing attention in that one time. The great empires want to rule the earth and a fight without mercy will come upon mankind. The plagues will happen before the end of XX century. The atmospheric change will be seen in many nations, and regions will be invaded by the drought and others by waters. China will begin a decisive battle. The Lord wants the United States to be consecrated along with France, Britain and Russia

in particular. If my children are not subject to the designs of the Father, I shall be forced to drop my son's arm. The true Church will be in weeping when her king will be no longer with her. He will flee to the new land for 486 days, at which time the throne of St. Peter what will be occupied by a wicked spirit that will only hate, deceit and...(not translated) y someter a la tierra a que lo adore coma el mejor de los pontfices que hay a habido en la humanidad. Elijah and Enoch come here to tell the serious errors of mankind. But they will only find the death in the square of the saints. Our Lord God will speak to these holy men and humanity will realize that God has not forgotten them, but rather men will leave the way, That the governors of the country of the north take care of of their inhabitants. God's hand is strong and just at a time. That the Holy Father is very careful with the Catholic Faith and new doctrines that unfaithful priests watch, without thinking about the justice of our Lord. I appeal to pray the rosary by the poor sinners, for the early consecration of Russia and its conversion, ...

(and here we come again to the already known part) but At the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and will be given to the world a period of peace. This you do not say to anybody. When you pray the rosary at the end of each decade, say: "Oh, my Jesus! Forgive us our sins, ... (1) Note requested by the seer: "This does not refer to a certain Holy Father, but anyone who has taken that position from 1917 onwards." Sunday, November 8, 2009

Strong and shallow 6.7-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia 10300 URGENT -- Strong and shallow 6.7-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia. Read more:

Darli's latest messages on new address. Pls pray for translator's mother Please, pray for the mother of the long-term Portuguese translator, who is in critical condition. Thank you for your prayers!

our friends rereaded Myriam and Mary's info: GW likely in November, quoted "personal source" GW in 2009, and from "personal source" probably in November
Myriam and Mary page Pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas acheter ce livre, voici quelques extraits qui expliquent que l'Avertissement arrivera avant Nol 2009, et d'aprs une source personnelle, probablement au mois de novembre. For those who can not buy this book, here are some excerpts that explain that the Warning will arrive before Christmas 2009, and from a personal source,

probably in November. (VDT) Better buy the book, to support the seers! And, you might need it! Don't expect always someone else to gather it and to post it at no price online! Imagine a situation with No internet, even before GW. Seek apparition sites and refuges now! get ready and show to God you are getting ready! Do not await the last moment to be "protected supernaturally" if you haven't done much in that direction! (and we know quite a few otherwise devote people, whose attitude is exactly that - they accept almost everything and do almost nothing not even passing by the message to someone else in the church). Well, if you do, have no fear then.

"2012 Supernova" great effects, the story is relatively ok The Sun alignes with galactic center every Dec 21 increasingly towards 2012

the Galactic Alignment "zone" is 1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 - 2016. This is "era-2012." More about What kind of energies will be increased in 2009, 2010 and 2011?

A "Bear" plane crashes, this time a reconnaissance one

Russian military plane crashes in Far East
MOSCOW, November 7 (RIA Novosti) - A Tu142M3 reconnaissance plane from Russia's Pacific Fleet has crashed in the Tatar Strait in Russia's Far East, the Defense Ministry said in a statement on Saturday. Tu-142 Bear F is a Russian maritime reconnaissance/anti-submarine warfare (ASW) turboprop aircraft. It is a modified version of the Tu-95 Bear strategic bomber. ================================== =====

Because we use to make dark prognosis that luckily until now don't happen... Imagine a "crash" of a Bear near Alaska. Not model 142 but 95 that carries 24 missiles. As an accident those missiles or at least 2 of them hit the antimissile radars etc. Then imagine the next "failure" of Bulava missile. A failure again near important US/Canada radar or base, resulting in local EMP. Or we could imagine the scenario of "The Red October" only with a "real" accident on board somewhere near US coast. Scenarios are enough in number and varying severity. And if Planet X really comes...then what matters several "small bombs" "in the name of humanity", would say some strategists. The Eastern strategists preferred once in history to back out (in the events preceding the historic 1989). The Western strategists - never. That is the biggest danger to believe you can always win. Or perhaps they will win indeed, thus turning themselves into the generals of the beast? Isn't it better to back out? israel can;t invade the world alone. They need the alliance of their earthly "messiah" to rule over the world. Did they not

until now? But that means the earthly messiah is somewhere in the EU or USA. And that the first 3.5 years are gone. Seems the theory of rebuilding the temple first, is not quite right. There is a temple(s) with the presence of the living God, why do you need the stones?

Iran - no uranium out of the country. Consequences for the world

"Nothing will be given of the 1,200 kilograms (of low enriched uranium) ... to the other side in exchange for 20 percent enriched fuel, not in one batch nor in several. It is out of question," article/92/2009/november/08/iran-lawmakersno-shipment-of-uranium-abroad-1.html =============================== if tiny Israel attacks with 100 planes or so, and destroys 3-4 facilities, what will be the answer? "Nothing" like Syria - not realistic Conventional strike with Shahab on Israeli secondary military targets

Conventional more massive strike on primary targets are there nuclear options for Iran, if after all it has ready bombs? (250 form Soviet Ukraine etc). Will Israel answer to the answer with nuclear weapons? If so, that becomes WW. radiated oil wells are not the best supplies for China and India. 200 million army from revelation goes towards the Gulf. God will not stop it, not before the chosen nation accepts Jesus Christ. What is the difference today between Israel and NY or Paris, or Babylon the great? No difference, if we summarize. Moreover, it is said the beast from the sea comes from West (Daniel) and North (Ezekiel) if they talk about the same. Let assume it is the same war. It makes North-West, not North -East where Russia is, not East where China and India are. It could be EU, it could be USA, or any other combination. Gog and Magog is mentioned some 1000 years later in the Revelation. But it could be another

Gog and Magog war. Obviously, we have some glimpse on the dark future, without knowing even the main players' exact roles. ================================= How many countries have HEU highly enriched uranium? see that graph from Washington Post 77.html It appears only Iran is the country among its bigger neighbors that "doesn't have" enough quantities oh HEU. Furthermore, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt all sought "peaceful atom energy" and recently were promised by Medvedev (Bahrain, not Saudi) to develop reactors. So what is so dangerous for Israel already surrounded by Muslim countries, and still have decades of prosperity? Why should force the End Time events? They do not believe the Book of Revelation and that is the biggest problem. The take only Ezekiel forgetting about all the rest. Including Daniel whom they must listen to. Old Persia is where Iraq is, where Turkey is, where Egypt is. It is clearly said the second attack on

Persia by a force coming from the West above the sea, will be unsuccessful. Then the antichrist/beast will turn his face towards the Holy Land - i.e. Israel. That is Daniel. The sentences may mean years! Don't be foolished by interpretation at will of the next sentences that say the anti will fall not by hand of man. Years may have between! We know Israel nation will go into exile. Every Christian interpreter agrees on that. Not Bush, not Israel! They dream a victory on earth. Well, dear friends, that is the victory of the antichrist. There is no other earthly victory, before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ! Are you siding with the antichrist system and the beast war machine? Evenif it uses Russian missiles and Chinese tanks, it might appear you are on the command post of that same worldwide machine, described both by Daniel and John. At least Bush says he is Christian. how then he and Hagee cannot see that whoever wins over the Holy Land, is/serves the beast system? There is another asymmetrical option. After the first conventional Israeli strike, the terrorists in USA may receive order to explode the buried KGB suitcases.

more info (not all links work) Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, founder of the Islamic Supreme Council of America (ISCA), stands by and renews his 1999 warning that brainwashed Islamic extremists have infiltrated mosques and Muslim student and community groups, and have bought more than 20 nuclear warheads carried in suitcases. In his infamous January 1999 address to the U.S. Department of State, Kabbani cautioned officials about imminent danger to America posed by nuclear-armed Islamic extremists. He further described 5,000 suicide bombers being trained by bin Laden in

Afghanistan ready to move to any part of the world. More here. 2004: Al Qaeda: We have Briefcase Nukes In an interview scheduled to be televised on Monday, Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir said Ayman al-Zawahri claimed that "smart briefcase bombs" were available on the black market. "Dr Ayman al-Zawahri laughed and he said 'Mr. Mir, if you have $30 million, go to the black market in central Asia, contact any disgruntled Soviet scientist, and a lot of ... smart briefcase bombs are available,'" Mir said in the interview. "They have contacted us, we sent our people to Moscow, to Tashkent, to other central Asian states and they negotiated, and we purchased some suitcase bombs," Mir quoted al-Zawahri as saying. Al-Qaida has never hidden its interest in acquiring nuclear weapons. Saturday, November 7, 2009

His-Prophet Thus Saith the Lord. October 2009 pageID=373112 10-12-09 "Why do so many believe that everything is OK? Lo- Sin abounds and they do nothing. MY judgment is right and just. It has started. There will be more, all will see. Saints of MINE, remember MY words, in MY book of truth. MY judgment pours out on all. Be prepared, know MY truth. MY wrath does not abide on those saints who are truly MINE." 10-15-09 There will be civil disorder.

Too much power in the hands of humans Lo, is dangerous All power comes from MY Father. So many have forgotten that. 10-20=09 "MY saints. You are losing your freedom in ME. It is upon you."

Virgin Victorious anniversary November 12

Mark Your Calendar for 11/12/09

Join us November 12, 2009, for the yearly celebration of Our Blessed Mothers last regular Thursday message. Mass will be at 10:00 AM. Please bring a chair and your lunch. Coffee and lemonade will be provided.

