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Actions husband can do during L&D 1.Play relaxing music, Water fall sound 2.Good relaxing perfume 3.

Give some pillows for support 4.Show some good picture (imagery) 5.Breathing techniques a.Slow deep breathing b.Face to face breathing/ Breathing with other person c.Fast shallow breathing d.Monkey breathing (1 breath in & 3-5 out) 6.Wash face with wet cloth 7.Give a lot of encouragement You are doing good, Keep up the good work 8.Remind wife to visit restroom frequently 9.Keep changing positions Hands & Knees, Each leg lifted alternately 10.Encourage frequent short walks 11.Massage with tools, Buttock squeeze, Counter pressure 12.Give a squeeze ball 13.Give some sugar cubes before final push 14.Let wife touch & feel babys head. OR carry small mirror to show the head 15.Shower on the back or belly 16.Encourage to make sounds 17.Encourage to let go, and not to fight contractions. 18.Hand and feet massage

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