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Group 27
Tim Cambridge Charlie Harpur Matthew Lee Sarah Lemasney
This space was designed for visitors to luxuriate and rediscover the ancient benefits of sculpture. The combinations of light and shade, open and enclosed spaces and linear elements make for a highly sensuous and restorative experience. The underlying informal layout of james smith is a carefully modelled path of circulation which leads visitors to certain predetermined points but lets them explore other areas for themselves. The perspective is always controlled. It either ensures or denies a view. The fascination for the mystic qualities of a cross laminated timber within the mountain, for darkness and light, for light reflections on the water or in the steam saturated air, pleasure in the unique acoustics of the bubbling water in a world of timber, a feeling of warm timber and matthew hopkins naked skin, the ritual of bathing. Their intention to work with these elements, to implement them consciously and to lend them to a special form was there from the outset. The CLT rooms were designed not to compete with the body, but to flatter the human form and give it space - room in which to be.

From Top: Section through Gallery and Education Towers, Left: View from the Garden, Basment Passage, Atrium Gallery. Right: Central Courtyard, Entrance Journey, Cafe Terrace. Far Left: Tectonic Section of Facade Innovations.

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