Those who need help obtaining accommodations for Wednesday night for the Nov 12 celebration may contact ...(see the link) ======================================= ======== Make good use of these kind invitations, if you are in the same US state or within a reasonable distance. That may turn to be your way to a refuge! Not that all apparition sites are turned automatically to refuge sites, but you will meet devote people and establish priceless contacts. You will know whom to call and where to go, when everything starts! Then you will not have internet or time to search. See again the trailer of 2012 before its release next Friday. They escaped California with their plane in the last moment. Without such a plane and the movie scenario, you can't escape. So it is better to think for those things a bit earlier. We all know Ameche will provide refuge for Californians. But if you live in California, have you been to one of her meetings? Or you will start searching the way on the day when the TV tells you that? Perhaps you have a map, no problem...While you slowly decide "it might be a time to see whether one of these

refuges is somewhere near, because if it is farther I'd better stay home..."and you would not be able to do anything more, because of the blocked roads! The same is valid for the Rapture, though in a quite different way. Then you will have only minutes to go to the ship/beam or not to go. it is supernatural and also physical, still you have to be already decided (and confessed etc). NOW, not when it comes. I doubt the Angels will come to rescue people who have not readied anything, both outside (psychological decision to go) and inside (the state of one's soul). I have a very strong feeling that the release of 2012 is their official warning of the events. Still we have not seen the movie, it seems not to have anything UFO inside (the UFO trailer was probably fake). With or without Hollywood superproduction warning, we have to be ready. I cannot imagine someone to live as close to an apparition site as one day drive or less, providing he has the capabilities to go, and never to go even once. Perhaps you have traveled many times to much farther destinations?

A heavy cross for the church will come from England. Stay with the truth. Dont let your faith be shaken.
23 August, 2008. Message 3044 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. Dear Sons and Daughters, I invite you to take up your true role as christians. Return to My Son Jesus, for only He is your all, and you cant do anything without Him. Live far from the world and joyfully be with The Lord. Live His commandments and force yourselves to be converted. I come from heaven to tell you that these are the most sorrowful moments for humanity. After great tribulation humanity will encounter peace. I suffer because of what awaits you. Dont get away from prayer. Bend your knees in prayer and seek strength in Jesus. A heavy cross for the church will come from England. Stay with the truth. Dont let your faith be shaken. Forward with courage. This is the message that I transmit to you in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time.

I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be in peace. Friday, November 6, 2009

2012 - as bad as the movie, or much worse? Start in 2009? Is this "their announcement"? Mary Jane Even said about GW it will have a comet impact
and what if you do not have such a small plane, with capabilities equal to ufo to escape all those falling buildings? Is this the announcement for the large public, followed shortly by an official astronomical announcement of a comet moving towards the Earth? Our Lady in Bayside said the announcement will come around 2 weeks before the first impact. Notice - the first, not the last impact that will be much bigger.

Gorbachev mad at NATO for not letting Europe breathe with both lungs, quoting a phrase of John Paul
Gorbachev mad at NATO for not letting Europe breathe with both lungs

URL: 25.05.2009 Source: gorbachev-0

The first and the last President of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, believes that the nowdeceased head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II, should be declared as saint. I believe that he should be canonized. He was an amazing person. He was a humanist, I am ready to give him my number one, Interfax news agency quoted Gorbachev as saying. Mr. Gorbachev said that he had spoken to John Paul II on a number of occasions. The Pope had his own point of view on many issues, and that point of view was absolutely correct, Gorbachev said.

He said that Europe must breathe with both lungs. That means that the east and the west of Europe must be its equal and valid parts. This is absolutely right, the former leader of the USSR said. Mr. Gorbachev also reminded the Pontiffs words about the new world order. He said that the new order must be more stable, just and humane. I think that I have repeated that quote of his a hundred times, he said. Gorbachev previously criticized the eastward expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance. He also claimed that the Western leaders were not keeping their promises which they had personally given to him. The Federal Republic of Germany, the USA and other Western countries promised Gorbachev after the unification of Germany in 1990 that NATO would not be expanding to the East, DW-World reported. The Americans, Gorbachev said, did no keep their promises, whereas the Germans showed their indifference to it. They were probably rubbing their hands seeing that they had fooled the Russians. As a result, the Russians do not believe the Western promises any more, he said.

The Kremlin was pondering over the possibility for Germany to become one single state again from the beginning of the 1980s. There were ideas about it back in the days when Brezhnev made me a member of the Soviet administration. I knew that it was history that separated Germany and that history would have the problem solved, the former president of the USSR said. Nevertheless, he added that both himself and German Chancellor Kohl thought of Germanys unification as the question of the 21st century. However, it just so happened that the Berlin Wall collapsed several months afterwards. History is willing to give lessons to those who are too smart, the former Soviet president said.

EU: Lisbon Treaty in Force as Early as December 1? EU already acts as if it is in force now

EU: Lisbon Treaty in Force as Early as December 1? q=6696.5213.0.0 so says Sarkozy EU permanent president and foreign minister

could be elected within weeks of the date For Christmas, the worst nightmares of evangelical pastors who see the EU as the beast of revelation, could materialize. Only, is it what they expect? It is said the beast will rule the entire planet, except for today's Jordan or other minor places (Refuges). EU does not rule even entire Europe, because Russian European part is roughly 1/3 of the continent. How about America, Asia?

December 1, when the European Union will elect a president,...leaked info in Russian newspapers
December 1, when the European Union will elect a president, ml more to follow as soon as we find it

time travel - you may need it soon, if you are not raptured that is one of the many sites, that give glimpse of what it is going to be the presence of singularity (inside colliders) plus event horizon (undefined area around) plus other exotic things outside it. It would be good if it is sci-fi, and better - if it never started with Philadelphia experiment!

with the evidence looming about time-related danger in colliders, we must post the following theory too

These lectures are a non-mainstream scientist enlightenment, we do NOT agree with everything, we publish it for INFORMATION. His own private views are not ours, incl his views about 2012. However the information he provides is too important not to be made known. And far more difficult to be searched in all its diverse components. he presents the things together, many of them.

Polish media claimed Russia and Belarus had simulated nuclear strikes on Poland. Polish FM asks US for help. Russian FM surprised
Lavrov says surprised Poland seeking U.S. protection from Russia ml Earlier on Thursday, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski was reported to have urged the United States and NATO to deploy troops in Central Europe. His comments came after media reports claimed Russia and Belarus had simulated nuclear strikes on Poland during massive war games in September. --------------------------------------------------------one more question for Russia - where is her place in the below described Grandfather paradox? It were exactly Russian scientists Alfeeva and...who proved mathematically that time travel from Future towards year zero when LHC will be started, is POSSIBLE. The news was first

published by the English language TV RussiaToday. If Russia knows exactly what is going on in the West, does it AGREE OR DISAGREE, and what is actually doing to stop it? Or perhaps they also want the Terminator-3 to come from the future and clear around? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How about the reaction of Vatican, after the weak version of LHC danger pictured not very successfully in Angels and Demons? Will they rewrite the theory of a single timeline INVENTED BY AUGUSTINE and not before him, to allow time travel? Do they know anything about that, and if yes as it is logical to assume (they know everything), what are they doing to stop it? Or perhaps they also want one Terminator?

Time implications with CERN experiment. The world media continue to spread the idea of possible grandfather paradox
Is the Large Hadron Collider Killing Its Own Grandfather?

================================== ====================== Why, are there expected certain time - related implications? Time loops even on a smaller scale than planetary, any known/unknwon time paradoxes, or simply slowdown of time known from the Bible as stopping of the sun, or even the more wondrows but same in nature reversal of sun path in " Ahaz shadow ". Soon we will know...of sorry, soon you will know, dear faithful left behinders! here are some headlines ================================== =========================
A particle God doesn't want us to discover

Times Online Large Hadron Collider goes Back to the Future
A very lucky universe

Collider gearing up for bizarre test Large Hadron Collider ready to roll again ... unless God stops it first

Large Hadron Collider 'Being Sabotaged from the Future',2933,568528,0 0.html?test=latestnews
They Say You Can't Fight the Future, But Maybe It Can Fight You?

'God Machine' Warming Up for 2nd Startup in Dec. ov 3 2009

God is not going to destroy Big Bang Machine, says physicist "Kol dismissed the recently published theories of theoretical physicists Holger Nielsen of Denmark and Masao Ninomiya of Japan that the findings from the LHC could be so abhorrent to Nature that these forces are coming back to stop their own creation." "According to their hypothesis, the particle will

ripple backward through time and halt the collider before it could make one, like a time traveler who goes back in time to kill his grandfather."

Collider gearing up for bizarre test

"Then it will be time to test one of the most bizarre and revolutionary theories in science. I'm not talking about extra dimensions of space-time, dark matter or even black holes that eat the Earth. No, I'm talking about the notion that the troubled collider is being sabotaged by its own future. Read more: f=/c/a/2009/10/18/BUHE1A4NJB.DTL&type=sc ience#ixzz0W4kCZ4QL
The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate

New York Times, October 13 ================================== ============ And one more question - how about the experiments in Fermilab 2005 that already produced mini black holes? Or those in

Brookhaven lab (2002?). They didn;t produce the lusive Higgs bozon, nevertheless the black holes ar eknown for their event horizons, and the event horizons are known for their time distortions, slow down or even going back-forth. Do the scientist know well what to expect from LHC if they publicise so largely the idea of "Grandfather paradox"? And who will be the grandfather that is killed in the fictional story? Hitler or someone else? That is ajoke of course. A joke that you will have to cope with, if you prefer to stay.

there are millions planets like Gliese 581c. We have already discovered this one

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Private Message from Our Lady to Gianna Sullivan October 31, 2009
Halloween Night The Vigil of All Saints

"It astounds me that many people continue to go on and walk as if tomorrow will come, as if they are safe and that they will never be held accountable for their sins, because God is now fiction. But I tell you that when they meet their Maker face to face, they will know; and how they will wish..." For complete message

Saudi Air Force strikes rebel strongholds in northern Yemen.

