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Meghan DiGerolamo 36. D. Our nation is moving to two societies, one black, one white- separate and unequal.

37. A. Ralph Bunche. 38. A. Democrats lost control of both houses of Congress by majorities bigger than they won in 1964. 39. E. Victory for Robert F Kennedy. 40. D. 1970-1980. 41. C. Kent State massacre. 42. B. Silent majority. 43. E. Henery Kissinger. 44. D. Nixon re-elected. 45. B. ERA. 46. B. Secrecy. 47. E. Buissness Elective. 48. A. Real politic. 49. C. Salvador Allende- Chile. 50. E. Apollo 11 and man on the moon. 51. C. he was in favor of Roe vs Wade. 52. A. McGovern moved too far to the left even for Democrats. 53. B. A colossal miscalculation of the Nixon Administration. 54. C. Gleeful and gloating leaders of the Democratic Party. 55. D. Age. 56. B. The impressive gains of Blacks on the local level. 57. E. Bakke vs UC Board of Regents. 58. D. Hispanics. 59. A. Native Americans.

60. D. The Feminine Mistique. 61. E. NOW. 62. SNCC. 63. A. Phyllis Schafly. 64. C. It was the first time both a President and Vice President had never been elected to office. 65. B. Jimmy Carter. 66. Enviornmental movement. 67. C. Gerald Ford. 68. E. Camp David Accords. 69. Revival of Conservatism. During the 1980 s, the democrats failed to improve their status. In the 1980 election, Carter failed to maintain a positive public opinion and keep the democratic vote. Reagan was a charismatic born again Christian devoted to his values and family. The fundamental revivalism of the time added to the revival of conservatism, making values and morals much more important (Newman and Schmalbach, United States History AP, 642-643). 70. C. Parties were extremely polarized. In the political campaign of 1980, President Carter just barely got the nomination over Senator Edward Kennedy. Ronald Reagan, the former governor of California, came out being a charismatic leader. The parties were very closely related in their views, but because of the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Carter was not going to be reelected (Newman and Schmalbach, United States History AP, 644).

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