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Toplumsal formasyon

01 ubat 2012 aramba 14:13

F O R M A T I O N, S O C I A L (formation sociale ). [A concept denoting 'society' so-called. L. A.].[*]

The concrete complex whole comprising economic practice, political practice and ideological practice (q.v.) at a certain place and stage of development. Historical materialism is the science of social formations.
Althusser, For Marx, p. 251 It will then be clear that a theory of ideologies depends in the last resort on the history of social formations, and thus of the modes of production combined in social formations, and of the class struggles which develop in them. Althusser deoloji ve Devletin deolojik Aygtlar'ndan, p. ?? [E]very social formation arises from a dominant mode of production, I can say that the process of production sets to work the existing productive forces in and under definite relations of production. Althusser, Lenin and Philosophy, p. 128 [U]nlike social formations characterized by slavery or serfdom this [capitalist B.V. ] reproduction of the skills of labour power tends (this is a tendential law) decreasingly to be provided for 'on the spot' (apprenticeship within production itself), but is achieved more and more outside production: by the capitalist education system, and by other instances and institutions. Althusser, Lenin and Philosophy, p. 132

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