BreakingNews: Reuters: Saudi Air Force strikes rebel strongholds in northern Yemen. It seems there is a civil war, aided by Iran and Saudi Arabia. %27dah_insurgency

On September 5, Yemen suspended its military campaign to allow humanitarian aid to reach the war-affected areas.[39] The Houthis have accused Saudi Arabia of supporting the Yemeni government and even conducting bombing raids in Yemen.[40] Yemen has in turn accused Iran of supporting the rebels.

On September 17, more than 80 people were killed in an air raid on a camp for displaced people in northern Yemen.[42] The conflict took on an international dimension late in the month. Clashes were reported between the Houthis and Saudi security forces near the border.[53] Also, Yemeni officials captured a boat in the Red Sea that was transporting anti-tank shells and, according to some reports, five Iranian "instructors" sent to help the Houthis.[54] Various official Iranian sources responded, calling it a politically motivated fabrication and stating that the ship was traveling for business activities carrying no consignment.[55] In early November the rebels stated that Saudi Arabia was permitting Yemeni army units to launch attacks from across the border at a base in Jabal al-Dukhan, charges

which were denied by the Yemeni government. [56] Furthermore, it was reported in the same period that the rebels took control of a mountainous section inside Saudi Arabia, in the border region of Jabal al-Dukhan. A Saudi officer was killed in that occasion.[57]

New messages of Our Lady in Sao Jose, Brazil

Latin American Apparitions of Our Lady and Jesus Download all the messages of Our Lady in Sao Jose dos Pinhais (and keep updating the file) Download messages from Our Lady in Amazonas In Sao Jose, besides the continuous Sun miracles, Our Lady has given 10 secrets. In Amazonas, Our Lady has promised that place/area to be protected as End Times refuge. There is more than one place of apparitions, supposingly a larger part of Amazonas will be preserved as a refuge, together with Anguera in Bahia, and other places in Brazil.

71.5 million Turkey, an important NATO member, turns the course away from America
That was apparent during Iraq war. While the other European countries who did not agree with Bush crusade, warmed their relations after Saddam was killed, Turkey deepened the rift with USA and its ally Israel. After Israeli war on Gaza, Turkey PM made a scandal on international forum walking out and saying unpleasant words for Israeli leadership. Furthermore, Turkish army briefly entered Northern Iraq on the excuse of pursuing Kurdish terrorists. That happened on two occasions during the Iraqi prolonged war/occupation, and was stopped only after intensive US and EU "advices" that the Turkish army has no right of messing in Northern Iraqi Kurdish province that could deal with the Kurdish terrorists alone. Notice these provinces were once a part of the Ottoman empire, that stretched down to the Persian Gulf. The importance of Turkey: the Caribbean crisis that started with installment of medium range

missiles in Turkey that could reach central Russia the way the Cuban missiles could reach Washington. Turkey's location is close to vital US interests in the region - both to the Gulf, to the Eastern Mediterranean, to Caucasus and to Egypt. Turkey is an important NATO member with one of the biggest US bases in the region Incirlic (spelling not correct), that hosts not only fighters but probably nuclear weapons - say unofficial publications on internet. That did not stop Turkey to deny a route through its territory for the US army to Iraq.

A KC-135R-CRAG Stratotanker of the Turkish Air Force refueling TAI-built F-16 fighter jets Will Turkey change the course? After decades of failed EU membership candidacy, the current Turkish leadership and perhaps the more intelligent part of the society who believed they were a part of cultural Europe, are at least frustrated. Sarkozy made it clear he does not

envision Turkey as a full EU member. The millions of Turkish immigrants and their descendants in Europe, that are threated as a lower category people make the picture much more complicated. Some years ago Germany witnessed racial attacks against ordinary families of Turkish origin.

Turkey began full membership negotiations with the European Union in 2005

TCDD high speed train Turkey is not considering itself a third world country, rather a former empire lasted for centuries. Nevertheless, they are treated as a second gear supporting country of the West, that should always be ally at no or very little return. That worked in the presence of the Soviet danger,

when the other alternative was much more terrible. Apparently it doesn't work anymore. So the new Turkish brotherhood with bordering Iran comes with a very little surprise. not to mention that Turkey itself is seeking the "peaceful atom" from the new big brother that appears now to be in the North-East direction - Russia. The miscalculations of the West leaded to losing one more strategic ally. Who is the next one to lose? (both Turkey and Iran are Muslim, but not Arabs! Turkey is perhaps the most secular Muslim country in the world). Will the planned attack on Persia lead to Daniel's prophecies unfolded? What is the place of Turkey - "ships of Kittim" (Daniel 11) (Kittim = Cyprus, northern Cyprus is under Turkish occupation)

MEKO 200 TN type frigates of the Turkish Navy in formation

Turkey PM warning the West that if it doesn't want Iran to have nuclear weapons, then Western countries, including Israel, need to give up theirs.
"Those who criticize Iran's nuclear program continue to possess the same weapons," Erdogan said. "I think that those who take this stance, who want these arrogant sanctions, need to first give these weapons up. We shared this opinion with our Iranian friends, our brothers." Israel is the only country in the Middle East to have nuclear weapons. President Obama recently extended an agreement dating back to the Nixon administration of the 1970s recognizing Israel's possession of nuclear weapons and keeping them from being reported under the multi-lateral Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. full story fa=PAGE.view&pageId=114999

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Did you hear: "A LOT OF RAYS" that means thatis not camera effect, not only. There are real rays a kid's voice: "the sun is shining!"
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Conyers, GA, one of the few refuges ont he East Coast, probably
Update on Nancy Fowler October 25, 2009 Nancy continues to see Angels of God coming by her bedside to encourage her in her sufferings Many heartfelt thanks for all the wonderful supporters of our Loving Mother's cause in Conyers, GA. There are days when Nancy Fowler, the Visionary of Conyers, GA, is in heavy pain when she tries to eat or swallow. Who can

understand the depth of the sorrow of the Heart of Jesus over the lost of so many souls? Only victim souls who have been chosen by God to share in his Passion can truly peer into the mystery of the sufferings of Jesus. Nancy is one of those victim souls on earth who has tapped into the infinite mercy of God revealed in Christ Jesus. She carries a heavy cross now with her lung cancer and the treatment she is undergoing at times seems worse than the cancer itself. Yet, all is offered up in union with the Passion of Christ that lost souls out there, reddened by the redeeming blood of Christ, may find their way back to God. How many times has the visionary of Conyers, Nancy, through the course of her mystical journey has been shown by God souls falling into the sea of fire! She has been horrified at the sight of it! "How is it" she would ask herself in a loud voice, "How is that anyone can turn away from God and be lost forever?" As she suffers at this time, Nancy continues to see Angels of God coming by her bedside to encourage her in her sufferings. Not a single day passes by without witnessing a heavenly angelic visitor from above. How real are the Angels! How they are at our side to strengthen us to do God's will!

Nancy asked that you continue to pray for her that God's will be done in her life and if it be His will, that she may be healed. May God bless you! Guardian Angel Prayer Angel of God, My Guardian Dear to whom God's love commits me here Ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and to guide Amen =========================== Dear Nancy, perhaps you will take part in the Rescue mission / Rapture in the coming weeks! We want God's will for us, yes? Then let His will be done, and if it is a Rapture, despite all our own ideas of how the things "must be", let accept it humbly!

we cannot repost 52x3 messages, here are some quotes

The Church of My Son Jesus will pass through the valley of darkness, but will attain victory. Stay with the Church. In this way you can be certain of victory. The one who could have been Peter will become Judas. He will open the doors for the enemy and will make men and women of faith suffer. enemies will try to destroy the Church. They will manage great things, but cannot prevail against those who truly love the truth. In the great and last persecution of the Church, the enemies will be surprised. Christ will come to defend His Church. A discovery in the palace will cause revolt among men. Many of those fervent in the faith will become indifferent A great vessel will encounter the worst of all storms. It will go off course and hit a great barrier. When all seems lost, The

Lord will come to help it and it will victoriously come to the Safe Port. A religious leader will arise against the authority of The Pope and will cause great division in the Church. The darkness of apostasy will fall upon the Church of My Jesus. Europe will rise up against the Church. It will reject the truth and cause great suffering to a successor of Peter. the work of the devil will bring many theologians to deny great dogmas of the Church. They will cause divisions in the house of God and great suffering for men and women of faith. The evil action of terrorists will cause great destruction to the sanctuary. The Church of My Jesus will drink the bitter cup of pain. . In the great storm the large ship will be hit, but will make it victoriously into the secure port. The smaller vessels will all be

shipwrecked. you will yet have great suffering on earth. You will be persecuted because of your faith by those who ought to defend you. There will be great contempt for what is sacred, and your right to serve God will be taken away. A great persecution will strike especially men and women of faith. Faithful priests will be whipped and taken to prison. the opposer will humiliate the Church and many consecreated persons who are faithful to sound doctrine will suffer. They will try to destroy a temple in search of a treasure and there will be great suffering for My poor children. The Lord will prepare a grand recompense for those just ones who remain firm in the faith to the end Defend your Church. The moment of its greatest trial has come. The revolt of many consecrated souls will shake the

throne of Peter. The trials will be fruits of falsity 29 August, 2009 The wrath of God will fall upon mankind without delay. The day will come when Europe will stretch a hand to the world like a beggar needing help. Russia will be a rock for many nations and Rome will be destroyed by fire.

