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Java Programming 1. A) Define the concept of oop s? b) Difference between C++ and Java? c)Explain features of Java?

d)Explain the Structure of Java? 2. a) Explain all the looping and branching statement wigth example? b) Define a class? What is method overloading explain with example? 3. a) i) Define constructor? ii) Define method overloading? b) Define final variable, method and classes? 4. a) Define the concept of Array? Explain the types of array? b) Define the concept of inheritance? Also explain all types inheritance? 5. a) What is an interface? What is the major difference between an interface and a class? b) Give an example where interface can be used to support multiple inheritance? Develop a standalone Java program for the example? 6. a) What is a package? How do we design a package? How do we tell java that we want to use a particular package in a file? b) What is an exception? How do we define a try block and catch block? Is it essential to catch all types of exceptions? 7. a)What is a finally block? When and how it is used? Give a suitable example? b) Define Applet? How applets differ from applications? 8. a) Explain the applet life cycle in detail? b) Write a program to create applet program using the functions?

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