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Psychology Tutorial Question 3 Explain the function of cell division in determining behaviour? What is the endocrine system?

List the glands of the endocrine system and state their functions. What makes this system relevant to the study of psychology? Cell division is the process by which a parent cell divides into two or more cells. It is usually a segment of a larger cell cycle. In cell division, genes are created and segments of the genes are called chromosomes. Genes are the building blocks of heredity and that is the biological transmissions of traits that have grown from generation to generation. This cell division helps to create our traits as humans The Endocrine System is a collection of ductless glands that regulate growth, sexual development, reproduction, metabolism, moods and certain aspects of behaviour by secreting chemical messengers called hormones. There are approximately eight glands in the endocrine system, the hypothalamus this gland controls the system through the pituitary gland which is the master gland of the endocrine system, this releases a hormone which stimulates the production of hormones such as the growth hormone. The thyroid gland is located below the larynx and this gland regulates the bodys rate of metabolism. The next gland is known as the Adrenal gland and this affects the bodys reaction to stress, it also increase metabolic activity and the acts of an neurotransmitter and increases blood pressure. The Pineal gland in the endocrine system functions by regulating the sleep-wake cycle and is linked with aging. The Pancreas gland allows the body to metabolize sugar and it controls the storage of fats. The other gland is called the Gonands, in men the glands are known as testes and in the woman ovaries, These glands produce testosterone in males and this encourages the development of the males sexual characteristics and is mainly involved in the sex drive and aggressiveness. In the woman, the ovaries regulates the menstrual cycle, promotes the development of the female sex characteristics, and is connected with feelings of welfare/happiness. This system is relevant to psychology seeing that one meaning of psychology is that it is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. The Endocrine system regulates our biological development as human beings, it is the part of our bodies which secretes the hormones that controls our behaviours/moods

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