a great multitude will march and furiously provoke great destruction. They will destroy the city of seven hills (Rome) and occupy the throne of Peter
1 July, 2008. Message 3018 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguea, Bahia, Brazil.
Dear Sons and Daughters, a great multitude will march and furiously provoke great destruction. They will destroy the city of seven hills (Rome) and occupy the throne of Peter. I ask you to intensify your prayers for the Church of My Jesus. Know that there will be great sorrows in the future of the Church. The anguish of calvary will come for it. I come from heaven to point out to you the way of truth. Dont back out. Be docil. The day will come when many people will have to repent for a life passed without God, but it will be late. The sons of the lion will act furiously against the house of God. (lion = osama ???) , the adversary will find in the palace the key that will open the door to act in the world. With his cleverness, he will envolve very astute men and women . His project will envolve

men and women of the scientific and religious world. Leaders of the whole world, both the famous and the simple, will be attracted to his poisonous project. The faithful will carry a heavy cross, but My Jesus will conquer, and mankind will encounter liberation. an order will be given by an Order. There will be a false promise and the throne of Peter will be shaken. , a kingdom will split, and another kingdom will arise and cause great confusion. A king will be taken from His throne and the people of God will lose. I am your Mom and I want to tell you that these are decisive moments for humanity. The church of My Jesus will suffer a great betrayal. The Church will walk on difficult paths. It will confront much ingratitude from bad pastors and will drink the bitter cup of pain. An order will come from Malta that will shake the church and make the faithful suffer. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I know what awaits you. Dont flee from the truth. Trust in The Lord. He is your victory, and there is nothing you can do without Him. Courage. Forward. the day will come when many of those of the heirarchy will bend to false ideologies and embrace false doctrines. It will be a time of great afflictions for the church. An archeological discovery in Rome will cause great confusion for the Church. The devil will dominate many consecrated souls with pride and envy, and the faithful will be deprived of the sacraments. r. The day will come when there will be no treasure for the church. It will be poor and weakened. Pray much. I am your Mom and I suffer for that which is coming to you. Because of the black relic of the long bearded men, there will be great suffering for My poor children. Humanity will tremble before the sorrowful events that must come. (Mecca's black stone destroyed?) My Jesus was betrayed by one of His chosen, and delivered to the enemies. The day will come when His Church will be betrayed by one of those chosen to defend it. The enemy will have great strength because of the support of many consecrated persons. Behold the time of the great spiritual battle for the church. Know that despite the damage the opposition will cause, the church will never be overcome. The church will remain alive and strong in the hearts of the faithful. Pray. Fear not. This must happen, but in the end The Lord will be victorious. the church is heading towards calvary. Now is the time of the great trials for the church. Within the church are those who will open the doors so assasins and slaughterers may enter. because of him who needs a miracle, there will be great sufferings for the church. He who is against Christ will gain an ally and together they will cause grave conflicts in the church of My Jesus.

the church of My Jesus will carry a heavy cross. Many consecrated persons will live the anguish of one condemned. The blood of many consecrated persons will flow in the streets and plazas like water from the rain. The church will suffer great attacks. I ask you to keep the flame of faith alive. Receive My appeals and be faithful to the gospel of My Jesus. Smoke will be seen in the Vatican. when the throne falls and it is no longer possible for the king to remain, there will be a great comtempt for dogmas, and few will remain firm in the faith. 5 January, 2008. Message from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, 2939 Dear Sons and Daughters, a war will explode on Rome and there will be few survivors. He who is against Christ will bring suffering and sorrow to all Europe. The throne of Peter will be empty. Tears of pain and weeping of lamentations will be seen in the Church.
An army will furiously head towards Rome. Churches will be burned and many holy places will be destroyed.

29 December, 2007. Message from Our Lady of Peace, 2936. Dear Sons and Daughters, when the snake from the east heads for Rome, the moment of agony for the church has come. It will fell great pillars of the church with its tail. for more keyword search, go to the blog

Our Lady in Anguera in the entire 2008, 52 weeks, 3 messages a week, uses all of them without exception for the: Pope, Church, Vatican, Rome

27 October, 2008. Message 3074 from Our Lady of Peace, given in Jardim Iaga, Lusinia, Gois, Brazil

Dear Sons and Daughters, I am your Mom and I love you. I ask you to live My appeals in holiness, for I come from heaven to lead you to Him Who has the words of eternal life. Dont be terrified. Trust in The Lord and all will come out well for you. Humanity has withdrawn from the Creator and My poor children are heading towards an abyss of self-destruction. God is in a hurry. Dont remain in sin. Open your hearts with joy. The Lord loves you and desires your conversion and salvation. Stay firmly on the path I have pointed out to you. I dont want to obligate you, but what I say must be taken seriously. Be docile. When all seems lost, a great victory of God will appear. A sad event will happen in Portugal. It will be a moment of great suffering for the Church of My Jesus. The faithful will weep and lament. Dont flee from the truth. Stay with the Church. Obey the Pope.This is the message that I transmit to you in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be in peace.

11 September, 2008. Message 3052 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil.
De ar Sons and Daughters, bend your knees in prayer for the Church. A religious leader will arise against the authority of The Pope and will cause great division in the Church. The darkness of apostasy will fall upon the Church of My Jesus. Dont go away from the truth. Listen to Me. Be ferverous in your faith, for this is the only way you will attain victory. Don t back off. Remain in love and give testimony to the Gospel of My Jesus with joy. Courage. This is the message that I transmit to you in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be in peace.

9 September, 2008. Message 3051 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil.

Dear Sons and Daughters, pray for the Church of My Jesus. Europe will rise up against the Church. It will reject the truth and cause great suffering to a successor of Peter. I ask you to remain firm in your faith. God is at your side, fear not. When all seems lost, a great victory of The Lord will come to you. Be just. Be faithful. I am your Mom and walk with you. Seek strength in the Eucharist and in the words of My Jesus. Give testimony to the truth and let your life speak of The Lord more than your words. Forward without fear. This is the message that I transmit to you in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time.

I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be in peace.

Message from Our Lady of Light to Ned Dogherty, November 1st

November 1, 2009 All Saints Day at 8:00am Message from Our Lady of Light My dear son, I come to you today with a great stirring in my heart for the people of the world, for it is a sad time for all of humanity on this very important feast day in the Church of my Son, the Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ. We are now in the times when the followers of my Son are going through great struggles, pains, and sacrifices because of all the sins of the world throughout all times that have been committed by my children in defiance of the Father in Heaven and His love and divine guidance for all of you. I have great empathy for my children for I know

how difficult it is living in this world in these times of greed and corruption. It is a time now when it seems that the gates of Heaven are very far and distant from all of you, but I must assure you, my faithful ones, that the difficult times that you are going through will soon come to pass. So I ask of you to keep focused on the goal that is your mission in life to do the best that you can do now, for the gates of Heaven are attainable for those who listen to my messages and those who do the bidding of my Son. I recognize that you are all going through difficult times now and that your problems in life are leading many of you to despair and to think that all is hopeless, but keep in mind why you are here on Earth. Recognize that the material comforts of the world will dissolve over time, sooner or later, and this then is a time when the importance of leading a spiritual life in a material world becomes obvious to you, for the things of this earth are transitory and will disappear over time. Many of you are going through great struggles and disappointments with your family members and

friends and you are feeling as if you are under constant attack from the evil one. Well, it is true; such is the case that the evil one has raised his level of attacks on all of Gods children because he recognizes that the final battle is near. At this time, he wants to cull down and plow through the Lords children to create as much destruction and despair as he can. So you will feel more under attack and in more despair and disappointment in these times, because of the situations that have developed within your personal and family relations, and among your friends and trusted ones that seem to be ripping at the very good will and nature of humanity. These are all signs of the times that you are in, and you must know that these situations and struggles will also pass over time, as the great stirring that I speak of becomes a great shaking that leads to a powerful manifestation of the Lord and Saviour in your lives. Therefore, it is more important now than in any other time in humanity for all of the Lords sons and daughters to pray powerfully to get through

these times and these difficult struggles. Concentrate first on repairing the damage and despair that is taking place within your families and among your loved ones for the greatest and most important mission for each and every one of you is to pray for and to support your own family members and loved ones in these difficult times. Next, it is important that you renew your bonds of friendship and a prayerful relationship with your friends and those who have been close to you. These are the times that call for all people to recognize the importance of the End Times by responding to your loved ones, your family members, and your friends in a prayerful and loving manner, so that each and every one of you are prepared to rely on each other for the troubling times in which you find yourself. It is the nature of all of you to be loving and kind, and to be trustworthy and helpful to those you love. Recognize now that these attributes are of great importance. I call upon all of you my sons and daughters to renew your relationships with each other under

the mantle of your Mothers Love so that you renew humanity globally by practicing your love for each other at home, so that the Love of the Father in Heaven can be manifested across the Earth by each and every one of you individually, and, therefore, collectively. Then the love of all the Fathers children will bring about the final defeat of the evil one and his minions and restore the Original Order of Creation for all of you here on Earth, as originally intended by the Father in Heaven. Finally, I want all of you to know that these times of great struggle are necessary for you to experience to attain the attributes of love and humility that are necessary to gain access to the gates of Heaven. It is through your love for each other and your humility that you will display to your Heavenly Father that it is your commitment to do His work here on Earth until you reach your final reward in Heaven. I come to you today as the Lady of Light whose mission is to spread the Light of the Father in Heaven through His Son, the Saviour, to all of

humanity to bring Gods love to you in these times. Message ended: 8:25am Our Lady of Light

today's reaction is faster, from BOTH sides, or all sides

Russian general warned they have not 15 min cold war readiness, but <120 seconds! For today's scenario, watch "The Sum of all fears". Only the Russian president (envisions Putin) allowed something that in the real life is impossible to happen. He ordered the ready missiles to be deactivated at the moment he knew the US stealths were above Poland. In the last moment it was he who believed the good will of America, and not the American president, ho first stopped the missiles but then let the stealths go to Russia. That is tricky. Because a real first strike will involve not ICBM but stealth or submarines. The actions of Russian president practically allowed a preemptive strike with high precision

cruise missiles. The movie is happy end. That the real Putin won't do, make no mistake. he allowed the US ships in Black and Baltic seas, because he had credible enough intelligence they are not going to attack. And be sure he had enough submarines in Kamchatka to retaliate. But the provocation is a fact - 1 in Bush' time and 2 in Obama's short term. Will Putin continue estimate that the Americans can't strike first? Even if so, unnamed terrorists may take hold of some old KGB suitcases.

