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1. PEDIATRIC/CHILDHOOD Based on the statement of the patient, she has not experienced any problems at giving birth by her mother. Ms. MP recalled that during her childhood she has experienced fever, cough and common colds. She also not yet experienced having measles and chickenpox yet.

2. INJURIES AND ACCIDENTS The patient stated that she did not have any major or serious injury during her childhood. She also remembered she had a minor injury at her right arm with about 3 to 4 stitches due to accidentally bumping her arm on a rock when she was a teen.

3. HOSPITALIZATIONS AND OPERATIONS The patient never undergo to any hospital and have neither in any operation

4. IMMUNIZATION The patient cannot recall if he had complete immunizations.

5. ALLERGIES He has no known allergies to any medication but he doesn t want to eat shrimp because his skin and mouth gets itchy.

6. MEDICATIONS The patient stated that she took over- the counter drugs like paracetamol, Neozep and Ibuprofen whenever he got fever, colds and cough. J.F. also takes OTC drugs like Dulcolax 5mg OD. 7. LAST EXAMINATION The patient s last examination was conducted last 2008

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