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Case study #2 guidelines Two parts: Part 1: Select one theoretical approach from class readings that appeal

to you (example: isomorphism, CSR, immigrants and labor, etc). You should not have covered this in your earlier case study. Briefly describe the approach and identify its strengths and weaknesses. You may reference other sources that you find useful. (Some references are up on BB) .Then, use this theoretical approach to explain some aspect of your organization s behavior/functioning (the same organization that you followed in Paper 1) and provide a critical analysis of the utility of the theory for understanding that behavior/functioning. Part 2: Sydney Finkelstein's book - Why Smart Executives Fail: The book is divided into three parts (Great Corporate Mistakes, Causes of Failure and Learning from Mistakes). Choose any one of these three parts and/or draw from all three of them. Focus on a major corporate mistake or mistakes made by your focal company - organizational and/or executive failures (such as challenging mergers and acquisitions, poor executive decisions etc). Describe what went wrong and why, and how the company rectified its mistakes (or not) and with what consequences. Identify the ways in which the failures you describe relate to class readings and Finkelstein's book (again, you could choose to focus on any one part of the book). Model this part of the paper on any one of the multiple examples provided by Finkelstein. In the event that you find that your company has made no major corporate mistake(s), you may choose any other company that has done so. However, you cannot give an example already described by Finkelstein. Please cite references in text and at the end, labeled under 'References'. Also note: the word limit is between 2500 and 3000 words. Divide the word limit between the two sections. This paper is due on or before December 7th. Late submissions will be marked down half a letter grade per day late. As always, let me know if you have questions etc.

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