Kamchatka - exotic place or submarine base, not that far from Alaska Pre-emptive nuclear strikes may be used to defend Russia
that is january 2008. The new doctrine envisions that explicitly, expected to be signed before January 2010 by president Medvedev

Now the West admitts this is the truth for Georgian war...where were they 1 year ago? Instead, Bush sent 100 tomahawks in Black Sea
and much more, that is a great excuse for Russia to accept the West as the real enemy behind the moron Saakashvili... You know that face of now older Gorbachev - the man who preferred to disintegrate the USSR than to start WW3. he could do so! Listen to him, the world owes him a lot. Similarly, it could happen in the much bigger Ukraine, if the pro-US president makes some dramatic moves colored with nationalism, to allow him to keep in power after January elections, with his less than 4% support. Something small with Crimea base, like the ongoing road incident. Then grows bigger, then attack follows that everyone blames the other side, the way it was in Ossetia. Well, now we know who started first, but we didn't

know on August 8, 2008 (we knew). Similarly, the West will throw all its support behind Ukrainian president, not evaluating the facts objectively. That could happen further with Latvia for example, that will make a conflict with the EU. Latvia is also a NATO member that will automatically involve USA. As a former part of USSR Latvia has a lot of problems with the former big brother. Here it is how Russia could become technically at war with USA. bush made it simpler - he sent ships in Georgia. And now Georgia continues detaining third countries ships in neutral waters. A Turkish ship was among those, with the Turkish captain getting some 15 years in Georgian prison, for shipping food to Abchazia. Turkey is a NATO member, at odds with USA. We may have bitterly divided NATO members the same way they were divided for Iraq. Even the paradox of different NATO members taking different sides in the Russia-US conflict, or staying "neutral". As France for example, that is going to sell one of its 2 super modern landing ships to Russia. Do you believe France will attack Russia instead with its 300+ nukes, if Russia attacks strategic US bases overnight? I can't believe that. Turkey may use the situation to

reclaim historical regions in Northern Iraq something it nearly did earlier this year by sending cross-border troops to pursue Kurdish "terrorists". Bush' reaction to Ossetia events without evaluating facts rather betting on a doubtful ally as Saakashvili, specifically to send a ship with up to 96 nuclear capable missiles covered by toothpaste, could lead to a preemptive strike from Russia. If Putin wasn't so cold-blooded, as he is criticized to be. The ship was announced in advance according to century old convention that regulates the Turkish straights. Putin had enough time to decide for America "to be or not to be". Imagine what the US reaction would be if Russia sends such a ship in the gulf of Mexico to help the independence of Texas. The West is playing a terribly dangerous game, hoping Russia won't take the first move. At one moment she will! And because the leaders are much more cold blooded, that moment will be selected carefully in advance, in a time most appropriate for them. I think that time is now, these weeks. Well, they may also wait for the GW, but after GW the antichrist already rises, and GW itself stops all

wars to prevent WW3. The moment logically is now, if GW is to take place before the end of 2009.

Forces will arise from the depths of the earth that leave men preoccupied
1 November, 2009. Message 3235 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. Dear Sons and Daughters, the road to holiness is difficult to travel, but you can attain holiness in the love of God. In order to be saints you must be in this world without belonging to the world. You must desire paradise while living on earth. Belong to The Lord. It was exactly for this that My Son Jesus gave Himself for out salvation with total dedication. Only in love can you understand the mysteries of God. Fill yourselves with Love of The Lord and you will easily encounter holiness. The spiritual poverty of humanity is the fruit of lack of love. Dont forget. Love wants to be loved. I want to lead you to victory, but what I can do depends on you. Follow Me, for I desire to make you men and women of faith. Open your hearts to The Lord. He will take care of you. Pay attention. On

the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, My chosen ones will experience great joy. The Lord will proclaim as blessed all those who receive My appeals and spread the message that I am transmitting here. In the last hour The Lord will bring you to your eternal dwelling and you will be happy forever. Courage. Embrace heaven. Fortify yourselves with the love of The Lord in order to be saints. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

31 October, 2009. Message 3234 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. Dear Sons and Daughters, do not live far from The Lord. Return to Him Who loves you and knows you by name. God expects much from you. Know that now is the right moment for you to be converted and be reconciled with God. Dont back out. I am your Mom and I come from heaven to call you to be like My Son Jesus in everything. I

dont want to force you, but listen to Me. God is in a hurry. Dont leave what you have to do for tomorrow. Flee from malice. Dont judge nor condemn anyone. Only God is the supreme Judge. Humanity is living is a time of great tensions and heading towards a great abyss. The force of nature will provoke phenomenons never seen before. Objects will be thrown from the earth by a force that no one can explain. Forces will arise from the depths of the earth that leave men preoccupied, but I want to tell you that God will not abandon His people. Pray. You will yet see things that human eyes have never seen. Keep to the path that I have pointed out. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

"Ten Days that Shook the World"

November 6/7 approaches - the date the "October revolution" started in 1917. The traditional Red Square parade was marking that date every year, even during WW2. After the USSR breakup, the parade was transferred to May 9th the victory day

over Nazi Germany. The last 2 years the parades are similar to the Soviet time, no matter the different date. Compare by yourselves. The ideology behind is of no less importance than the modern missiles not matched by USA. The ideology is not "Communism" rather "Russian Christianity" against the Beast! believe it or not! Unfortunately, exactly that will be used by the beast himself to clear his way. Do we make "propaganda"? Yes, propaganda of the truth. That exists, no matter you believe it or not! The day you see it not on the screen but from your windows, will be too late. Does it matter they will be defeated later, when the antichrist establishes his kingdom?

Or perhaps itis the US empire + the failed British empire =the kingdom of the beast? I don't think so. They had decades/centuries and did not reach the fullness of measure. Well, they still could do so. I think they more qualify for Babylon the great and/or some of the heads.

some would say, USA has the same! Well that is the irony. That we cannot distinguish between their weapons, those of the top "democracy" and of ...whatever. If USA, Britain and France are so democratic and not serving the antichrist, then why do they have the same weapons? Or perhaps they are the last empire? (see below). And if we hardly distinguish the weapons, that means the Babylon has its equal. Equal? the nuclear ratio is 3:1 not in favor of Babylon. (FAS data may be lowered, but it is the best we have. All other "official" data that puts the numbers 5 times lower, is absurd). Such a war won't be plane against plane and ship against ship. No time for that! All those planes and tanks will invade on already radiated terrain without any significant resistance. Don't we deserve that? Doesn't the Wall Street black horse deserve that? Some quote old prophecies of how the Russian army will be defeated providentially. Others quote Ezekiel's prophecy of how Israel will be saved providentially. All forget one thing - to be saved, someone must ask God for that. In the case of

Israel, it must turn to Jesus Christ. Many Bible studies say Israel will do that, but only in exile while hiding 3 years in the rocks of Petra. About the West, seems the Antichrist who already resides somewhere, needs the Red Army to do the dirty work for him first. Otherwise, 20 years after the Cold War we woukld already have a One World Government. Russian HAARP Perhaps he needs also the mujaheddin, or any combination between them. He cannot be a general without an army, or he is not the real antichrist. The way Saddam was not. Bush could be the one, by staging another 9/11 and using it as an excuse to establish a new world order. Thanks God, he did not! Perhaps he took to his heart and actions the words of John Paul II from 2003, in the latest weeks of his presidency when it seemed it was the most appropriate time to overturn the so called "democracy". Nevertheless, other candidates exist. Don't be so quick to say: Of course it is Obama! Obama hasn't done anything like a world wide war, because the Antichrist will do so (Daniel). Obama hasn't done a sacrilege in

the temple. Still Obama is doing enough evil with issues like abortions/homosexual unions/genetic research. I do not intend to judge Mr. Obama who may be actually doing less evil than others want him to do. But I argue he is not the Antichrist as of today, because he has not performed the sins the antichrist shall do, according to the Bible.

Whoever he is, he needs someone to clear his way, specifically to get rid of Babylon the Great. My best guess is that the Red Army is best equipped to do so. Other possibilities exist. You'd better take refuge into Jesus' spaceship when the shuttle/light beam comes to you. If you miss it, too bad for you! Then you have to search for earthly refuges. Text description from one of the videos above: Russian Military Power (Ready before 1220) Saint Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263) "Whoever will come to us with a sword, from a sword will perish," On July 15 1240 Alexander Nevski, a speech to his men:

Brothers, we are few and the enemy is strong, but God is not in force but the Truth. Remember the words of the Creator of the Psalms: ... 'those in cars, those on horseback, and we invoke the name of God' ... Do not amedrentis by the number of combatants, because God is with us. On July 15 1240 Alexander attacked the Swedes on the river and won the battle So, just don't take them for unbelievers! It might turn the Western armies are the ones who do not believe or who behave as such (homosexuality etc). Actually, there won't be a fight army against army, as we explained. There will be a nuclear attack then invasion. That is technically achievable. Obama will sign whatever is supposed to do, otherwise will be replaced. The problem for Russia is not to achieve a surprising nuclear attacl. the problem willa rise after that, when the real Beast will show himself (he is not the leader of the Red army). probably new tech willa rize as nano tech and probably Russia will be defeated then. Do you care about that time? Think for a while. Do you care? if you are alive by that time, you will be in a completely radiated territory, invaded by foreign occupators. Pray they are the civilized Christian Russians and not the Al Qaeda affiliated

groups or other groups that preach openly satanism! They already exist on the American continent. (see the info from President Medvedev attends prayer service with Patriarch Kirill The late Patriarch Alexei II was perhaps the only one high-rank religious leader who denounced the implanted chip or any other technology inside human body, in a public speech in one of the highest forums on this planet, in his address to the European parliament. There are many low rank pastors who say that every Sunday, or who post that warning online. Psalms 40:9,10 (KJV) I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O LORD, thou knowest. I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation.

Monday, November 2, 2009

will the 'biggest mistake' of Einstein, now called "dark energy" that drives galaxies away, be discovered on Earth?

Our Lady in Anguera: "The force of nature will lead to phenomena never seen before. Objects will be launched from the Earth by a force that men have no explanation for. From the depths of the Earth will emerge forces that will leave the men worried, but I can tell you that God does not abandon His people." Or perhaps some from the additional 7 dimensions that LHC tries to study? or perhaps they are even more than 4D + 7 D? (in addition to the well known 3D space and 1D time, moreover the time flowing in a single direction of its 1D)

the absurdity of an imposed "democracy"

BreakingNews: Afghanistan's election commission has declared Karzai elected president after rival withdraws from run-off vote. Information is temporarily unavailable. BreakingNews: Sky News: Afghanistan's November 7 run-off vote will be cancelled.

Message of Our Lady


'Invoke the Father, He is waiting for you."

November 2nd, 2009, Our Lady thru Miriana, Dear children, Also today I am among you to point you to the way that will help you to come to know God's love, the love of God Who permitted you to call Him Father and to perceive Him as Father. I ask of you to sincerely look into your hearts and to see how much you love Him. Is He the last to be loved? Surrounded by material goods, how many times have you betrayed, denied and forgotten Him? My children, do not deceive yourselves with worldly goods. Think of your soul because it is more important than the body, cleanse it. Invoke the

Father, He is waiting for you. Come back to Him. I am with you because He, in His mercy, sends me. Thank you.

attack satellites - they do not admit it, anyway

See how a Soviet ASAT (anti satellite) satellite looked like in 1964...That looks like a ray gun technology, laser etc. They had also projects of high energy particle beams in space (like small linear colliders) officially they were not implemented. There was such an internet page, forgot where. If that below existed in 1964, long before Reagan's "star wars", and was followed by Polyus laser+nuclear battle station in 1980s, how about today's?

Polyot 2 (I1P) America officially doesn't have ASAT you believe it? And because the space war takes not minutes but seconds, the first strike is even more necessary for the victory.

Russia in defiance of treaties. What stops Russia from deployment of offensive weapons in space? "DOC-7 Laser Weapon Spacecraft" - what's that?

Officially, that is prohibited. Unofficially, Russia and USA possess the delivery means of such weapons. recently Russia accused USA of seeking supremacy in space. The space weapons' problem is unlikely to find place in the final START-3, and even if it does, can the words clear the space from the weapons?

Before that question, let consider how trustworthy is the Russian implementation of the existing treaties. We have no data of US non-compliance, though the idea of using ICBMs for conventional payloads seems to go away from the existing treaties either. Because we talk only about Russia below, let first say that USA already scrapped unilaterally one very important treaty - the ABM (Anti ballistic missile treaty). At the same time USA wants from the others compliance with the other treaties. Putin's answer was pretty fast - on the day after Bush left ABM, Putin left START-2. So now they prepare to sign START-3. What use, if no one implements those papers? ================================== =================== The treaties forbid ICBMs to be tested from a commercial cosmodrome. Baikonur is apparently such. Nevertheless, Russia tested SS-19 from Baikonur in 2007. That is a test as ICBM and not as converted commercial carrier. The converted SS-19 and SS-18 Satan are too many in the same period. 28.html

Another line in the treaties that Russia is in breach of, is the forbidden MIRV-ing of existing ICBMs. If an ICBM is built as a single-warhead, it must remain as such. Nevertheless, the newest missile RS-24 is developed secretly after 2007 as multi-warhead, and differs very little from the official version of a single warhead missile Topol M (Sickle B). RS-24 and Topol-M side by side.

Even if it is a new missile, it should not exist under START-1. Because of that, RS-24 will be officially deployed after December 5th when

START-1 expires. It is already produced in tens (hundreds?). So what matters a treaty if it doesn't stop the country of producing what the treaty forbids? What means the official "deployment"? To allow the Western journalists to take photos of the missile? RS-24 is already tested and working, be it a variance of Topol-M or a completely new missile. Its NATO designation name is "Stalin". NATO designation of Soviet missiles always start with the letter "S": "Satan", "Sickle", "Stiletto". Here is one report: Russia tested a new missile Strategic Rocket Forces conducted a successful test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile, which was declared a missile of a new type, designated RS-24. The launch was conducted at 14:20 MSK from the Plesetsk test site toward the Kura test site in Kamchatka. The missile was launched from a mobile launcher and carried multiple independently targeted warheads. The missile appears to be a version of the Topol-M missile modified to ensure compliance with the START Treaty. The treaty prohibits increasing the number of warheads on

missiles of existing types. No details of the modification are available at the moment.

Space based weapons

Some sci-fi movies like "Space cowboys" deal with defunct Russian satellites. For a big surprise to all except CIA, the old satellite appeared to be with some warheads on board that were going to activate once it enters the atmosphere. They should be dismantled by the NASA veterans, because no one else could work with the old technology. An impossible task, especially with the started defensive maneuvers of the "dead" satellite! So the cowboys sent the nuclear-loaded satellite to the Moon instead. Good job, NASA! Only in the real world there are no such Space cowboys and so collaborative/ naive Russian president to ask NASA for help. In the real world, this year a 1 ton "defunct" spy satellite powered by a nuclear reactor, was exactly pinpointed in the vast space by a much more modern and maneuverable Iridium. In the hours before the collision a top Russian general said in the media that their reaction needs less than 120 seconds -

i.e. if that collision is a masked first strike EMP. To make the things worse, the collision was going to happen over Siberia, not over the North Pole or the largest ocean of the world where all the space junk goes. Do the Russian fears mean the "defunct spy satellite" had warheads on board that could explode over Siberia to produce EMP? Siberia is not only a land of exile, it is a land rich of resources and ICBMs. Such an EMP could have serious consequences. Compare it with Alaska, though the comparison is out of scale, Siberia is much more resource-rich and with more military installations than Alaska. When the explosion did not happen, many words were said in the media about the first ever collission, about space debris that the space station should escape, or how unpredictable the space orbits are! There is hardly more predictable thing than the space orbits that follow the gravity laws, and are monitored by tens of ground and space detectors! Non-predictable is for example the exact way of your car on the highway, not the space orbits! The question remains how many of the Kosmos satellites are only spy satellites, and how many of them are produced as attack vehicles disguised as communication satellites. The nuclear option is not the only weapon available. There are ray guns,

as the unsuccessful Polyus shows. Or as that mysterious toy model that appears on google:

Russian DOC-7 Laser Weapon Spacecraft Model. We could not locate any information about any DOC-7 satellite. We could locate the following image of USSR laser satellite, from the National Defense University. It is pretty close to the toy model, isn't it? We could not find any text - sometimes google image search is more powerful! Is DOC-7 Laser Weapon Spacecraft another secret project that CIA knows about but can't announce it openly and instead produces toy models and puts it on university servers? While the Russians prefer to keep silence the way they did for Polyus until recently? How many other secret projects are there? One is depicted in the James Bond movie "Golden Eye" a satellite that could produce EMP above a city

without the need of a nuclear explosion in space. Is it DOC-7 or another? They don't have to put in space 1 ton machine powered with mini nuclear reactor, only to intercept the American radio stations!

converted ICBM puts into orbit two EU satellites

Russian rocket puts 2 European satellites into orbit tml The Rokot launch vehicle is a modified version of the Russian RS-18 (SS-19 Stiletto) intercontinental ballistic missile. It uses the two original lower stages of the ICBM, in conjunction with a Breeze-KM upper-stage for commercial payloads. ================================== =============== Despite the peaceful nature of such launches, and conversion of missiles according to treaties ...despite that, Russia just tested how good their rockets are. To put a military satellite (possible warhead) with ICBM into orbit is forbidden by

treaties. To be precise, there are two lines in SALT treaty forbidding it. (That will unmistakably stop every aggressor who have decided for a first nuclear strike!) The FOBS fractional orbital bombardment system was developed as a way to circumvent the treaties. Or "to attack USA from the South Pole" as Kruschev preferred to explain it to his American partners using a non-specialist wording. I.e. the warheads achieve first a space orbit, then de-orbit without a full circle around Earth. It would be perfect if no one knows that is a warhead. let them think it is commercial or spy satellite or perhaps a UFO! FOBS are forbidden too. But not the carrier rockets that could make a FOBS. (practically every big enough rocket could. Perhaps the failed NK rocket is capable of FOBS if learns how to fly next time. Russia just tested that technique in a peaceful launch. Sunday, November 1, 2009

Russian submarine test-launches ballistic missile with multiple warheads on November 1st ml MOSCOW, November 1 (RIA Novosti) - A Russian nuclear submarine has successfully test-launched a ballistic missile, the Defense Ministry said on Sunday. "On November 1, the Northern Fleet's nuclearpowered missile-carrying submarine, Bryansk, successfully test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile in the Barents Sea from a submerged position," the ministry said in a statement. "The warheads reached the target area at the designated time," the statement said. ================================== ===== So, they tested MIRV from 1 only SLBM. That is not quite often. USA hasn't done that for a couple of years, perhaps not after 9/11. The only missiles USA tests once a year, are the old Minuteman, equal to the old Soviet Stiletto. US media always says "unarmed", as if they could be "armed". Interesting whether the Russian are "unarmed" too?

We suggest everyone to read very carefully all the following messages and to forget discussions whether they are "true or not". As God tells us in a recent message. No time for that. December 2009 October 2009 Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)
due to lack of space

we put the additional blocks below. For older posts please click "older posts" or use the search box at the top
interstellar cloud of supernova: NASA Voyager detects the solar system is traveling inside

the galactic plane hotter than expected, possible supernova cloud... voyager.htm finally NASA admitted. Isn't it a little late now? How many things they are still to admit, as of the Planet X 18 degrees RA from Neptune, and many motherships that they observe pretty good with the gigantic telescopes? Global warming seems to be a result of galactic

alignment with all those clouds and unpredictable energy/force fields. The way Dr Wilcock describes it more or less. Welcome to 2012!!!!! What matters if that is not the end of the world, if it is our end, even the end of the civilization? Not for everyone, but that is a topic we discuss separately. Here is how Stereo A saw the center of galaxy this Fall - extremely bright. right now the Sun is aligned (visible on SOHO) that will only increase towards 2012.
Rapture - Invasion - conversion of Pleiadian and Andromedan to Christ

Russia's wormhole in Norway: a clear Ultimatum to the alliance USA - Grays, but also to all 57 races, including Andromedans and all 7 systems of Pleiades. After the fall of Procyon's 5 systems to the US secret government military thru stargates, there is not much to be waited for. Reportedly the draco empire waits in ships or perhaps even on the moon. What we know from the revelation, is they await the Rapture of the man-child when they are thrown to Earth.

Pleiadians! Andromedans! Obama! Clear the Earth from the soulless monsters called greys who feed from human embryos! Now! Or the rest 96% of the Earth will do it. Do not blind us that the Earth is one-world system. Not yet! And you are the next ones to be liberated after USA. We will deal with the dracos after their landing, sticking 100% to the Book of Revelation, the Book of Life. And we hoped you would perform the Rapture of the Church... but perhaps some of you are the locusts? The First Rapture will happen before Babylon Fall, no matter you believe it or not. You will start believing then, and will have your chance to choose God and to help the Woman in the desert. If you are what you say you are.

presentation of BOB DEAN at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009 -

at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware

Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009 Apollo 13 photos of alien craft long 2 miles, 5 miles, and even larger ones on Mars, a thousand mile structure off Saturn, images not released until now. Those are not made on Earth (even with revelation of Henry Dean of existence of stargates/portals leading directly to Mars bases, still it is not 5-20 mile ship). Are they Greys (genetic manipulators), Pleiadian (allegedly good), or Draconian (the worst)? Why so much ET info, why now?

Armstrong video of gigantic Moon Structure not built by humans. Why did NASA shoot? Rapture issues

Why then NASA shot at the Moon with 1 ton (nuclear?) high explosives? Simple question that leads to inconvenient conclusions (some posted in this blog). Moreover, Japan, China and India all crashed probes on Moon in the last couple of months. For NASA is pretty obvious from the materials below, that the probe did not eject the expected plume of water, and possibly crashed into structures (ancient? new?) Will the Air forces shoot at the Rapture spaceships sent by Jesus tomorrow? Will these highly advanced (supernaturally aided) ships answer? Poor Earth! not because of their answer but because of what is coming, that is the rule of godless aliens already present here and now. Revelation 13:2 "The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority."...666 implanted chip - bio

computer? Discern what kind of aliens you will be dealing with, if you are not among the raptured people in 3 waves of rescue. We are already informed semi-officially thru these conferences: there are at least 57 already cataloged species. Some of them might be good human looking (as those who met with Eisenhower and cardinal McIntyre) and may aid the faithful in the refuges during the last persecution, up to the final comet of Chastisement, predicted by Mother Mary in at least 3 big 3D apparitions.
ET civs - Rescuers and Invaders

vatican et conference St Pio on extraterrestrial civilizations

The Lord certainly did not limit His glory to this small Earth. On other planets other beings exist who did not sin and fall as we did." - St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968), canonized June 16, 2002 htm
How to recognize the good from the evil aliens?

LHC starts this weekend. Will simulate conditions within black holes in space

An important feature of the collider is the ability to simulate

conditions that occur within black holes in space.

One can only hope that these calculations are born out in practice and that the experiments in the collider do not get out of control. tml CERN officially admits Dimensional door. "Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it," said Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN lhc_dimensional_portals/ in a full contrast with previous year statements that say, to consider LHC as a stargate is a result of watching too much sci-fi, in first place the serial Stargate!
computer chip and hi-tech - direct result of alien technology "Let there be no doubt. Alien technology harvested from the infamous saucer crash in Roswell, N.Mex., in July

1947 led directly to the development of the integrated circuit chip, laser and fiber optic technologies, Particle beams, Electromagnetic propulsion systems, Depleted uranium projectiles, Stealth capabilities, and many others! How do I know? I was in charge! (A matter of public record)I think the kids on this planet are wise to the truth, and I think we ought to give it to them. I think they deserve it. --Colonel Philip Corso Army Intelligence officer, former head of the Foreign Technology at the U.S. Army's Research and Development department at the Pentagon. Four years director of intelligence on President Eisenhower's White House National Security Staff I_Interview_Philips.html

the heaven and the sky - messages and visitors

Let thank God the Rapture/Rescue comes first! How is possible for 100 years to jump from the wire telephone to the structure of the Universe, and even to try to modify it??? Human Progress, human evolution...empty words! Someone from civilization developed for hundreds of thousands years HAVE HELPED the humans. That someone is NOT BENEVOLENT! The Wormholes are operating on earth!

will the antichrist survive 2012? what is in the store to avert it? Supercolliders, Event Horizon. There aren't expected two Planet X, two tilts of earth axis,...Once is enough.

Only 3.5 years are left until 2012. We are in the Mid Point of Tribulation - time for Declaration Day April 25-28? 3.5 years expire in 2012Amazingly clear UFO photographed in Philippines "In those days another ark...correspond to the chariot of fire that transported Enoch and Elijah beyond earth to another region,...Excerpt from writings of a Catholic priest. star gates? UFO on Google 50+ objects around the Sun path can't all be fake Will we be Surprised for the rapture? Surprised that it already happens? - Jesus message to JNSR Jesus: There are beings issued from extra-

terrestrial civilizations "rapture and or the fake ufo invasion..." or a great warning, BUT no middile ground!!! WHY SO??? Pleiades star cluster - magnificent cross in the sky, too big to be ignored How to recognize the good from the evil aliens? The Saint Angels Michael, Rafael and Gabriel coming with 3 bowls where go the Chinese (kids) when they die unexpectedly? Are they going "en masse" to Hell, as some American "seers" claim? messages to John Leary - do not take the chip! Bernanke may propose it next, after the absurds he is speaking now. Louis Famoso experience - on videos UFO fleets over Mexico - continue UFO Fleet,Mexico - continue UFO diamond - Mexico December 24 2008, Italy February 2009 Telegraph: UFO filmed above Somerset. Cylindrical ufo video

2007: Thousands of UFO in Peru, similar to Mexico 2004 UFO passing in front of the Moon, seen thru telescope
political articles

Ten countries will disappear very soon - Our Lady to Darli Chagas
Suitcase nukes in USA, ready warheads to Iran interviews with 1. General Baluyevsky, 2. GRU spy Lunev, 3. Gen. Lebed, 4. Lebed/Lunev/US Congress/ CIA mock-up nuclear suitcase, 5. US defense secretary Robert Gates on unaccounted Russian tactical nukes Are Russian forces preparing to invade, if antiSaakashvili protests are unsuccessful? Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, father of Reaganomics, on Caucasus crisis NATO urges Russia to pull out of breakaway regions...for everyone knowledgeable in that matter it is clear it can't be done

Russia to test 14 ICBM in 2009 alone. Russia has strategic superiority that will be lost after a year or so. 3 Raptures connected with the Fall of Babylon. Antichrist reign aided by aliens. Galactic future of the saved human race Where is the Post-Cold-War Space from Vancouver to Vladivostok? Nyquist's analysis of signs of war prep. Russia doesn't have enough copper, cuts importing tax WMD on orbit above earth US-Russia treaties and dangers Russia developing space weapons: Official Russian general says U.S. may have planned satellite collision Suspicious - Obama and Medvedev agree on almost everything! CIA behind 9/11? So says KGB...

25 States Claiming / Planning Sovereignty what will happen if the Red countries DO NOT ATTACK The delusion of the Russian war plans

New Norway object January 20, 2010,similar to Siberia Dec 10, 2009 umbrella-like spiral/wormhole

8 countries develop completely different hi-tech from the USA - Negative Energy etc

Russia, Brazil, China, France, Yakuza in Japan, Argentina, Peru, South Africa. (?Israel?, Britain?) (Our latest considerations about who of the ET groups gave that technology to whom and why, lead us to suggest that "small friendly nation" of USA (Israel) and probably

Britain are bluffs.

Israeli possession of scalar weapons is a bluff. the Draco empire will never give the weapons that not even the Greys posses, to a "small friendly nation" of their enemies. Also - why not that "small friendly nation" share tech with the big brother USA, if the big brother guarantees its security in more trivial ways? The same is valid for Britain. Those are simply bluffs. Or...did they switch sides? France could be a ...... of everyone. We believe China and Brazil are considered important enough as allies to be given portions of that tech besides Russia. We suggest the Draco empire to be the main engine behind what we see a transition from the Old World System to a New World Order. (please see all our comments on that matter and better save them for later).

The devices are listed with increased sophistication, marking different levels of physics, similar to the difference between conventional and nuclear weapons! The observed wormholes are explainable by those hi-tech. Longitudinal EM wave interferometers, negative energy EMP weapons, Quantum potential weapons, and two more categories crossing into 2 different realms massless engine robots n-dimensional engineering, USA not in the list, neither HAARP is (no matter it is referred to as scalar and Tesla weapon, it is NONE of the above, and USA is trying to catch those countries in that exotic tech). The supercolliders are not mentioned either, though they might have been working on comparable principles in different ways. The surprise is that the revealed technological path is DIFFERENT from the way the USA is following. By now we already know USA is following a combined German(Gizeh Sirius)-Grey

hi-tech. Whom those 10 nations are following? From what we know the choice falls on Draco empire. (By now we already know Orion empire is in a treaty with USA and the Greys). Different Hitech developed for hundreds of thousands years by completely different civ than the Greys. Here the question is not "to have or not to have a nuclear bomb and thus to become a member of the club", rather levels of physics involved each of them times more advanced than the nuclear.

Negative energy and negative mass discovered scalar weapons by country Who Has the Scalar Weapons? Tom Bearden's Assessment Japanese Mafia second most powerful with the scalar weapons photos of Tesla generators
message clearer than ever - you have to RUN following God's Messenger (=Angel) with physical flame

John Leary, January 15, 2010

Jesus said: My people, I am directing certain souls to set up final and interim refuges where My people can be protected throughout the tribulation. When I warn you to leave your homes for My refuges, call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you with a physical flame to your nearest refuge.
Rapture of the man-child leads to the start of events in cosmos and on earth

The Man Child of Revelation 12 - Vern Kuenzi. The rapture of His corporate Body 144 000 + will precede the landing of invaders. We advise all ET civilizations who think they are "above the Bible" to see how clearly everything matches. And when they find themselves on earth with the draconians, to help the Woman in the desert (God's remaining people). That is the condition on which depends their own salvation and acceptance in God's chosen people throughout the galaxies. Let they act in the way not to lose their once in galactic history chance! And let we the mystical woman (churches) are not so stupid as not to accept the help! The fanaticism not to acknowledge the events could throw the devote blind people to unexpected place on earth

but on different timeline (Jurassic park scenario). The option to have a different timeline from ours is a real possibility. Perhaps not in Jurassic park, but on Procyon colonies
Last warning to benevolent Human and ET, who do not do anything good

US invades Procyon - 5 systems with 23 billion human -related population. Quantum Potential Weapons: Russia (KGB), Brazil, China, and "two allies of USA"... have them. How about USA itself wormhole almost explained. Almost - in its electromagnetic component Putin's wormhole in Norway - ultimatum to US/Gray, and all 57 ET with far reaching consequences for the entire planet and particularly for USA, therefore it

cannot be kept silent. Similarly, the information of Collier on a public conference, about a 20 mile craft was proved by finding strange shaped object in the South Pole region on WWT. The spiral over Norway, Siberia and China, Pyrtamids over Kremlin and China prove it. The witnesses of CIA and other scientists on Camelot Project prove the Greys, stargates... Somehow Russia got the wormhole tech. Coupled with nukes now deliverable in any space/time beyond any defenses, that makes out of Russia empire stronger than anyone reptile/gray on earth. At one moment, stronger than Orion/Draco that apparently gave the technology. They will be unwise enough to land on earth (or better say cast to earth by Archangel Michael). Here they could be battled with pretty conventional means, because they are mortal 3D creatures. The old sagas know of those stories of dragons. While they lose their superior weapons in space and land only to die on earth, the earth will inherit all their technology. The wormhole possess another quality - the

lowering dimensions. That is for the advanced 5D or 6D civilizations who could be put back to the 3D (like the earth and draco). That's why they are so afraid of the Draco empire who posses that weapon and at the same time do not care of lowering its own lowest density. USA played with fire for too long not to be catches by it. Obama has days to reverse the process by bold decisions not outside US but inside US secret labs. Russian Patriarch will bless the crusade in the name of the Savior Christ! Do you doubt in that? We do not have any doubt in that regard, no matter the wormhole is got by evil force.

So called "benevolent" human looking aliens, think again where you are standing now! Will you continue to reject Christ as "invented by the Grays" and remain benevolently silent in the face of atrocities the earth history doesn't know? Or you will repel the Grays/Draco that you are also responsible for their presence, dating back to Atlantis you Pleiades destroyed? And after that,

we will mutually enrich each other with spirituality and technology? The choice is yours TODAY! All of you world players, both Human from Earth and ET human and reptile, all of you will be totally surprised by the rapture and revelation of the man-child who will rule all nations with a rod of iron, both on earth and in the universe. "Heaven" is far above everything in the Universe. We suggest the first rapture will be a little "lower". Whether this is the 144 000 + we do not know, we could only guess. Please consider the excellent analysis The Man Child of Revelation 12 - Vern Kuenzi. God's direct intervention doesn't mean you are exempt from obligation to act on the good side, and act on time not after 3-4 bln human creatures like you die! You will be responsible for that! You all could still choose to switch teams and to be with God! You know very well who you are and where you stand now! If Putin acts according to God's plan, he is with God. The same is valid for every ET group. Not for clones apparently that do not have souls. Not devils in any form. But all the others have souls! And you who have souls you know that very well!

New Pyramid over China, clear Wormhole over Thailand, Spiral China

it is nothing like HAARP technology. neither Thailand nor China have it. Russia has "SURA" but HAARP technology is not known of producing wormholes. We are facing a completely new

reality and the sooner we realize it, the better for us! please review our posts of possible scenarios based on what we currently know for different ET races. They are subject to error of course.

less than 3 years until Galactic alignment

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messages thru JNSR

New messages from Our Lady

Our Lady in Anguera - apocalyptic an planetary changes Darli Chagas - Brazil Messages to littlest of servants Latin American apparitions daily updates - google translation from French Carol Ameche
Jesus' Rapture is coming for the elect ones

Extremely and Imminently Urgent Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J June 9, 2004 --1:20 A.M. Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." Then Jesus spoke, "I stand ready at the helm of My ship which soon will set sail. We will pass through the great pillars leaving the turbulent seas behind and navigate our way into the safe harbor of the Three Hearts; the Hearts of your Jesus, your mother Mary and daddy Joseph. Here you will find safe refuge from the battle that

rages about you. Here alone will you find true peace. Covered with the mantle of Divine Love you will find rest for your weary soul. My ship will sail safely through the darkest of night, unseen and unheard. It will withstand many storms as it is propelled by the Breath of the Holy Spirit. It has provisions for 3 1/2 years for all My precious remnant- -men, women, children and various animals. The light will come from the Light of Christ and the Spirit's Breath will provide the pure air needed for the entire journey. I invite you, My precious few, to be ready to board at My command. Fear not for it will be smooth sailing even in the roughest of seas. Michael and his legions of Angels are now on standby. All is ready and the darkest hour is approaching very quickly. Watch and pray for Our Father is about to signal His Angels and the trumpets will blast alerting His faithful ones that departure time is upon you." Thursday, August 26, 1999 Louise started to receive a locution from The Lord and said: "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said: "The ship will sail at midnight." It will not dock in familiar waters but in a port where all is new, clean and peaceful. Make ready now for the hour of departure is at hand. Only My own faithful Remnant will be able to understand and discern this statement. PRAY! Your Loving, Merciful Lord

Russia - condition of future of peace. Ref. Our Lady in Fatima

"In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved"...(only?) Our Lady in Fatima "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world"

The Peace in the world depends on Russia's conversion. Our future depends on that. Future including the Start of the Real Space Era that approaches with the encounter of ET, depends on that... God's design for the future of humankind is larger than our minds and surpasses the survival of a handful of faithful during the inevitable catastrophe on planet Earth... Our Lady predicted the future "new heavens and new earths" in other apparitions... In addition to that, pls review the other posts why we suppose Russia will lead the fight against the landing forces of Draco, be they real 3D draconians or only devil-spirits who cannot put a pretty material 666 chip to you. The "human" and the "extraterrestrial" alike can! Your denial won;t help you when you see them tomorrow! Only we will not be here on the planet, to be "thanked for" the warnings! We do not need thanks, we fulfill our mission as inspired by God.

"Go ye into the whole world", in Greek "cosmos" !!!!!

Mark 16:15 And he said to them: Go ye into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned. Douay-Rheims Bible

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Prayers of Dozule

PPT pdf,

No time for fear. No time!

No time other than to focus on God, only God, only God! complete message of Our Lady in Emmitsburg. 17 times the word "focus"

Great Warning messages of Jesus to Mary Jane Even

Dr. Mary Jane Even is called by Jesus "The Precursor of the Warning" read, download
Important Prayers

Novena to Our Lady of Good Success Devotion to Child Jesus, Novena to St Mariana, Chaplet of Our Lady of Good Success. Apparitions of OLOGS, Child Jesus The Rosary of Tears, requested by Our Lady in Sao Jose dos Pinhais prayer told by Jesus to Elizabeth Rosary for the souls in Purgatory, given by Jesus "How to Save Your Soul" prayers by Our Lady
North Korea and Israel with Hydrogen megaton bombs?

North Korea got thermonuclear weapon with

hundreds of kilotons? link 1 link 2 link 3

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